Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 131 - 131 I Can't Forget...

Chapter 131 - 131 I Can't Forget...

Su Mengsi's mood got ruined. She glanced at her husband who was talking with Sheng Haotin. Then her sight fell on Mr. Wu, whose eyes were on Wei Airan. There was something else in those eyes and she knew what it was, an opportunistic human.

'All men are same. Beware of Sheng Haotin catching you!' Su Mengsi scoffed inwardly and went in another direction. Mrs. Lei saw from the corner of her eyes as the silhouette of Su Mengsi disappearing.

'Because of her, my image before Mrs. Sheng became bad. This woman…!' She shook her head in regret and stood beside her husband who was talking with others. 

*** ***

When a waiter saw three people were standing outside, he took drinks and approached them.

"Sister, look. Drinks for you have already arrived. Hey, which one is less alcoholic?" Mu Jiang asked the waiter. The man pointed at a light blue colour glass.

"Sir, this one." 

Mu Jiang took it and personally handed it to Yan Ruomin.

"Thanks." Yan Ruomin received it and turned away. In one single gulp, she finished the whole glass, didn't even leave any drops behind.


'What were the words she had told earlier then.' Mu Jiang thought. Yan Luhan didn't give her any notice and placed his empty glass on the tray. Then he took another glass. Mu Jiang took as well. Yan Luhan had had too much wine and was feeling hot but it was okay for him.

"Mu Jiang, what about me?" At the sudden voice, all of them turned back. Yan Luhan's gaze changed when he saw the woman who was gracefully walking towards them.

"Aha, isn't this our dear beautiful Yanli sis?!" At his remarks, Ji Yanli smiled. Yan Luhan thought as if spring had arrived on that cold night. His sight didn't leave the woman's face as she approached them.

"This is for you…"

"Not this one. Give me the red one."

"Okay. This one for you." Mu Jiang handed her a glass and then both of them clinked. 

"What's up? Earlier, I saw all of you are gathered here. So I also came to join." Even all the time she was talking, the two women didn't meet eye to eye and Yan Luhan noticed that.

"We will join the party after a while." Yan Ruomin answered as she picked up another glass but Yan Luhan didn't forbid her. He didn't want to restrict her sister from doing anything in other's presence or else he wouldn't get peace after they return home later. 

After Yan Ruomin had gotten the information about Sheng Ruming's whereabouts, her mood improved a lot. She slowly took a sip and smiled at Ji Yanli. 

Ji Yanli saw her smiling at her and returned it with her smile. Yan Luhan glanced at the two women who were making odd expressions.

Mu Jiang stood very close to him and whispered, "Bro, why do I feel like there is tension in the air?! Both of them were behaving strangely. Also, look. Sister Minmin's eyes were curved too upward, she smiles like that only when she meets her enemy.." 

Yan Luhan turned towards him when he heard that. Mu Jiang thought he didn't believe him.

"I swear on the name of my favourite pizza. I am stating the facts as to how they are!" Mu Jiang earnestly told him but Yan Luhan didn't reply.

"You don't believe me…"

"Stop whispering!" At Yan Luhan's outburst, both of the ladies turned at them. Yan Luhan's ears had already turned red when Mu Jiang was whispering by his ear. The hot breath made him ticklish all over his body.

"Cough!" As if to hide his embarrassment, he tried to shift the attention to another matter, thus spoke, "Sis, the air is a bit cold. You are wearing exposing clothes. Let's go inside or you will catch a cold." 

Yan Ruomin seemed to think something and nodded. Then she started to walk inside while Mu Jiang followed her. When Yan Luhan walked ahead and didn't hear any footsteps behind him, he stopped and turned behind.

There he saw, Ji Yanli was slowly sipping the wine she had taken earlier. She wasn't in a hurry and stared at the sky.

"...Yanli, you should also come with us. What will do here, alone?" He walked towards her and stood before the woman. Ji Yanli slowly moved her eyes and looked at him. The corner of her lips moving upwards.josei

"You should go ahead. Even though it's a business party, I don't feel like staying there. After a while, I will go and greet the people I know. Now… Everyone is busy talking with uncle." She swirled her glass. As the content of it moved, her gaze also followed it. She walked to the fountain and touched the water.

In the past few days, the workload had been increasing. Now, she had to work overtime and felt her abilities were increasing a lot. 

Sometimes, only under great pressure would people improve their working efficiency and show the true potential they have.

