Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 118 - 118 Be Careful From Next Time...

Chapter 118 - 118 Be Careful From Next Time...

After reaching the shopping mall, Luo Lixi and Yuexin Han first went to the children's clothes section. Luo Lixi was surprised as she saw the large hall filled with children's cute dresses. She even had the urge to buy some to bring home and to show Sheng Ruming. 

They chose many dresses for the little one and bought them away. Luo Lixi was awed when Sarah had worn many dresses and posed before the mirror. 

After they finish shopping for the kid, they 

went to the woman's section to buy the dresses they wanted. When Yuexin Han entered the shop earlier, the receptionist abruptly stood to greet her. 

"Mrs. Han, welcome." The woman was going to walk out from behind the desk but Yuexin Han waved her hand and told her.

"We will pick the things we want. No need to come. Just put your attention on Sarah." The saleswoman nodded her head.

Afterwards Yuexin glanced at two saleswomen who were standing beside the desk and told them to come forward, more like she was ordering them.

"You two, follow me." Both of them nodded and came beside them. Luo Lixi saw everything in silence and didn't utter a word. 

Yuexin put the clothes bags on the lounge of the shop and made Sarah wait there while they walked away to pick whatever dress they liked.

Luo Lixi picked the dresses which were suitable and would go well with her current body shape. 

When she started picking the dresses, she subconsciously cast a vague glance at the mirrors of the store. The next second her jaw dropped and she was unable to move her sight away.

"I am gaining weight recently. I have to make a proper diet now…" Luo Lixi murmured when she saw her body was appearing a little fat which she failed to notice before. 

The penthouse didn't have long mirrors like the shop store. So now when she saw her full body reflection in the mirror, her mind became tensed up while she swallowed hard. 

"Your body is okay, miss Li. It's just that it is well proportioned." Luo Lixi's eyes twisted when she heard it. 

Yuexin winked her right eye and went ahead, she whispered, "All men like this kind of body figure. There is nothing to see in a skinny body, you know…" They didn't break their gazes and she saw Luo Lixi become shy when she heard her. At that Yuexin's smile became broad enough to reach her cheeks.josei

"Yuexin, you are too much. How can you say something in a public place like this? What will people think of us if they hear you?!" Luo Lixi took hold of Yuexin's hand as she dragged her ahead and whispered back. It was the first time a lady had commented about her body and she was overwhelmed by it.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of. It's the truth. Also why are you blushing so hard? You even dared to do it on your balcony the day you moved to stay in the penthouse." Yuexin smirked when she told Luo Lixi outright the thing she wanted to bring up for a long time. When Luo Lixi heard it, she instantly moved away from her gaze from her and avoided eye contact .

Back then they weren't very familiar with each other and Yuexin thought it was a topic unsuitable to discuss when they had only been introduced to each other for the first time. Now she really found the perfect time to bring this up. 

"Yuexin, y.. you! You eavesdropped at us…" Luo Lixi gasped and asked her in disbelief.

"No, miss Li. Just that you two were too loud at the balcony and my balcony is below yours. It was hard not to hear anything. You know… it's normal to do it with your fiancé. I understand." Luo Lixi blushed hard when she heard her. Yuexin nudged her lightly when she covered her mouth with her hand.

"Stop it, Yuexin. I wasn't doing that kind of thing back then! It was… just a kiss!" She stared straight at Yuexin and told her in a determined tone as if to convince her. Yuexin was trying very hard not to laugh aloud at her.

The other two women who were following them were curious as to what they were talking about that they needed to whisper to each other. 

"You two were very loud. From next time be careful not to make so much noise. I can't explain to Sarah if she hears it and questions me about it, sigh!" Yuexin Han shook her head as if she was greatly disappointed in Luo Lixi and in return Luo Lixi poked her with her elbow. 

In anxiety she glanced back and was relieved to see the other two women were standing a little distance away from them.

Sarah was seated in the waiting area of the store as they were shopping currently. Her sight didn't leave the two women who were walking as well as whispering to each other. 

After a while, Luo Lixi and Yuexin Han separated and went to different directions to pick the dresses they wanted.

Even Though the air conditioner of the clothing store was turned on, Luo Lixi had some sweat drops on her forehead. From tomorrow she would make sure that Sheng Ruming wouldn't have any chance to kiss her on the balcony. It was very embarrassing to hear about it from other people's mouths.

Afterwards she put her concentration on the dresses before her. There were a lot of dresses and each of them had different patterns and styles. She had already mentally noted down the things she would buy today. 

As she picked one by one, she would hand it to the saleswoman who was walking behind her. The other one went away with Yuexin.

After twenty minutes or so Luo Lixi only finished checking a single cloth hanger stand, which had more than forty dresses or so. When she made a detour to go towards another stand, the saleswoman beside her spoke up.

"Miss, will you buy all these dresses you have already picked?" The woman lifted her two hands and she had many dresses in her hands. She was frowning when she asked.

Luo Lixi nodded and walked to another cloth stand. The saleswoman then signaled another saleswoman to come forward and handed the dresses to that woman. 

"Take these to the counter. I think she will buy more today." The other woman nodded and walked away. Then she walked behind Luo Lixi and took out the dresses Luo Lixi would point by her finger from time to time. The woman had a sour face when she was taking out the dresses. Luo Lixi didn't notice it and was checking others.

At a corner, Yuexin Han was having a dilemma as to which dress to buy. Her two hands had two dresses that were of the same styles and design but different colours. 

Then she thought of Luo Lixi and lifted her head. She glanced around the store and found her at another corner. The woman was seriously thinking about which dress to choose next while furrowing her brows .

Yuexin walked towards her with the dresses and asked her, "Miss Li, can you give me your opinion? which one is better?" She showed both dresses to her and waited for Luo Lixi's reply.

Luo Lixi reached out and felt the texture of the dresses with her left hand and turned them a few times. Then she told her, "This one." She pointed to the ash-colored one. 

"I also think this is good. But was confused as to which one to buy." Yuexin smiled as she cast a glance at the ash-colored dress and handed the other one over to the woman who was standing beside her.

"Put back this one." The saleswoman took the dress and walked back to place it in its earlier place.

"Miss Li, will you buy more? I have finished my shopping." Yuexin smiled when she saw many dresses were placed on the counter.

"I need to pick some more. My closet doesn't have many dresses to begin with. I shall buy many pieces today." She tilted her head to one side and tugged her ear. She really had to buy many. Just looking at those dresses in the closet made her numb in those days. 

"Oh, then I will wait in the lounge. You can carry on." Hearing Yuexin's reply, Luo Lixi nodded and went to choose more dresses for herself. 

On the other hand, Sarah was guarding her precious bags carefully. She was swinging her legs up and down as she waited. When she saw her mother was coming towards her, she slipped down from the leather sofa and dashed towards her mother. She clutched the woman's one leg and said while pouting her tiny pink lips. 

"Mommy, I am thirsty. Buy something for me." The girl moved her body back and forth as she demanded from her mother. Yuexin right away understood what she wanted in reality.

"You could have asked the aunts to give you water." After she told Sarah, she turned her gaze towards the woman who was standing a little distance away. The woman turned towards Yuexin and hurriedly came forward when she felt Yuexin's sight on her.

"Madam, how can I help you? Do you need something?" The saleswomen nervously asked. She also saw the receptionist was glancing at this place and she felt more nervous.

Yuexin's face had a kind countenance when she looked at the woman before her. It was very clear she was a new worker.

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