Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 121 - 121 Abducted By Helipad.

Chapter 121 - 121 Abducted By Helipad.

Today the man called Tan booked a whole golf court. He was by himself and was playing alone. His face didn't show any anxiety, as if everything was okay. After he played for nearly two hours straight, he felt fatigued overcoming him. Thus he went towards the sitting area and took a bottle of water while he was at it.

After he sat down while folding his arms before his chest area, he began to enjoy the silence. The golf court was on the rooftop of a 40 storeyed building. Wherever his sight went, he would see blue sky and fluffy clouds.

"Today's weather is so good. I am feeling like something good will happen." The man leaned backwards on his seat and smiled. He was very pleased that the man he hired to take some photos of Sheng Ruming succeeded to take some. 

"Let's see what you will do after I spread those rumours about you. Heh!" The man rubbed his palms together. He had planned already. He would send those pictures to an ally who was working in the media company back in the country. If the plan he had come true then Sheng Ruming would definitely have had some blemish on his reputation. 

Then he would convince his father in law that he fell in a conspiracy and was unjustly removed from his post. He had guessed Sheng Ruming wouldn't make public the things he had done. 

He had already lost the job in his hand. Now his next plan was to make trouble for Sheng Ruming and to take control of the family company of his father in law.

  Then after a few minutes, his phone rang out. He smiled as if the moment he was waiting for many days finally came. He hurriedly took it out and frowned when he saw an unknown number but the last two digits were very familiar to him.

It was his wife's number that he didn't feel like saving in his mobile after he had come to this country. 

"Hello, honey. It's me."

"I know. Why have you called?" His facial expressions were unpleasant yet his tone sounded normal. 

"It is really true that you will get a promotion soon?! The thing you wrote in the message." The woman sounded very excited when she was talking but he was annoyed by her.

"Yes. It's true. That's why I asked you to transfer all the money I have given to my account. I need to pull some strings to get it done." The man rubbed his nose when he lied. Or if his wife knew the truth, it was as good as falling in hell. 

"Okay~ I will get it done today." 

"Hmm. Remember not to tell anyone. I will come back to the country in a few days. Now pass the phone to my son." 

The man stood up and started to walk. As he was walking, a vague sound of a helicopter could be heard from a distance. He noticed the helicopter was flying towards the opposite direction he was facing currently. He didn't give it much thought and was talking on the phone.

The helicopter suddenly came flying before the building he was at and hovered in the midair. He was still talking on the phone with his son but the loud noise of the helicopter disturbed him. So he cut the line.

"What is wrong with it?" He turned towards the helicopter and saw the doors were  closed. Then abruptly the doors of it opened and three men in black clothings jumped down. 

He was so shocked that his jaw dropped. His mind failed to register what was happening, also there wasn't any helipad on the rooftop for one to come here. 

But his puzzlement didn't last long. The three men dashed towards him. His instinct immediately alerted him that something was wrong. He panicked and screamed aloud. His phone dropped on the floor and the screen broke into many pieces.

"AHHH!" But the next second, one of the three men came and threw a drug at his direction. In a few seconds, his eyes rolled backwards and he started to fall.

His head was covered by a bag-like cloth and the two men began to bind him while the third one gave them the ropes. Then the helicopter began to lessen the distance between the rooftop and itself. When it was barely a few inches away, two men got on the helicopter with a tightly bound unconscious Mr. Tan. The third one picked his phone and jumped in the helicopter the next second.

Everything happened so quickly that nobody could have imagined. Then the helicopter sped up and dashed towards a particular direction in full speed.

Then two people came to the rooftop and glanced around but there wasn't any silhouette of a person in the surroundings area. 

"I heard a loud scream earlier. "

"I've also heard it. Also there was the sound of a helicopter?Look!" One of them pointed in a direction and saw a helicopter flying away.

"Now, a client has booked the whole golf court all for himself. I don't see him. Something must have happened to him." They were anxious and hurriedly walked towards the sitting area. There, they saw a golf club was placed at a corner and an uncapped water bottle.

"Let's go and tell the manager about it." As the other person nodded, they went back hastily. 

*** ***

After three long hours, the helicopter landed a plain land and two men carried Mr. Tan away. One of them walked ahead and another man who was armed with firearms came forward.

"Where to throw him?" The man who came with the other two men asked. His face didn't have any emotions but his whole personality was giving murderous vibes.

"In that black room. With that other shit." They didn't say anymore and the three men walked away in a robotic pattern.

After ten minutes, they arrived at the underground basement. There were many cage-like jails on the two sides of a narrow path. Many people were locked inside and their appearances were unlike decent human beings. When three men were walking on the narrow path, some of them reached out to grab their foot but failed.  The place was horrifyingly quiet.

Foul smell mixed with many other disgusting odors came to their nose but they didn't even blink at that. After walking inside, they reached before a closed room. The man walking before them went to the sidewall and picked a key from the key hanger. 

After that, he opened the closed door and went inside. The other two followed him as well with the unconscious man. 

There was already a man in that little black room. The two men threw the unconscious Mr. Tan beside that man and clapped their hands as if to remove some dirt. The unconscious man groaned in pain when he was ruthlessly thrown out. Luckily none of his bones broke from the fall.

A man who carried him until now spat at a corner and glared at him.

The man who opened the door, took the two men's picture and sent it to someone. After a few seconds, he received a call from the opposite party.

"Boss, I have got the phone. What should we do now? Shall we beat them up till they cough up blood or injure them heavily?" The man asked and his tone sounded as if he was very excited. It seemed like he would immediately start to beat the crap out of the two people.josei

"Don't touch them. I will take care of it after I come tonight." The man's excitement immediately died down. Then the line from the other side was disconnected.

"Let's go." The three of them exited the uncomfortably dark room and he locked the door again. The way they came, they returned on that way. In that underground jail-like basement, many secrets were hidden from the world. 

*** ***

Back in the country…

Su Mengsi had come to the Sheng Villa with her daughter Yan Ruomin early this morning. The latter had already slimmed down from the incident that happened recently. Her broken toenail had already healed but now she was very reluctant to show her ugly feet to others. Thus she didn't want to go out of the home.

But today, Su Mengsi dragged her to come to the Sheng Villa. She thought Wei Airan might forget her daughter if she didn't see Yan Ruomin frequently.

Reluctantly, Yan Ruomin came to the Sheng Villa. Her face held no interest when  their car entered the Sheng Villa's vicinity.

"What is with your expression? We are arriving there. Remember to act spoiled before your aunt Wei. She likes this kind of girl. But don't go overboard." Su Mengsi told her as the car was going towards the main villa. 

"I know, Ma. You have already told me this more than a hundred times already. But I think my precious time has been wasted all this while. Also, Sheng Ruming has gone, God knows which country!" The woman vented her frustration when she remembered the time. Her face was already twisted and her face had an ugly expression. Just that her big sunglasses hid most of her facial area or else Su Mengsi would have exclaimed at the identical expression her daughter made like her  brother which she hated the most.

"We have arrived. Don't remain like that!" Su Mengsi lightly slapped Yan Ruomin's arm. At that the angry woman changed her facial expression and became normal. 

The car finally stopped before the villa entrance and the mother-daughter duo walked out from the car.

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