Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 149 - 149 Snatching Info Form.

Chapter 149 - 149 Snatching Info Form.

When Sheng Ruming was talking with her, he subconsciously raised his to touch her face. Luo Lixi knew that hurriedly  even before he could do that, "Ruming, there are people here…"

Sheng Ruming glanced at the man who was standing outside. At that time, he felt that that man was an eyesore. 'What grave have I dug for myself?  Now, I'll have to be aware of other's presence?! She won't even let me touch her…'

The man's regret was buried in one corner of his mind. Luo Lixi coughed to clear her throat and then said, "Lets… get inside, shall we?" 

Sheng Ruming gave her a last meaningful  look. At that, she turned her sight on the floor.

"Ah, sir, what are you doing here? Do you need something?" An office worker was going outside for his personal reason when he saw those two at the entrance of the company building.

"Nothing." Sheng Ruming gave the man a curt reply and started to walk towards inside. He didn't even wait for the woman.

'Uh, why throw a tantrum? You are not a child anymore…' Luo Lixi thought this side of him was rather cute. 

Only in a lover's eyes, his/her better half's every action seems cute whereas in other people's perspective, sometimes...it can be  absurd.

The man saw Luo Lixi's face which seemed as if it would burst into giggles at any given moment. 'I was shut mum at my boss's shout yet she is having the urge to laugh at me. Such a bad woman…'

The man thought inwardly as he walked out from the company.

Only then Luo Lixi saw, she was alone in the corridor. Thus, she hurriedly went inside and her lips couldn't help but tug upwards a tiny bit.

A woman then walked towards the place where Luo Lixi was standing. Her eyes stared at the place where Sheng Ruming was a moment ago. Then she clenched her fists tightly and slowly walked inside.

*** ***

After both Sheng Ruming and Luo Lixi entered the office, she went directly to her desk whereas Sheng Ruming went back to his office chamber as expected.

The large room was filled with people's talks and the sound of other things.

  Among so many people, her mood also improved.

'As expected, being idle at home was too much. I should have come to work earlier…' But then, she remembered that her hand was yet to heal back.

Luo Lixi didn't go into thinking about this matter. At that, only her heart would hurt. Thus, she distracted her mind by doing something else.

'Ah, the photo. I nearly forgot…'

She took out a picture of the photo size. Then Luo Lixi attached her photo in the form, she looked up and checked if it was alright. 'Done…'

Luo Lixi tapped on the arm of the lady whose desk was beside her.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where to give this form?"

The lady turned towards her for a second then she pointed at a corner of the room.

In the further corner of the office, she saw the man who had given her the form earlier.

He was sitting in a corner, unlike everyone whose desks were at least side to side to one person. The man appeared very lonely yet his place was the best. It was beside a window and much better than others.

"Don't talk with him too much. He is very moody. You can't say when he would start to curse at you more wasting his time. Just go and give him the form and then come back."

"Oh." Luo Lixi nodded her head in understanding. 'It's normal I think.' Luo Lixi thought as she stood up with the form  started to walk towards him.

"Mister, the form…" Halfway through her speech, someone snatched her form from her hand.

"Ahh, let me see who is this newcomer…" A woman said as she started to read Luo Lixi's form after she took it away. Luo Lixi felt extremely irritated at her rude behaviour.

"Miss, give it back. I don't think it's proper for you to read someone's personal information without their consent…" The woman didn't heed her any attention, but rather she went along to read.

Luo Lixi's facial expressions changed and she snatched the paper from her hand back, not minding if the other person would have ill thoughts about her behaviour. This company was her man's, making it hers as well. Luo Lixi wouldn't even mind giving the woman a piece of her thoughts.

  Luo Lixi blew air on the paper as if to clean some dust from it and then she handed the paper to the man who coldly stared at them while he was in his chair.

