Tempting Fate

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

63 Chapter 63: The Demon Realm

Maria and Emy are walking through a dark area. But it was more than Emy thought it would be. She seems to be in the old era, where there are no buildings and there is a lot of space for trees and plants to grow. The sky is dark, and sometimes lightning strikes make it look red. She also looked at their rough road. In the distance, she can see a huge black castle that looks like it belongs in a fairy tale.

Emy notices that the air smells strange. She found it hard to breathe. Maria turned to her when she suddenly stopped walking.

“Are you okay, my queen?” Maria asked.

Emy grabbed her neck because it was hard for her to breathe. She could tell how much air she was taking in with each breath.

“I- I can’t.... I can’t breathe .. ” said Emy.

Maria went up to Emy. She let out black smoke from her hand, and as soon as she did, she whispered into the air.

Emy grabbed Maria’s arm.

On the same night, Reed was at the library. He has been reading a book written by his mother for a few months. He has learned a lot that he can use in the human world, but there’s nothing he can use to cross the portal without the help of someone on the other side. Reed took a sip of the wine and moved toward the window. He drank again when a message from Maria came to him.



Reed quickly put down the wine glass, it fell to the ground outside the window and he teleported to the outside of the castle. He doesn’t know where Emy and Maria are. When Maria was with Emy, he was aware that teleportation would be more difficult for her. Teleportation isn’t allowed in their realm when there are other beings around. That was something that he had read in a book that his mother had authored.

After a few seconds, he saw Maria. Emy, who looked like she was asleep, was carried on its back. He ran toward Maria right away.

“What went wrong? How did you get here? ” Reed asked as he took Emy from Maria.

“My King, first aid must be given to the queen. She fell asleep because she couldn’t breathe.” Maria said.

Reed and Maria both ran quickly toward the huge gate of Reed’s palace. His soldiers quickly open the gate and they immediately went in. Everyone he meets is surprised, even King Eldron, who doesn’t understand what’s going on and decides to follow Maria and Reed.

Reed carefully placed Emy in his bed. He tried to listen to Emy’s heartbeat by placing his ear to her chest, but he was unable to hear her pulse.

“She’s not breathing!” Reed said to his father.

“Right now, call a mage,” Eldron said.

The servants of the former king followed his orders right away. Reed was looked at by Mary and Eldron. Reed put his two hands on Emy’s chest and pumped her chest. He then blew air into the girl’s mouth. Reed did that more than once. Eldron looked over at Mary.

“What went wrong? Who is that lady?” Eldron asked Mary.

Mary gave Eldron a quick look. “She is the chosen queen,” Maria said.

Eldron said as his eye grew wider. “What did you say? She’s the queen Reed chose?” Eldron took another look at the woman who was still asleep.

Eldron took Emy’s hand and saw that it was getting black. Eldron let out black smoke, which he used to cover Emy’s mouth and nose. Reed suddenly stopped and looked at his father.

“Reed, what are you doing? Why don’t you use your power to make your queen breathe?” Eldron asked.

Reed was about to answer when Emy woke up and gasped some air. When she turned around and saw Reed, she sat up in bed.

“Wifey!” Reed hugged Emy.

When Mary saw that the mage called by the former king Eldron had arrived, she informed everyone.

While the mage checked on her, Emy told them what happened and why she was with Maria when they went through the portal. She noticed that the old man looked like Reed’s father, but he didn’t know for sure. The old man who looks like a hermit helps her breathe in that world. She found that the air in the area didn’t have oxygen to be breathed in. This meant that she or someone like her couldn’t be in that area. Demons can breathe any kind of air, which makes it easy for them to adjust to a new place or world.

“Do you realize how risky that was?” Eldron asked.

Emy looked at Eldron and then nodded her head slightly. “I’m sorry, I was worried about Reed and didn’t think for myself.”

“See how unique my queen is?” Reed said.

Emy looked at Reed. “Father?”

“Ah, Wifey, he used to be the King he is King Eldron,” Reed said. “He’s my father.”

Emy’s eyes got bigger, and she turned around to look at the old man again. “Hello, Sir, My name is Emy....”

“She is my chosen queen,” Reed said.

The wizard who was there was surprised by what he heard. He looked at Emy and saw something in her. ‘That’s impossible..’

Eldron smiled. “It’s nice to meet you as well.” josei

“Don’t worry about the queen. She can breathe in this world for a short time, but not for long. “I’ll be back in two days,” the mage said.

“There’s no need since we’ll be back in her world before lunch tomorrow,” Reed said. “Rest now.”

“I’ll take him,” Maria told them as she looked at the Mage, and then she went up to him. When Emy saw this, she immediately held the Mage’s hand.

“Oh, I’m so grateful that you helped me,” Emy said. “Thank you so much.”

The old wizard looked at her and smiled slightly. Emy let go of the Mage’s hand and Maria and he went outside the room. Eldron looked at Emy and Reed.

“I think it’s a call of small celebration I’ll ask the kitchen staff to prepare a good meal for breakfast,” Eldron said.

“Thanks, Dad, that would be great,” Reed said.

As Eldron went out of the room Emy stood up and walked in. Reed looked at her. Reed immediately waved his hand and then quickly locked the door to the room. When he walked up to her, she was looking out the window.

