Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 109 - 109 Want To Call...

Chapter 109 - 109 Want To Call...


After Luo Lixi was done, both of them walked to the receptionist to check out. Luo Lixi was given a form to fill up but Sheng Ruming took it to do it instead of her.

When they were done, they started to walk towards the lift. Then Feng Shaoling was coming towards her ward. He just wanted to talk with her again but he found the room was empty. He wanted to come earlier but his professor dragged him to an operation.

"I was late. I just hope she will contact me or… at least I can meet her again." The man murmured as he walked away.

*** ***

After both of them came out from the hospital, they went to his car in the parking lot and sat inside.

As Luo Lixi's hand was injured so she couldn't put the seatbelt alone. Thus Sheng Ruming went ahead and helped her. Afterwards, the car drove ahead on the road.

"Lixi, shall we go to a restaurant to have breakfast?" Sheng Ruming asked while he was driving the car. 

"I won't go outside with this appearance of mine. Until my hand gets healed don't mention it. You can go alone. It's not I have forbidden you…" Luo Lixi told him in a single go, without any pause. Now she just wanted to return and then to wait for her hand to recover. Then again having a skin surgery.

'I hope all of this will finish soon.' Luo Lixi side-eyed him and the next second she turned her face towards the glass window of the car. Sheng Ruming noticed her behaviour as the woman was deeply pondering something. 

After ten minutes or so, the car stopped beside a cafe. Luo Lixi frowned when he parked the car beside  it.

"Didn't I tell you I won't eat outside?! Then  why did you come here?" Luo Lixi asked him as she gripped the seat belt tightly.

"Well…" Before stepping out of the car Sheng Ruming wanted to say something to her but she interrupted him before he could even say further.

"I won't go." Luo Lixi turned away from him. She didn't want to go out and  receive a lot of people's curious gaze.

Earlier when they had walked out from the hospital and was going towards his car, a lot of people glanced at her from time to time. Someone even stared at her bandaged hand. She felt so uncomfortable back then but Sheng Ruming told her to ignore them. In a thousand people there will always be some who always butt in others matters.

Sheng Ruming stepped out of the car and went straight to the cafe. Luo Lixi thought he would try to bring her there but went alone. 

Hence the woman sat alone in the car while all the glass windows were closed. In a mere five minutes, Sheng Ruming returned with a lot of packets. He placed them beside his seat and handed her a paper cup which had coffee. Luo Lixi took it from his hand and saw it was her favourite coffee. 

"I went there to buy takeout.  Here…" The man opened a plastic bag and placed a sandwich before her lips. Luo Lixi stared at it for five seconds, then bit down on it. Sheng Ruming let her eat one more before he ate one himself and then he drank some water. 

After he was done he waited for another two minutes. 

"Why aren't you driving yet? Do you have more things to do?" Luo Lixi was puzzled as she was sipping on her coffee cup. After she was done, the man took out some tablets and fed her with his own hands. Luo Lixi didn't say anything ancient gulped down everything.

'Tablets and medicines are now my everyday meal. I think I should try to eat them like candies?' She thought in her mind as the car started to drive at full speed. 

After twenty minutes or so, the car finally arrived before the building. Luo Lixi opened her door and took some packets in her hand even though she didn't know what those were. 

When they entered the building, the receptionist at the front was a little surprised by her bandaged hand but he didn't say anything and directly greeted her. She looked at him and greeted him back. 

Then they walked into the lift and went to their penthouse. When they walked out, Luo Lixi saw a white paper with some little writings attached at the middle of the door. 

"Ruming, hold these." Luo Lixi left everything to him and went down to tear the paper from the door. Then she went to a corner and began to read. Meanwhile, Sheng Ruming unlocked the door and went inside.

"Lixi, come into the penthouse. You can read it later." He had already put on his indoor slippers and placed hers before the door. So Luo Lixi hurriedly went inside and put the slippers while throwing her shoes aside from her legs.

Then both of them went into the living room and she plopped onto the sofa. Sheng Ruming went ahead into the kitchen and placed everything into the freezer.

Luo Lixi was seriously trying to read what was in the paper. In some not so Chinese words, some broken lines were in the paper. It was apparent that someone who had been recently learning Chinese words.

Nonetheless, at last, she succeeded to decipher the meaning. It was as...

"Have you already left? If so, why didn't you tell me? If not, when you return next time, call me immediately!" Here, a string of numbers was written. "Remember to call me! Bye~" At this place she drew a cute love emoji.

"Aww!" Luo Lixi felt her heart was pierced by an arrow from her cuteness. She wanted to read again but the man beside her snatched it from her hand. 

"What are you reading with so much interest, huh?! You should have seen your face as if you have received your idol's signature again." Sheng Ruming shrugged his backs and started to read the paper. But the more he read the more he became confused.

"Cough! I guess you didn't understand a single thing here." Luo Lixi went beside his face and whispered. Then she stood up and went to bring her phone from their bedroom. Meanwhile, Sheng Ruming scanned the paper from this side to that side, from up to bottom yet he only understood the phone number.

'Why was she laughing so cheekily? What is this paper about exactly?' Sheng Ruming crumpled the paper and loudness made into a ball. Then he went to throw it into the dustbin.

When Luo Lixi returned to the room, she didn't find Sheng Ruming nor did she find the piece of paper. She looked around but didn't find it. Then she noticed one of the rooms was opened wide and some noises were coming out from it. It was the sound of keyboards being tapped without any pause, the kind she had heard in her office in the Luo Corporation.

She walked before the room and pushed the door aside. There due saw Sheng Ruming was sitting on a single sofa while a laptop was placed on his lap. He was reading and typing at the same time. She didn't want to disturb his work but she wanted the paper.

"Ruming, where have you put the paper?" Luo Lixi went beside him and asked. But he didn't answer her.

"Ruming, I'm asking something. Where is the paper you took from me earlier?!" Luo Lixi stopped his hand and asked in a deep tone. Sheng Ruming didn't stop his other hand and continued to type. 

"Please wait for a second." Sheng Ruming retracted his hand from her grip and began to type by his right hand. He raised his left hand and pressed on the small button of his Bluetooth headphone. Only then Luo Lixi noticed he was with someone in an ongoing call.

"Ruming, sorry. I didn't know…" Luo Lixi instantly apologised to him. As someone who had worked in a company, she knew it was rude to disrupt someone when they were talking. But she didn't notice it as his right side was visible from her eyesight.

"It's okay. Just a branch manager has sent many data files related to the branch company to me. Also he was just explaining some business-related proposals to me. After all, I can't remain unemployed even if I come here." After he told her, he clicked the save button and closed the laptop. "Done." Then he put the laptop on another sofa and turned towards her.

"Oh! By the way, the paper…" Luo Lixi's sentence stopped midair as Sheng Ruming took her left hand and dragged her before him. Then he took hold of her waist and made her sit on his thighs.


"What were you asking me earlier?" Sheng Ruming asked her as he dragged her more towards him and finally he was satisfied. He went ahead and rubbed his nose at left cheek.

Luo Lixi's expressions were blank. She even forgot to remember why she came because now he  was caressing her bare neck. She felt goosebumps rising around her body as she hurriedly spoke up.

"Ru, Ruming, the paper…" Luo Lixi asked him hurriedly. She wanted to call Sarah and asked the little girl to come here. She had wanted to watch TV and spent some time with the girl. After she saw Sheng Ruming was working, she thought he was giving too much of his time to her. 

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