Tempting Fate

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

48 Chapter 48: New Neighbor

“You’re still smiling, even though you know I’m jealous.”

Emy couldn’t help but giggle after she heard that word from Reed. If Reed was jealous, did that mean it was loving her? Should she assume?

“I’m not smiling.” Emy said, then she walked out of Reed’s office before he could touch her again.

Emy immediately closed the door and hurried down the stairs. As she descended, she noticed that Avery and Jasmin were looking at something. Emy walked over to her table and dropped the folder on her table and she glimpsed what Jasmin and Avery were looking at. A beautiful woman is crouched in front of their mini model house and she looks at that. Emy looked at Avery and Jasmin, then she approached the two.

“Why don’t you approach her?” Emy asked.

The two looked at Emy. “Well, Miss Emy, you’re the one she wants to entertain her.” said Avery. “She kept asking if who is Emy and when we say we’re not you, she turns her back on us.”

“Me?” Emy asked, then looked at the woman. Emy slowly approached the woman. “Ah, hi, Ma’am ...”

The woman turned to Emy. The woman didn’t smile, and she looked at her from head to toe. She even turned around to look at Emy’s whole body. Emy left the woman. In dress and demeanor, she looks like she comes from a wealthy family.

Emy smiled. “How can I help you, Ma’am?”


“I want a house beside yours.” said Eve.

“Beside my house?” Emy asked.

“Yeah.” said Eve. Eve walked closer to the mini house again. “A house on the left side.”

Emy was stunned for a moment. There is even a vacancy on the left side of Reed’s house because Devin bought the one on the right. Later, Reed came down and sat down next to Emy with both hands in his pockets.

“Have you chosen your house yet?” Reed asked.

Emy turned to Reed, and Avery and Jasmin looked at Reed. Eve noticed that everyone was looking at Reed. Eve approached Reed and then stroked Reed’s cheek with one finger. Emy looked at Reed, no reaction on his face. Emy couldn’t believe it. To the beautiful and sexy woman in front of Reed, he had no reaction at all. As if it was just a normal thing.

“Stop doing that, before I forget, you’re a woman.” said Reed.

Emy was surprised by what Reed said. Reed looked at Emy. “Wifey”

Avery and Jasmin looked at each other. Only now did they hear that Reed’s called Emy a Wifey.

“She’s Eve.” Reed said to Emy, then he brought his face close to Emy’s ear. “She’s a demon, the lust princess.”

Emy was stunned and looked at the woman. Eve frowned at Emy. “Well, as you can see, the king is playing hard to get. But I did not despair. You know, even demons know how to have hopes.” said Eve.

‘Playing hard to get? Does that mean Reed doesn’t really pay attention to her?’ Emy thought. ‘With this delicate woman? Nothing really?’

Reed chuckled. “I told you I don’t want you to look at me like that anymore...”

Devin entered the building, smiling. It approached Emy, Reed, and Eve. Jasmin and Avery just stared. They are confused. Even Emy was confused.

“Well, what is this? A gathering? Why are you here, Eve?” Devin asked.

“Ah, Mr Roberts...” said Emy.

“Mr. Roberts?” Eve chuckled. “That sucks ..”

Devin looked at Emy. “Hi, Emy. Are my papers okay? ”

“Y-yeah. It’s okay now.” said Emy.

“What the hell are you two up to, huh?” Reed asked.

Avery, Jasmin, and Emy were even more confused. Eve raised her hand and out of there the black trend, it flew closer to Jasmin and Avery, entered their ears and a moment later, they lost consciousness. Emy immediately approached the two friends as they fell to the floor.

“Don’t be too worried, they just fell asleep.” said Eve.

Emy looked at Eve. “Wifey, come here.” Reed said.

Emy stood up and approached Reed. Emy stared at Reed. “Are you also....” Emy asked.

“I am.” said Devin. “If I’m not I can’t help you.”

Eve turned to Devin. “Helped? A demon like us is helping humans? Seriously?” Eve asked. “First Reed. He is protecting a low level human and now you are?”

“Yes, why?” Devin asked.

“Anyway, Wifey.” Reed said. “Devin is my cousin. And he’s a prince. ”

“What?” Emy asked in shock. A prince, a princess and a king are beside her. Demon royalties are in front of her.

“I want you not to trust them.” said Reed.

“And why not?” Devin asked. “What you shouldn’t trust is Eve, Emy. You know why?” Emy shook her head. “She might crawl on Reed while you’re sound asleep.”

