Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 136 - 136 Mistress.

Chapter 136 - 136 Mistress.

Su Mengsi didn't have the mood to speak more. But she was sure of the fact that Chen Baishi didn't tell Wei Airan the full identity of her but she wanted her to know.

Chi Bainian was a very talkative person. She just needed to poke a little and the next moment the woman would spill everything from her mouth she knew.

"She is Mrs. Wu. The second Mrs. Wu… "  Wei Airan seemed puzzled when she heard it.

"Mengsi, what do you mean by second Mrs. Wu?"

Su Mengsi tugged one corner of her lips upwards as she glanced at Wei Airan. "The way you acted last night, anyone would have mistaken that that woman is your long lost sister. Huh, as expected she didn't tell you anything."

Wei Airan knitted her eyebrows when she heard. It was the first encounter of them after many years. So she didn't ask Chen Baishi about anything related to her family. She had only asked about her mother's health and luckily the old woman was still alive.

In the past, Chen Baishi's mother had cared for her as she cared for her daughter. The old woman showed much affection towards her than Wei Airan's own mother. Even though they were from a middle-class family, they had moral integrities. 

When Chi Bainian saw them talking, a light bulb lit up in her head as she remembered something. 

" Mrs. Wu… I remember Airan. It was something that happened many months ago. It wasn't something to speak of but the topic was very interesting."  Chi Bainian winked her right eye as she confessed. 

  "Just say! Why tell useless things?" Wei Airan felt an uneasiness as she chided her. 

Then Aunt Lin came with refreshments and placed them on the middle table but no one was in the mood to eat except Chi Bainian. 

With great interest, she took a pastry and ate a piece. When Wei Airan saw she was taking too much time, she crossed both her hands before her chest and stared at her while her two lips were pressed hard. 

  Aunt Lin stood beside Wei Airan as she noticed, her madam's face was distorted.  josei

"What's wrong, madam?" 

"Nothing. Aunt Lin. You sit down beside me." 

Aunt Lin nodded as she sat down on the chair beside her. Then, Chi Bainian noticed the atmosphere wasn't good. 

Thus she started speaking so as to not to anger Wei Airan further, "Airan, many months ago the original Mrs. Wu died because of deteriorating body condition. A month didn't even pass when Mr. Wu married his mistress and brought her into the Wu mansion. 

The man even wanted to bring his bastard son but the legitimate son declared that if he really brought him, he would change his surname Wu and take after his mother's surname. 

A lot of arguments happened due to this. Even the stock price of the company his father owned fell. But the old man was headstrong to bring his mistress, now she is his wife though." Wei Airan's eyes twisted when she heard. She couldn't believe the things she was hearing. 

"The things you are saying… are true?!"  Disbelief was evident 

Chi Bainian continued after she had taken another bite from the pastry from her hand,  "Even the boy's maternal grandparents agreed with his decision. It was so humiliating to them. 

The elders of Wu's household couldn't sit and endure anymore. They only allowed Chen Baishi but didn't let her son enter. She wanted to go back from where she came but she had already signed the marriage certificate and Mr. Wu didn't let her go. 

Too much drama! By the way, how did you get to know her?" Chi Bainian was curious as she asked. She had seen Wei Airan's face cracked while the latter was listening earlier. 

Su Mengsi chuckled as she saw Wei Airan's facial expression was very awkward. She acted like an understanding lady and piped up, "Bainian, don't ask anymore. Let's play. It's good as long as Airan knows everything. How can she know a little household like Wu's affairs?  " 

"Oh, umm. Alright then." Chi Bainian nodded her head. 

Soon, the table was cleared up and all of them joined to play. So now, Wei Airan was seated with the two other ladies in the backyard of the Sheng Villa's main mansion. 

All of them had serious expressions as they played mahjong on the table. A square table was placed in the middle while all of them had encircled it. 

There was also Aunt Lin playing with them. Both Chi Bainian and Su Mengsi didn't bring their daughters. So there were only three people in total. Thus Aunt Lin agreed to play with them. 

As usual, Chi Bainian had already won several rounds. This time, there wasn't money at stake. But the atmosphere was very tense and the three women were very serious as they played along. Aunt Lin just played to fill the fourth person's quota. 

Ahead, there was the big flower garden of Wei Airan. As the gentle breeze came, it also swayed their mental state and alleviated them. 

"What's wrong, Mengsi? You are too quiet today. Unlike the other times." 

"Nothing. Just that, I am thinking my son has also grown up. Time has come to pick some good young ladies for him to date.  " Su Mengsi took a tile from the middle of the table and placed it before her, when she saw what was on it, she frowned while the other two ladies smiled. 

"Hmm. I think all the ladies you have recommended to me before are good choices.You can pick someone from them." Wei Airan was staring at her own tiles so she didn't notice, when she mentioned this, Su Mengsi's hand paused. 

Then Chi Bainian smiled and peeked at her but she saw an unaffected Su Mengsi. Those women were selected by them in the past and Su Mengsi made sure that they would have at least one shortcoming. How could she let her son date them? 

"I just thought about it yesterday. Xiao Han also needs to agree. I am turning old after all…  " Even before Su Mengsi could finish, Chi Bainian chided in. 

"Mengsi, how can you think of your son now? Your daughter is older than your son. You should think about your daughter's marital life before thinking about Xiao Han's. Many tongues will waggle if the younger brother gets married before the elder sister." As Chi Bainian spoke, it was her turn to pick a tile now. After she had seen it, she smiled and organized all the tiles hurriedly. 

  At that, all the ladies stopped because the game was already over. As expected, the next second, Chi Bainian put forward all her tiles and beamed in satisfaction, "I won." 

"I knew just from your expression…" Wei Airan leaned backwards and said lazily. Su Mengsi also stopped playing. 

After several rounds, both Wei Airan and Su Mengsi had lost a lot. Wei Airan couldn't concentrate on the game before her anymore after she had learned of the things about Chen Baishi. She had the urge to ask her to come and to understand the matter clearly. She was having difficulty digesting such a thing that her honest and upright friend could be associated with the word 'mistress'.

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