Emy couldn’t believe she could see huge forests and mountains from the window, but she couldn’t enjoy it because the sky was dark. Reed moved his hand from one shoulder to the other. Reed kissed the back of Emy’s neck, and she moan.

“Sweetheart, I miss you... I can’t remember when I saw you last. It has been a month...” Reed whispered.

Emy turned around and faced Reed. “Really? You missed me?”

“Yeah. During that month, I couldn’t sleep at night. I feel like something is missing, and I can’t be happy with it. You know, I feel like I’ve been sleeping on a rock for a whole month? When I’m with you, on the other hand, I feel like I’m in the clouds and almost don’t want to get up. I don’t understand why.”

Emy looked at Reed for a few seconds. She couldn’t believe Reed said that. Reed didn’t hesitate to tell her what he feels though there was an obvious confusion on her face. Emy knew what that meant, even though he had no idea what that feeling was about. Reed saw that Emy couldn’t hide the smile on her lips.

“Did what I said to make you laugh at me?” Reed asked with a frown.

“No. I’m just glad you told me that. You don’t know how much what you said thrilled me.” Emy said. “The sensation of an uncontrollable butterfly in my stomach. It’s a bright, cheery shade.”

“I believe...” Reed said that he then pressed his body against Emy’s body. “We have to get back the time we spent apart.”

Emy put her hand on top of Reed’s shoulder. “Then show me how much you missed me,” Emy said as she bit her lower lip. She intently does this to seduce Reed and she succeeded.

Reed kissed her in a way that made her feel like he owned her. Reed’s violent kiss on Emy was exacerbated by her reflexive response to Reed’s kiss. In the pit of her stomach, she felt an ember of longing.

“Crap, Wifey. I want you now... ” Reed spoke quietly in between kisses.

Reed’s kiss restored the sensation of a full mouth to her. He tightened his grip on Emy’s waist, and she felt it stiffen. Like an addictive drug, she was swiftly driven insane by the sensation of being aroused by his passionate touch. Eventually, she could feel the yearning flowing throughout her whole body as the moist heat between her thighs intensified. When Reed kissed her, she began to feel a tingling sensation. It seemed as though the moment he placed his tongue in her mouth, her blood began to flame. He hadn’t kissed like that in a while.

With his hand sliding down to her buttock, Reed slammed into her. He grabbed her buttocks and dragged her firmly against his moving hips. As if by magic, a powerful sensation of femininity flooded her veins as hundreds of volts of electricity poured through her body at once.

Emy just couldn’t stop moaning. “Reed...” she whispered to him. “Claim me..”

His eyes were brimming with lust. His tongue was buried in her mouth for many seconds before he pulled it out and nipped her bottom lip again. Reed had just taken her dress off and her bra and thrown them aside. As quickly as a split second, Reed’s two hands were on each of her breasts. He shoved her against the wall. When her huge, round globes were pinched by his large hands, she couldn’t help but moan in pleasure. His lips took the place of his heated fingers in a matter of seconds.

It was Reed’s actions that made Emy feel like she was about to pass out again. While he continued sucking her left nip, she felt dizzy and weak from the pleasure she was experiencing. She thought she was going to faint since he seemed like a baby sucking her nip and searching for milk. She was being devoured by the searing pleasure of his wicked lips.

“Oh, hell Wifey. I want to impregnate you tonight...” Reed said and then flipped Emy now, he is now standing behind her back. He immediately removed his pants and flung them somewhere. Emy can see her clothing all over the floor. Emy also caught a glimpse of Reed undressing. He threw his clothes in a distance.

Reed’s hands are on Emy’s waist. He held her tightly and he placed his stiffness at her entrance.

“Wifey...” Reed muttered.

With a single strong shove, he sank his length into her. He was sweltering and thick in her womb. he sat back and placed his head down to her neck, panting, as he bent over. As he exerted more pressure on her, her supple skin tightened around his lanky limb. Emy tightened her grip on his hardness. Her hips pushed back against Reed’s back every time he made a strong assertion in her. They were doing this crazy dance together, and she was grumbling. Reed’s fingernail was cutting into her flesh as he tightened his grasp on her hip. She was getting closer to the intense pleasure that surged into her womb, and she felt like she was nearly passing out. Her pulse pounded and she felt a rush of pleasure as a result of his every strong stab.

Reed threw a brutal and strong stab. “Oohhh!” Emy growled.

“You’re squeezing me hard. I can feel you ..” Reed said in a low voice. “You’re getting closer and tighter around me. Do you have any idea how good that is?” Reed’s stab got faster and then slowed down. He was able to make her gasp for air. “I want you to have my heir, Wifey,” he said.

Emy was surprised when Reed suddenly lifted her. She quickly wrapped both of her legs around Reed’s hips. She didn’t think that doing that would make her feel Reed’s length so deeply. They both moan in pleasure. Emy noticed that she was already on the bed, but Reed kept pumping her as his face went deeper into her neck. With both hands, he messed with Reed’s hair. With a few strong thrusts, they reached the climax, which shook their world like a strong earthquake.

“Ooh, Reed!” “Sh*t, Wifey...!”

He gave her a bunch of his hot dung. “Damn it! That was hot, Wifey!” Reed spoke softly to Emy’s neck. Both of them panting, and then Reed lifted his face and kissed Emy on the lips.

“Would you care for another round?” Reed asked. “A reverse cowgirl, I suggest.”

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