Emy was stunned for a moment. Eve smirked. “So what? Will you sell the house next to yours, Reed? ”

“Why do you have to live in this world?” Reed asked.

“Emy, let’s bring your friends. Let’s bar hopping. ” said Eve.


Emy sat next to Reed while Eve and Devin were on the other side. They were in the same bar, and Emy didn’t even include Avery and Jasmin. What they know is that Devin and Eve are their clients, so they can’t bond with them.

“Hey, queenie, why don’t you drink?” Eve asked.

Emy glanced at Reed. What she remembers is that the last time she drank she became so aggressive so Reed. That incident was embarrassing, so she didn’t want to repeat it.

“I’m getting bored. What if... ” said Eve.

“Don’t you ever make a mess, Eve, if you don’t want to take you back to the realm.” said Reed.

Eve laughed. “Why would I make a mess?” said Eve. “Devin is your guard. That likes to make trouble. ”

“Why don’t you just look for your victim?” Devin asked.

Eve stood up. “Even if you don’t say I will.” Eve walked quickly closer to the people dancing in the middle of the dance floor.

Devin also stood up. “Where are you going?” Reed asked.

“Do I really have to say goodbye, my king?” Devin asked.

“Fine. Have fun as long as you don’t make a mess.” said Reed.

“Look who’s talking.” Devin said, then quickly walked away from their table.

Reed looked at Emy. He noticed that Emy was drinking a lot. He grabbed the bottle Emy was holding.

“Give me that.” said Reed.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.” said Emy.

Emy turned to Reed. Her face was red and her eyes were bulging. Reed remembers when Emy was first drunk. He was just thinking about that, but he already felt the throb of his rod.

“Don’t get drunk. Maybe later you’ll rape me.” said Reed.

Emy ignored Reed’s joke. Instead she looked at Eve in the distance. It was already dancing with men.

“Why are you harsh with her?” Emy asked. josei

Reed turned to Eve, then looked back at Emy. “Why not? She’s a bitch. ”

“Tsk, I don’t know if I’m just drunk or if I heard right.” said Emy.

“Stop drinking. Better yet, let’s just dance.” said Reed.

“I don’t want to dance. It’s embarrassing.” Emy said, then leaned her body on the backrest of the leather couch she was sitting on.

Reed smirked, then drank a beer. “Humans, it’s easy for people like you to get drunk.” said Reed.

“If Mr Roberts...” said Emy.

“Devin. Call him Devin.” said Reed.

“Okay, Devin, cousin. Eve, what is she?” Emy asked.

“She’s my responsibility.” said Reed. “She’s like a sister to me.”

“So no matter what she does, you felt nothing?” Emy asked.

Reed didn’t answer. He was just staring at Emy. Reed looked at Emy’s hand as she mimicked what Eve had done to him earlier. With one finger, Emy stroked Reed’s cheek. Those thousands of volts of electricity that came from Emy’s skin to him. Emy almost strained to open her eyes.

“You’re not feeling anything?” Emy asked.

“There is.” said Reed.

“Really?” Emy asked. “Why didn’t you feel anything while Eve did that to you?”

“Because she’s not you.” said Reed. “Do you know you brought how many thousands of volts of electricity to my whole body today?”

“Hmmmm, a lot?” Emy asked.

Reed brought his face close to Emy’s, then he pulled out his tongue and licked her lip, then turned his face closer to Emy’s ear.

“I want to devour you now, Wifey.” said Reed.


Emy moaned. Reed’s voice was so seductive in her ear she could feel her blood flowing all over her body. She felt the throb of her lower half. She accidentally bit her other lower lip.

“Damn it, Wifey... are you seducing me?” Reed asked. He’s restraining himself from claiming Emy. He could have done that in that place without other humans knowing, but Emy was not that kind of woman. Reed must claim her in a private place until she cannot walk.

“Okay, so will you make out here?” Devin asked. He drank a beer and looked at Emy and Reed.

“Will you watch over our princess first and my queen will do something important for us?” Reed asked.

“Nope, I saw something after I could stay awake. And I’m not here to watch over a reprimanded princess.” Devin said, then quickly left.

Soon, Eve returned and was accompanied by a man. “I’ve been busy the whole night, Reed. So don’t disturb me, okay?” said Eve.

Before Reed could answer, Eve walked quickly with the man. Reed turned to Emy. It was already lying on the sofa while hugging the beer.

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