The lady failed to read the whole form. Nonetheless, she smiled as if she had discovered something. "Miss Li, you're very interesting. Your surname and your father's surname don't match at all, neither you've your mother's surname. Perhaps, you are…" The woman inched towards Luo Lixi and whispered. 

'What's wrong with this woman?!'

Luo Lixi's sight fell on the ID hanging around the lady's neck as well the extremely high heels she was wearing. 'Is it allowed to wear such long heels in the office?!' Only then Luo Lixi realized the woman was a shorty. 'Poor lady…'

She chuckled but that smile didn't have any warmth in it, "Miss Mei, it's not your place to be concerned about me also don't think too much about my matters. Bye, I have work to do."

After Luo Lixi finished, she turned around and returned to her seat. The man who had taken her form put that into a drawer and then sat down.

"Did she see my ID earlier? Yet she...Now a days, even newbies can talk back to their seniors, huh? Doesn't she fear, I will fire her?! Didn't she see my position in this company?!" She mumbled under her breath.josei

"You can't. She is CEO's personal secretary." The man who was tapping on his keyboard, spared a few seconds to speak and then resumed his work.

"What?! Isn't it Miss Ji? No that's not it. What about assistant Wang? Moreover, isn't she a newbie? How can she be in such an important position when she is new?" She asked several questions at a go and was in disbelief. 

The man's lips twisted and his hand stopped which was placed on top the mouse of his computer.

"I don't know." Then the man stood up with a file and walked away. He didn't even spare his superior another glance because he didn't know what would come out from his lips if he remained there for even a second.

"Tch, this block of wood…" The woman scoffed and turned at Luo Lixi to take another glance. 'How lucky! And here I thought I would tell CEO Sheng to make me his assistant. I shouldn't have waited too long to say this. Then perhaps…' Her face was cold as she stared at Luo Lixi taking notes in a paper. Then, she turned around to go to her own office room.

*** ***

At lunch break, everyone started to stand up one by one from their long time of work. Then, they walked out from the office. Some people in pairs and others in groups. 

Luo Lixi was engrossed in her work when someone tapped on her shoulder, making her flinch in surprise. 

"Hey, relax. It's me." The woman told as she took back her hand.

"Yes, do you need something?" She asked the lady whose desk was beside hers, in other words, her deskmate.

"It's lunch break. Let's go together. You are new after all. I will take you with me. By the way, I am Yang Meili. You shall call me Lili or Meimei." 

"Ahh, i forgot to properly introduce myself. I am Li Xixi. You can call ne Xi. wait a second." Luo Lixi told as she closed her file and then stood up. Then, they talked a little more. Afterwards, she took her phone and started to walk with Yang Meili.

A certain someone who was planning to call her in his chamber stopped his hand from calling her when he saw her going. Sheng Ruming had intended to buy lunch for themselves yet now he didn't need to because Luo Lixi had already gone outside.

'Looks like you're having a good time without me.' Sheng Ruming put his phone down and saw the woman going away with someone.

*** ***

At five pm…

Luo Lixi yawned and turned towards Sheng Ruming's office chamber. It was past office time and many people had already gone away so the whole office looked empty.

"Finally, a file is done." She put down the pen on the desk. Luo Lixi stood up with a file and then made her way towards his chamber. Without knocking, she entered the room.

"Ruming…" Luo Lixi glanced around the room but didn't see him. Then, she noticed there was another joint room. Thus she walked ahead and gently knocked at the door.

"Cough!... CEO Sheng, are you there?"

Luo Lixi became embarrassed out of nowhere when she uttered those words. It sounded awkward to her.

Even after a few seconds, no sound came from that room yet it was locked from inside. She turned her back at the door and then went to place the file on the table. 

When her fingers touched the handle of the office door, a click sound was heard. Sheng Ruming walked out from that room. 

When he saw the woman who didn't even come once to see him the whole day, he felt all his depressions pouring out of him." I have finished the remaining work of a file. You can check it."

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