Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 796 - Dilemma

Chapter 796 - Dilemma

Chapter 796: Dilemma

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The heavy atmosphere didn’t disappear with the cuteness of Ke Ai. Wang Zheng and Snow Li had settled down a little. After listening to what Snow Li had said, Wang Zheng had not expected the task to be so steep. He was surprised at the number of pirates that entered Aisbotan.

“You were saying that all these were the doings of the Cronode Family?”

“This was the conjecture of Xiaolu but it shouldn’t be far from it. Currently, the other three teams have been controlled by the pirates and Ice Spear City is also in their hands. Wang Zheng, what should we do?” Snow Li was carrying the Ke Ai and was looking at Wang Zheng helplessly. At this moment, she really couldn’t come up with any solution. To her, the thousand over mecha and a complete column were a desperate situation for her.

“Wang Zheng, where have you been? Everyone was really worried about you.” Snow Li also knew that this was beyond the abilities of Wang Zheng and herself.

Wang Zheng narrated the general situation once and only said that he was lost. He had not expected to encounter the pirates attacking a city.

“Bartley is dead?”

Snow Li was dumbfounded. That infamous pirate had died in Wang Zheng’s hands!

Although he had defeated Heaven previously, that way of fighting wasn’t direct. Moreover, Aisbotan didn’t had the same conditions as Tita Star and Bartley even had guards. Snow Li felt that she could no longer see through Wang Zheng. How strong was he?

Nonetheless, she was just like a little kid in front of him.

Is there any ways for us to know about the situation in Ice Spear City?” Wang Zheng felt that he should start from here.

Snow Li was also feeling helpless. Both of their mecha were in half-handicapped conditions. This was just like being a skilled person without the proper tools.

With that puny defense of Ice Spear City, it wouldn’t be able to withstand a mecha column’s attacks without them. They didn’t know if the pirates were massacring the city or had other intentions now. Nonetheless, they seemed to be helpless.

Just when they were trying to understand the situation, the noise of advancing mecha could be heard coming from afar. They ran towards a snow mountain to observe and soon saw a small mecha section heading towards them in a search and defence formation.

Wang Zheng and Snow Li were intending to hide when they find these events to be a little familiar. The people who were coming towards them were Cai Yingmeng and the rest. They had run for a while but felt they were too wimpy. In the end, they still decided to return and search.

“It’s Snow Li’s mech!”

After discovering the completely damaged Ice Wolf V of Snow Li, the 9 of them had hardened. It’s over...

“Stop stoning, we have to save her!” Cai Yingmeng quickly opened the cabin’s door and jumped out of the mech. He ran to the front of the badly damaged mech.

The pilot cabin was destroyed. However, there weren’t any blood trails. Wait! These were trails of humans. Moreover, there were two of them. The slimmer footprint should be Snow Li’s. The other belonged to....

Cai Yingmeng turned around abruptly and saw two figures from far.

“Wang Zheng!!! You are still alive!!!”

Instantly, the eyes of Cai Yingmeng turned teary. It was as though he had seen the final ray of hope from the Pandora’s Box.

“What are you doing? Snow Li, are you... alright? Where are the ice beasts?” josei

Growl? The Ke Ai jumped out from Snow Li’s back once it heard people calling the ice beast. A pair of huge black and blurry eyes was staring at Cai Yingmeng. What was this? Could this be eaten? He seemed to be similar to mummy. Can I eat him?

Let’s have a taste of him?

The thinking of the Ke Ai was still pure. The way it judged things was only if it could or couldn’t be eaten.

“The imaginary ice beasts!!!” Cai Yingmeng’s reaction was very intense. In Aisbotan, this was the most terrifying life form. When compared with the humans, they were the real rulers of this planet.

“Don’t be alarmed. This is Ke Ai. Ke Ai, these people are with us, remember them well.”

Cai Yingmeng blinked her eyes and also felt that she had overreacted. She was extremely surprised. Could it be that Snow Li had tamed the ice beasts within a short period of time and even snatched their kid as pet?

However, after taking a few glances at Ke Ai, the gaze of this little one still send a chill down his spine. “Is it trying to bite me?”

“Call it Ke Ai.” said Wang Zheng with a smile as he patted on the shoulders of Cai Yingmeng. Through the Icy Yuan Qi, he could feel a part of Ke Ai’s thoughts. It really wanted to bite him. Obviously, it was just a pure thought of wanting to try biting and not that it had seen Cai Yingmeng as food.

As this point, the rest had also come down from the mecha and were looking at Ke Ai curiously. They also looked at Snow Li and Wang Zheng curiously. They had many questions. However, now was clearly not the right time to ask about these questions.

