Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 767 - Strong Combination

Chapter 767 - Strong Combination

Chapter 767: Strong Combination

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The Vincent now was also very different from the time of IG. Looking at him, he had matured a lot. Most likely in this one year or so, he had experienced some tough training. His aura was very different.

“Vin is a new student entering the school. He will take over Li Zhilong’s place. The Li family is used to being arrogant in Manalasuo. Who knew that he did not know how to hold back even when he entered the Elite Academy X. Serves him right that he died.” Takumi said. Obviously they were very displeased with the Li family too.

“Welcome, it’s really unexpected. You feel different from the past.” Wang Zheng laughed.

Vincent idolized Wang Zheng a little. His understanding of the Golden Wheel Battle King indeed brought great impact to Vincent. Now he not only could use the Golden Wheel Battle King more familiarly, most importantly, that type of spirit and thinking opened a bright path for Vincent. And he also gained actual approval from his family. The improvement he had made in this one year was indeed very big.

You could see it from the peace and confidence on Vincent’s face.

“Wang Zheng, you are now in Xuan class 1 and can form teams to take part in team battles. Do you have any more vacancies left, the two of us want to join to your team,” Takumi said directly.

Vincent also nodded. “I came here because of you. Actually I do not think that the Elite Academy X is the best place for trials but I want to fight beside you. That will be an extremely interesting thing.”

Wang Zheng was also very happy. Zhang Shan was considered 1 but the others would at most be support or reserves. He really lacked powerful team members and he was not like Lear who could use money to hire people. However he did not expect that before he had a headache, two powerful people showed up.

“You guys really came at the right time. It would also be my wish for you to join, welcome!” Wang Zheng laughed.

Vincent smiled. “See, what did I say, Wang Zheng is a hearty person. You do not need to go in circles talking to him. Wang Zheng, I don’t mind speaking directly, I’m here to defeat you!”

“Then I will look forward to it. I am not afraid of challenges. The stronger the better!”

“That is the best.” The three of them laughed heartily. Takumi explained some situations to Vincent. In this one year plus, Vincent’s Cultivation Technique also made huge progress. During the IG, he was actually still learning the basics. His family was also testing him, to see if he had the qualifications. The result was losing the IG and his results were bad. His family was very displeased but what made them shocked was Vincent who failed seemed to have some sort of change. His spiritual strength increased greatly and naturally he received the family’s focus for development. And his understanding within also shocked his family. They did not understand why a failure would have an even greater improvement than a winner. That focus and that hard work was very different from the past.

Rather than choosing another day, Takumi decided to play host and treat the two of them to supper today.

He understood from Vincent that the debate raised by Li Zhilong’s death was still very big in Manalasuo. The Li family’s opponents rose together to attack them, and publicized Li Zhilong’s deeds on how he acted without considerations, on how he bullied his peers, and even attempted to be disrespectful to an Aslan Princess leading to a diplomatic crisis and many others. They added many details to all these incidents. Once you looked from the perspective of the country, Li Zhilong was nothing. The image of Manalasuo in the Elite Academy X was very important. Even Arbiters would not be so arrogant. This was like destroying Manalasuo’s honor. Hence, they changed their candidate to Vincent. Obviously, Vincent’s status was not low and he was steadier. His ability was very good too and they needed to rebuild Manalasuo’s image in the Elite Academy X.

“How did the two of you meet?” Wang Zheng was very curious too.

Vincent laughed. “We are long time family friends. Actually in the Milky Way Alliance, there are many who have relationships like us. And this relationship most likely came from the Interstellar great voyage era.”

“Shit, do you need to be so cool. Tell me about it.”

Takumi nodded his head. “Actually the so called Interstellar great voyage era started from the Solar System. Human’s Milky Way Era is also known as the ancient martial arts era. Later the secrets of the heavens were locked down. Cultivation Techniques declined and were destroyed together with it. Ancient martial arts were obliterated. But in reality, not only the Solar System retained these techniques but those which participated in the Interstellar great voyage had also preserved their ancient martial arts.”

“Actually most of the big families now came from the ancient martial arts families. If not they wouldn’t have the ability to go through the Interstellar great voyage. And some families continued their practice, like both our families, even though we are in different countries.”Vincent laughed.

Wang Zheng finally understood. The so called destruction of these techniques was not as easy as it seemed. After all, ancient martial arts prevailed throughout a whole era. Even if its power was reduced to the lowest, it would be preserved and one day it would rise up again. To those powerful ancient martial arts families, using the form of Interstellar voyage to escape from the political winds was undoubtedly the best choice. Today no one would care about what happened in the past. Being powerful was of overriding importance.

Arbiter was also a typical representative and probably the country with the best operations.

On the contrary, Solar System, the place of origin, was completely robbed of their martial arts heritage, which was really ridiculous.

“Wang Zheng, which family do you belong to?” Vincent took the initiative to ask.

Wang Zheng shrugged his shoulders. “I’m on my own. I don’t belong to any family. It’s just by chance that I got a cultivation technique.”

Vincent and Takumi looked at each other, obviously full of doubt. But looking at Wang Zheng, he did not seem to be lying.

“We’re also just asking casually. It doesn’t matter. Come, bottoms up, here’s to wishing our team a great and bright future!” Takumi said.

