Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 156 - 156 New Experience As A Secretary.

Chapter 156 - 156 New Experience As A Secretary.


If Feng Shaoling went away, Yan Ruomin couldn't keep staying there anymore. She was glad that at least Sheng Ruming let her come in his office room, instead of throwing her out!

Thus, when the man bade farewell, she followed him and walked out from the company. 

When Feng Shaoling asked her if he should drive her to her place, Yan Ruomin shook her head. So, Feng Shaoling drove away. 

Yan Ruomin turned towards the company and glanced at the name of it. She clenched her fists tightly and went to walk on the streets.

'Why does it look like all the secretaries can be so close to him? Should I become one as well? Does he like them because they are beautiful as well as work hard?!' Yan Ruomin chewed her fingernails while walking. 

As the woman was distracted, she wandered into a narrow road. While strolling, her heel got stuck in a hole of a random drain lid.

"Ahh!" Yan Ruomin fell on the road and twisted her leg. "What happened?" She checked her left leg and saw a bruise. 

On top of that, when she tried to move her leg, the heel didn't move. "Move! Move, you shit!" She put her bare leg on the road and crouched down. Then she tried to remove the shoe from the lid but failed.

When Yan Ruomin thought of asking someone for help, there wasn't anyone in her sight. Moreover, she felt oddly ashamed as if if someone saw her in that state, it would tarnish her glorious image!

Yan Ruomin took out her phone and called Sheng Ruming but it was canceled every single time. "How can you not pick up my call?!..." In anger, Yan Ruomin's whole body shook and she smashed her phone on the road. 

The woman's resentful sight was set on the broken parts on the road as she felt unbearable anger rising in her heart. 'Everyone is so bad. Only after I teach them a lesson would they become obedient. Just need the right time…'

The woman's jealousy got the worst out of her as her red eyes were full of resentment towards the other people.

*** ***

Sheng Ruming stared towards Luo Lixi even after the two people had gone away. 

Luo Lixi didn't feel like an object for him to glare, thus she stood up and returned to her desk. But even after several minutes, she couldn't concentrate on her work as he continued to look at her.

'I am fed up!' She turned towards him and harshly spoke out, "Don't you have work to do?!" 

At her irritated voice, Sheng Ruming around and stood up.  Then, the man walked towards his seat and sat down. As he took a file and opened it, he opened his lips, "Notify everyone related to the project 209 to gather in the meeting room in two minutes."

"Me?" Luo Lixi pointed towards her body and asked.

"Is there anyone else here, except you? It falls in your job scoop." Sheng Ruming didn't have the usual smile or soft feeling on his face. He stared at her directly and uttered those words in quite an authoritative voice.

  "Alright…" Luo Lixi thought of calling them but didn't know whom to call. Thus she stood up and walked outside.

On the other hand, Sheng Ruming stood up and took the file. He went to that room after two minutes.

Luo Lixi went to the open office area and cleared her throat by coughing. At that, many people turned towards her. When she saw people were staring at her curiously, she uttered slowly, "Staff related to the project 209, CEO asked you all to gather in the meeting room."

When they heard, some people began to gather their stuff. When Luo Lixi saw that they weren't in a hurry, she spoke out, "Umm, he told you all to gather there in five in two minutes…"

When they heard that, it was as if they were injected with drugs. They hurriedly picked their things and rushed towards the meeting room at lightning bolt.

A passed by her and whispered, "You should have told this earlier…"

"Ah!" Luo Lixi turned around awkwardly. 'Don't you have five minutes?!' Sue thought as she returned to the room but didn't see Sheng Ruming. 

"Has he already gone there?!" The woman thought as she went to pick a notebook and went to the meeting room. Luo Lixi clearly knew what a private secretary's duty is.

When Luo Lixi reached the room, she saw all the people had arrived and there wasn't any seat left yet. 

Sheng Ruming was tapping his fingers on top of the long table as he turned towards her.

"What are you standing there for?" Then he checked his watch and replied coldly, "There is only thirty seconds left." 

Luo Lixi hurriedly entered and went to stand behind him. Some people looked at her curiously. Sheng Ruming stopped tapping his fingers against the table and glanced at them.

Then, one person who didn't know Luo Lixi yet, asked, "CEO, who is she?"

Sheng Ruming didn't have the intention to make her work here. Also, she wasn't a real staff member. Thus, he didn't introduce her before everyone. But now that someone had asked, he couldn't ignore it or Sheng Ruming knew the woman would surely become upset.

"My secretary… Let's start the meeting." As the meeting started, Luo Lixi finally knew what else included in her job scoop. She had to walk around the room, gather the reports and place them before Sheng Ruming.

Also, when some people went to explain something by multimedia projector, she had to take notes in her notebook as she also worked in it, even though it was for one day!

The whole time, Sheng Ruming didn't give her any additional glance.

'Now, you seem like a real CEO…' Luo Lixi thought as she took a glance at him, then her eyes rested on the projector.

When finally, the damn meeting finished and everyone went out, there were only two people remaining in the room. 

Sheng Ruming played with a black pen and twirled it in his right left hand while he glanced at Luo Lixi. The woman was worn out as she had to walk in her high heels. Even if she felt uncomfortable, she didn't voice out her discomfort.

Sheng Ruming knew just from her body's movement that she was tired. Anybody would feel tired if they have to remain standing for two hours as well as working continuously.

Then, Luo Lixi took a chair and sat down. Afterwards, she unhooked it and finished the whole bottle. Afterwards, She began to sort out the papers which were left by the other staff.

With a strict face, he asked, "Do you like this work?"

Luo Lixi was going to take a paper from the ramble when she heard that. She placed those files on the table in exhaustion and sighed, "Even If it's a bit tiring, it's a new experience. I don't like to be ordered around or doing errands for others but… it's different. "

Sheng Ruming listened her words and then said, "Alright. Let's go home. It's enough for today." 

Luo Lixi knitted her eyebrows and asked, "So early!" Sheng Ruming pointed towards the middle sized clock on the wall by the pen.

As Luo Lixi turned there, she rounded her eyes and exclaimed, "It's already been 6 pm?!" She hastily stood up and began to take all the papers and files from the table. Then, after she did, she told him, "Let's go."

Sheng Ruming stood up as he saw the woman who was standing with the files. The other times, one person would stay behind to do this kind of thing. Now that their CEO had a secretary, they guessed that she would do it from now one.

Afterall, if one was spared from even a little bit of work, it was a thing to be delighted.

As Sheng Ruming inched towards her, Luo Lixi struggled to keep all the files in her two arms. He went towards her and took some in his hands. Then, they walked out from the room and soon reached his office room.

"Lixi, will you go somewhere with me?" Sheng Ruming asked as she was busy checking out the papers.

"Where?" She asked while placing her phone in her purse. It was nearly useless as no one would call.

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