Everyone couldn’t understand what had happened to Wang Zheng. The key thing was that Snow Li and Wang Zheng were both fine. However, the current situation still gave the students a headache. The pressing issue wasn’t about saving the Ice Spear City now. Without supplies, they would starve to death in the icy world.

At this point, everyone looked to Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng had become the core strength that everyone could rely on.

In any war, regardless of the scale, the amount of information one party hold could decide the direction of victory or defeat.

“Samo, is there still no news from Redington’s and Shien’s side?” Snow Li had also recovered by this point.

Samo was the communication and network genius. He was also from the Hail Cloud Alliance and had a good relationship with Snow Li in their alumni club. He was a genius in supporting others.

“I can confirm that they have been captured. We are now the only team left. We might not even be considered as a team.” Samo said with a forced smile. “Wang Zheng, the most pressing thing now is to survive before talking about it.”

Wang Zheng shook his head. “You are an expert in electronics. Do you have any way to contact the external world?”

“They are using the KS Miluo Shielding System. They definitely have someone planted within the Milky Way Alliance. I believe that the Milky Way Alliance must have noticed it by now. However, we wouldn’t be able to contact the external world unless we have the password. The password must be in the hands of the upper management of the pirates.” What Samo meant was that it would already not be easy to survive now. Would they still be interested to gain a profit by risking their lives further?

Wang Zheng smiled. He wasn’t familiar with all these. However, he replied “What if I gave you the Skylink of the leader of the pirates? What could you do with it?”


Samo choked on his saliva. “If he had used his sSylink for the highest authorisation communication, I could find the password from it. In other words, we could bypass their lockdown and contact with anyone...”

“We shall do that then.”

Cai Yingmeng and the rest saw Wang Zheng threw a Skylink into the hands of Samo. Everyone was blinking their eyes. Could this be...?

“Wang Zheng, could this Skylink belong to...”

“It’s Bartley’s Skylink.”

“How did you get your hands on it?” Cai Yingmeng felt that he was dreaming. How could the leader of the pirates, the one who killed without blinking and the one who was the mastermind of the slaughtering cities be so careless?

Wang Zheng smiled and replied. “This guy is dead together with his close guards. However, only this Skylink still had some value. His body has broken into pieces. I had originally wanted to use him to exchange for hostages.”

“It really is Bartley’s Skylink...” Samo made the conclusion. He had already broken through the password at the surface level of the Skylink. Inside it, there was Barley’s selfie album with a total of 581 photos. To be so in love with selfie when he was so ugly, he really must have a brave heart or he wouldn’t be able to do so.

That would mean that Bartley and his close guards were... finished?!!

Everyone broke into cheers. Having an Earth Grade master around was like having a huge mountain weighing down on everyone. The other teammates started to be invigorated. They could finally see hope.

Samo was also feeling very emotional. “I have found the authorization password. However, this was a changing password and would change once every 20 seconds. I would still need time to break through the random password generating device. However, through the Skylink, I can already intercept the information of the pirates in Ice Spear City.”

Samo’s hands were moving very quickly and had sent the information intercepted from Bartley’s Skylink to Snow Li’s and Wang Zheng’s Skylink.

Most of the pirates were still occupying the Ice Spear City and had withdrawn into a passive defensive state. The space fleet of the Hail Cloud Alliance had finally arrived on Aisbotan. It was too late for the pirate crew to run even if they wanted to.

If Bartley had left at the first instance, they would already be wandering around leisurely. However, not only was Bartley dead now, the whole pirate crew was just like a sitting duck now. It was just that they still had large number of hostages in their hand with heavyweight hostages like Ai Xiaolu and Shien as bargaining chips.

The space fleet of Hail Cloud Alliance and the pirates had engaged in battle and the situation was austere.

Not only was the Hail Cloud Alliance enraged, the incident had already become a big thing through the Milky Way Alliance. If this was not handled well, it would become a scandal of Hail Cloud Alliance and caused it to be shamed internationally. They had received news that the entire Tank City had been slaughtered. This was definitely a murder case. In fact, the Milky Way Alliance no longer had any other options. The pirates had requested them to open up a sailing route for them to leave but this request would definitely not be accepted by Hail Cloud Alliance.

If this group of pirates were to leave, Hail Cloud Alliance would become the “turtle” in the eyes of others in the future. Therefore they had to capture all the pirates. The question was the pirates not only had large amount of citizens in their hands. They even had Ai Xiaolu and Shien Cronode, the two successors to their family in the future.

It was especially so for Ai Xiaolu. The Ai Financial Group had expended all their resources to groom this successor over the years.

Hail Cloud alliance was forced into a dilemma.

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