Temporary Husband: The Pregnant Wife Runs Away

Chapter 83 - Need a Hand?

Chapter 83 - Need a Hand?

When Xingyun saw it, he stood up. He swiftly pushed Tang Xin away, made every effort to grasp Lu Xin’s murderous hands, and shouted to Tang Xin, “Xinxin, go!”

“Xingyun, please let me go. I will kill her. If she dies, no one will come between us.” Lu Xin struggled ferociously.

“You are ill! I won’t let you hurt her again, especially in front of me! “Blood was flowing out, and Gu Xingyun was too weak to speak, but he still refused to let go.

“Then, don’t blame me!” Lu Xin did not want it to end this like this; with all her strength, she pushed Gu Xingyun away.

Gu Xingyun was injured and exhausted, so he was pushed easily. At the same time, Tang Xin took a big stone in her hand and hit Lu Xin hard on the forehead. Lu Xin wanted to stab her with the knife, but the knife slipped from her hand and fell to the ground as she went down.

Tang Xin threw away the stone in her hand, and hurriedly ran to help Gu Xingyun. “How are you, senior? I’ll carry you out. ”

“Xinxin, don’t cry, I’m fine.” Gu Xingyun sat up with her help. He wiped away the tears she began to shed and comforted her, “Are you scared? You were brave. ”

“It’s because of me that you get hurt. No one has been so caring for me since childhood! Thank you, senior! “Perhaps she was really frightened, the strong Tang Xin hugged Gu Xingyun and cried.

Gu Xingyun’s heart moved, he pushed her away gently, looked at her face-to-face, and said sincerely, “After this, let me take care…”

“It seems the game is over!” The sudden voice interrupted Gu Xingyun.

Tang Xin turned to her with a shudder. Li Yunshen walked toward her steadily; his face was cold as frost. He was followed by Wen Xi and some people in silver uniforms.

It wasn’t until he strode right in front of them that she realized that she forgot to respond. Stupefied, she let him pull her from the ground into his arms.

“Xin’er, the game is over, isn’t it?” Li Yunshen lifted her hand to wipe away the tears on her face.

Tang Xin looked at him with big, tearful eyes. It was the first time that he called her so intimately, but her hair stood up.

He knows!

He knew she wasn’t sick!

Or, he always knew!!

After some time, Tang Xin remembered Gu Xingyun’s injury.

Her little hand held him tightly, and she pleaded, “he’s hurt. Help him!”

“Why should I?” Li Yunshen looked at Xingyun with a deep sneer.

Gu Xingyun said weakly, “Xinxin, don’t ask him, I am fine.”

Fine? You’re almost dead!

Tang Xin ignored Gu Xingyun’s request. She grabbed Li Yunshen’s hand anxiously and pleaded, “because… because he hurt himself to save me. ”josei

But she immediately regretted it after saying the reason. How could Li Yunshen help her because Gu Xingyun saved her? She was nothing in his heart!

Tang Xin pushed the arm around her waist, came to Gu Xingyun, and said, “Senior, I’ll bring you out, hold on a little.”

Li Yunshen felt the sudden emptiness in his arms. Looking at the slim body wanting to hold up a tall man, Li Yunshen became slightly annoyed.

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