Ji Yanli's thoughts were, 'I am working more than what a secretary would do. After he returns, I will tell him to make my salary double… No, it's not enough. I won't stop until I can make it triple…' She thought and continued to take small sips from the glass she was gripping.

Even though she told Yan Luhan to go away, the man didn't move and continued to stand beside her. When the glass became empty, Ji Yanli sighed. Only then, she felt another presence behind.

"Hey, what are you still doing here? Didn't I tell you to…" 

"Well, how can I leave behind a beautiful lady all alone by herself? What if something happens to you?"

Ji Yanli crossed her arms before her chest and her fingers started to swirl the glass. She moved beside him and whispered, "Many years ago, those lips uttered that this lady is ugly and didn't have any manners. Now what?! Chanting your mind, Mr. Yan?" 

As she backed away after uttering those words she saw Yan Luhan was looking at her deeply and smiled. Slowly, he said, "Those were past.Forget them." He raised his right hand and wanted to touch her face but the smile from her face wiped away and she stepped backwards.

At that he frowned. "What are you afraid of, huh?" As he spoke in a deep voice, he took a step towards her.

Ji Yanli's heart jumped. Looking up, she met his glorious yet penetrating gaze and sparkling smile. It was as if he was staring into her soul, to search for something.


But she rooted to the ground she was standing and didn't show any complex emotions.

When Ji Yanli saw the face before her, she noticed a hint of darkness on Yan Luhan's usually calm and indifferent face. She had the urge to look for Sheng Ruming to hide behind him but now that there wasn't anyone like that she directly confronted him.

"Aiya, you can forget but I can't..."

"If I say, you are the most beautiful one, then will you forget those words?"

Yan Luhan's voice was faint. Ji Yanli even thought for a second, she was hearing wrong. But looking at his face, he seemed to be speaking from his heart.

Ji Yanli's heartbeat raced and it started to beat frantically. She looked a little nervous as the man came very near.

*** ***

After Yan Ruomin had gone into the door, she turned behind and only saw Mu Jiang.

"Where are they?" When Mu Jiang heard it, he stopped and saw back. He looked confused.

"I don't know. Let's go inside first." Mu Jiang and she both entered the venue but Yan Ruomin didn't find her mother but saw Wei Air and was talking with a woman she didn't know. She stood at a corner and waited for her mother but even then she didn't appear here. 

If she wanted, she could've gone to her stepfather, but she didn't feel like going to him. When she finally called her mother, the woman didn't pick up.

So, she walked to Wei Airan. Now, more than five people were standing there as they talked.

"Aunty, do you know where my mother has gone?" When she asked, all the ladies stopped talking and turned and turned at her.

"No. She must be somewhere nearby. You can call her."

"... Well, I have already done it."

"Then, she must be busy. You are a grown-up girl. Don't always stick to your mother. I've noticed you don't leave your mother's side easily. There are many ladies here who are of the same age as you. Go and have fun with them." Another woman who was of the same age as Yan Ruomin's mother 'kindly' gave her advice.

Yan Ruomin smiled and nodded. Then she walked away. 

'Where are they?' Now she was searching for Yan Lunan or Mu Jiang but didn't see them. 'What is happening?! Ma isn't here, even he is absent. Or he hasn't come back from there?'

As Yan Ruomin was suspicious, she decided to check up. But this time, she went to the second floor and hurriedly walked towards a corner of the corridor. If she guessed correctly, there was an open balcony. 

When she saw it, she opened the door and walked in. From there she saw the way the two persons were standing so close. 

Yan Ruomin narrowed her eyes. Then she saw Yan Luhan raising his hand but Ji Yanli avoided it as she walked backwards.

'Didn't think he would have feelings for her? Wait, I think it's a good thing for me!' Yan Ruomin took out her phone and started to take a video of them. The balcony had dim lighting so it was hard to notice her from below. The two people also were unaware of it as well.

*** ***

Ji Yanli stared at the man who came so close if he moved a little move their body would definitely come into contact. She put her hand on his chest and made some distance between them.

"Mr. Yan Luhan, what do you think you are doing? People will misunderstand us if they see…" 

"Let them see…" He placed his palm on hers which was on his broad chest. Ji Yanli felt electrified and wanted to retract but he didn't.

"You… are you taking revenge on me now?! One time you say I'm ugly, another time you say I'm a beauty? You even dared to hold my hand?..." Ji Yanli twisted her fingers and tugged at his chest skin as hard as she could. 

"Ouch!" The man immediately yanked away from her hand. He rubbed his front and glared at her. "You shameless…" He stopped attached once when he saw her looking at him intensely.

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