Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 115 - 115 Returning To The Country...

Chapter 115 - 115 Returning To The Country...

Sheng Ruming's arrival had greatly shaken the entire branch office. The workers only thought he had come to inspect the office yet even after several days had passed, he continued to come. Also, the company's group chat was full of gossip about the new situation.

Moreover, the news that chief manager Tan was driven out from his office room didn't cause any ripples in the staff's hearts. 

Amid these incidents, Sheng Ruming continued his daily life with Luo Lixi as well as spending some lovey-dovey moments with her. Sheng Ruming continued to oversee everything as usual but one day the peace finally broke.

It was a gloomy day as the sky was covered with clouds. The day was chilly.

Sheng Ruming had been working only for two hours when a woman barged in his office without any prior notice. Sheng Ruming stopped at once what he was doing and turned towards the woman. Then his sight fell on the office ID hanging around the woman's neck. 

Sheng Ruming hardened his face as sharp words came from his mouth.

"I don't think the staff of my company should behave like this. Or you don't know you should knock before you enter your superior's office."

The woman was covered in heavy clothes from head to toe even if the winter had yet to come. Only her oval face was visible as it was outside. But Sheng Ruming clearly remembered who she was.

"I… I'm sorry, CEO. But I want to give something to y… you." The woman timidly walked towards him and placed a letter on the table. Sheng Ruming didn't touch the letter, rather he observed the woman. She was panicking so much as if her whole life waw depending on that piece which was into the envelope.

"What is it that you didn't fear I will fire you and come to give me? Or you thought I wouldn't fire you." Sheng Ruming asked her but she remained quiet. Sheng Ruming remembered the face of the woman from the file he had checked some days ago. She had achieved great numbers in business studies and poached in his company the moment.

Afterwards she was sent here to work and study at the same time. It's been some years. Even if everyone had forgotten he didn't. Because he was the one who asked Ji Yanli to make this woman their permanent employee. 

Every year hundreds of thousands of students graduate and each year he would target the top scorers to poach. Now it has become a habit of his. But he wouldn't blindly let them enter his company due to their results. 

Rather he would have an interview with them with several other executives and put them under huge pressure. Only if they passed then the company would spend their resources on those students to help them to get higher studies and be one of their staff after they return to the country.

Even if the woman standing before him was a timid woman, she would turn serious in her works and produce exceptional results during any work she was given. She was in Ji Yanli's good book. Ji Yanli told him she wanted to include her in their secretary team.

Sheng Ruming lifted the envelope from the desk and took out the paper from inside. There she had written a long explanation of what was going on in the company and the thing rotated around chief manager Tan. The things that man had done behind everyone's back and the amount of money he had taken as bribes. josei

Sheng Ruming read everything and then put his attention to her. His inner self was cracking his knuckles while the thought of the things in the paper spun in his mind space.

"Do you know legal action will be taken against you if these accusations are false? How did you collect them in the first place?" Sheng Ruming didn't become angry. He didn't show any displeasure towards her either. 

Rather he was curious as to where she had gathered so much information. It was so detailed that even he was having difficulty to believe Manager Tan would do so many underhanded things. Most of all he wanted to know why she had given it to him. Surely she had something to request from him.

"I can't tell you. Also I know the consequences if these are false. " The woman adjusted her glasses on her nose and stared straight at him. "This man has been harassing me from the day I have come to this branch office. I wanted to find other temporary jobs at other companies but he would do something to make my job request void."

"As far as I remember you have signed our employee contract. You can only work in our company in the future and we will take care of all of your future education expenses. That's why you have been sent here in the first place…" Sheng Ruming gave a sly smile when he told her. If anyone ever breaks the contract all of their life would be spent to pay the penalty.

"I know. Those companies weren't in the same line as Sheng Industry. I just wanted to know… how far he will g… go. I don't even know why he is so adamant to make things difficult for me." The woman told him what was the truth. Sheng Ruming nodded his head as he tapped on the table. It was hard to guess what he was thinking.

The woman panicked and told him, "Please, believe in me CEO. You can investigate everything…"

"Of course I will. Such a huge thing yet nobody reported anything… You can go now." Sheng Ruming signaled her to go out but she didn't move. Rather she took out another envelope and placed it before him.

"There are also other things?" Sheng Ruming took out the paper from it and saw it was a letter of a request to be transferred back to the country. More likely to rejoin in the headquarters of the Sheng Industry and Corporation.

"I w.. want to go back. My studies are nearly finished here. I had submitted it to Chief Tan but he rejected it." Unlike the first time she was panicking, she was now much more relaxed. 

The man before her was the most powerful and authoritative existent in the Sheng Industry and Corporation. 

Before she was afraid that if she submitted her complaints, someone might do something to it and it wouldn't reach the right people. In the process, she would suffer. Now she had finally done what she had intended to do for a long time. 

"You can go. I will take care of all these matters." Sheng Ruming took his pen and signed his name on it. He also wrote in bold fonts that the person that provide this should be directed under Ji Yanli's supervision after she rejoined the company in the Ming city.

At last she was given the permission to return to her home country. Just God knew how much she had tolerated that man and how many times she had intended to spat on that face which appeared full of righteousness yet was rotten inside.

After she had taken the paper in which Sheng Ruming had signed and given her the permission to return to the country and to join the company, she bowed deeply. She felt heartfelt gratitude towards him. 

Sheng Ruming was gripping the paper tightly and began to read it again thus he failed to notice the woman had tears in her eyes.

After she walked out from the office, she turned around and glanced at the office where chief Manager Tan was working. There was only malice in her eyes then.

Even though Secretary Huo helped her on many occasions and she was able to keep her chastity, she resented both of them. 

That secretary told her to endure which she couldn't and wouldn't do. She could guess the mentality of him which was that he wanted to steer clear from all troubles which is human nature. But she hated him for that he had helped Chief Tan in many crimes.

While he was collecting all the evidence against the Chief Manager, she had been copying and stealing them for a long time which he didn't know. She was a hacker. This matter nobody knew, even her poor mother.

The information she had given Sheng Ruming just now excluded the part the secretary was involved in. But if the CEO really looked into this matter he wouldn't be spared either. 

She wiped her tears and walked back to her desk. When she began to sort out her belongings and packing them, her desk mate stopped working and turned to her. She was a blonde woman who had been working alongside her for several years.

"Pan, where are you going? Also, why are you removing all of your things from the desk?" The woman whispered. 

All of the people were working seriously so she kept her voice low. She talked in English while her spelling of the Pan word was quite amusing.

"Keth, finally… I am returning home." Pan Er Jiu replied. The woman became surprised but then she showed her a thumbs up. 

Keth knew her desk mate had always wanted to return home. Moreover she doesn't communicate with others easily. But as they were fellow desk mates they had always kept in touch with each other.

"Keth, come out with me for a few minutes." Both of them quietly walked out from the office. She had her little bag and other files in her hand, looking like she was going out due to company matters.

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