Actually it was enough to make sure that Wang Zheng had a Cultivation Technique. As for what family it belonged to and what it represented, that was something to think of in the future. Anyway, it was more fun than being with Lear.


Until now, those killing to seal secrets had already long lost their meaning. If no one said anything, then there was no necessity. This was after all an era dominated by ability X, Cultivation Techniques were just considered as support, which meant that it only had a boosting effect of 10% to 20%.

“Wang Zheng, how many people do you have in your team now?”

“After adding the two of you, just right. I have the basic core team already. Plus Zhang Shan and Snow Li.”

“Snow Li is in too?” Vincent said. He was a little surprised.

“You guys know each other?”

“We’ve seen each other before during IG. A big beauty from the Hail Cloud Alliance. She left a deep impression on me.” Vincent said.

“Takumi would naturally be in the tank position. Zhang Shan would be the main scout. Vin, I still need to do a little coordinating between you and Snow Li. Anyways, I will fill in the rest of the positions.” Wang Zheng said.

“You are definitely the main fighter.” Vincent said. “I won’t fight with you on this.”

Wang Zheng shook his head. “Actually it doesn’t matter. In the Academy, it is good for us to adapt to each position.”

This was looking at the big picture. Some people might be eager to be in the limelight, but in fact, there was nothing more suitable than the Academy to experience various styles. Of course, they must still choose a course that was suitable for themselves and train mainly in that direction. Once they graduated, there would not be many times where they could have whatever position they wanted. They must coordinate with the team, of course, ultimately that depended on their strength too.

Anyway no one would fight with Takumi for the tank position. Takumi also advanced to the Black Tortoise Xuan class 1. He and Hu Kan were people who were highly sought after. After all, members with good defenses were important.

Similarly Lear was also planning for this matter. In fact, Lear began preparing long ago, and even used his relations with the teachers. He wanted to form a strong team for the Black Tortoise Academy, hence Hu Kan had already decided to join him.

Lear’s invitation was quite up to standard, asking Hu Kan to be the leader, but arranging someone at the side to say otherwise. Hu Kan lost and Lear got first place, preserving the face of Black Tortoise. Looking at Lear, he was so modest. He was willing to sacrifice and prioritize righteousness. This was a real man.

After drinking some alcohol, and after a few provocations, Hu Kan patted his chest and on the spot declared that he did not care about the leader’s position. He just wanted to fight for the glory of Black Tortoise. Hence, Lear became the leader.

As for Lear’s incident, there was also a new version to it. Lear was sneak-attacked by a group of people from Manalasuo. After all, it was unexpected that a good classmate would suddenly be so vicious. This reflected Lear’s character. As for Li Zhilong, he had long become an insidious and shameless character. This formed a great contrast with Lear which greatly benefitted him.

After Hu Kan’s strong addition, it was much easier for Lear to recruit other powerful people.

It was actually quite tragic for Hu Kan. Because of his defeat at the Elites competition, it meant that he lost all his previous privileges. And whether he could advance to the Earth Grade was another big question. Even if Hu Kan himself did not want to admit in his heart, but the Academy would not think that way. He most probably needed to prove himself again.

As for Achilles and Lie Xin, both of them had their own ways. There was only one thing. Both of them had their own paths, they would not take the path of Wang Zheng or Lear. This was the Solar System Federation. In fact, speaking of it, it did have a level of grandness.

Recently, Huiyin followed him quite closely. When she had nothing to do, she would always find Wang Zheng and Wang Zheng also could not reject her. It was just that the matter on Li Zhilong was settled. It was also quite rare to have such reckless people like Li Zhilong in the Academy.

Rumors were spreading around campus, rumors that Princess Huiyin admired Wang Zheng a lot and seemed to be interested in asking Wang Zheng to join Aslan.

Her royal highness liking the ancient civilization of the Earth was not a weird thing. She favored Wang Zheng naturally because of the abilities that Wang Zheng had shown off. Everyone was envious. Of course, some people from those big countries or families did not care about the Aslan identity. But being valued by the princess was always something to be proud of.

Just that, to Wang Zheng, it was just not a good thing.

“Huiyin, let’s discuss something, ok?” Wang Zheng was having a little headache facing the excited Huiyin who wanted to follow him to watch him train. josei

With Huiyin around, he could not train openly. If he was like this, other people would most probably be the same. If they lose their concentration, there would not be effective.

“Discuss, Brother Wang Zheng, what do you want to discuss with Huiyin?” Lin Huiyin looked at Wang Zheng with her big puppy eyes. Her face was so sincere, and seemed to have the meaning that you have the heart to reject me?

“Ahem, don’t you have a top battle team in Aslan? Actually our team has just been formed, and there’s not much structure. If you want to watch some high quality ones, you should look at your Alumni.”

Wang Zheng could only try to get Huiyin to go off using indirect ways.

Lin Huiyin pouted. “Are you saying that I’m useless? That I only know how to create trouble...”

Wang Zheng quickly waved his hands. “No, that’s not what I meant. If you are willing to go, everyone would be very happy. I just think that as a princess, you should care about your country’s team. I’m worried that this would affect you badly.”

Lin Huiyin linked her arms with Wang Zheng’s arms. When there was no one around, she loved to do this. “Brother Wang Zheng is the best!”

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