Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 166 - 166 Luo Lixiang Took The Heavy 'burden' And Became CEO.

Chapter 166 - 166 Luo Lixiang Took The Heavy 'burden' And Became CEO.

All the men pointed their gun at Zhao Yichen's head. 

The scene was extremely tense. Only Sheng Ruming was leisurely sitting on his seat.

"Are you out of your mind? Move your gun from his head. RIGHT NOW!" Luo Lixi ordered Zhao Yichen but the man didn't move. Contrary he abruptly grabbed Luo Lixi and dragged her behind him.

Sheng Ruming's eyes dangerously narrowed. He stood up and then spat out.

"If you want to die, then let me fulfil this wish of yours." 

"Zhao Yichen, stop! You are making chaos without any reason. He's really my friend. Sheng Ruming is the person who saved my life."josei

When the man heard her, he suspiciously turned to her. "Why didn't you come back then? There wasn't any sign of yours and we failed to find you as if someone deliberately concealed them."

"I was in coma.  Put down your gun or you can be sure that I won't care about you even if they do something to you." Then the man heard her, he paused. 

Sheng Ruming signaled his men and they immediately put down their weapons. So Zhao Yichen also did as well when Luo Lixi slowly walked towards Sheng Ruming.

Sheng Ruming signaled his men to go out. When deadly silence fell upon the room, he opened his mouth.

"Miss Luo, I stopped working for your grandfather after you went missing. After all, when the person is gone, whom am I supposed to protect. But it's my duty to protect you even though I have quit." 

Zhao Yichen saw Sheng Ruming was looking at her, without blinking while Luo Lixi's forehead creased when she heard him.

Sheng Ruming slowly turned towards him. "She doesn't need your protection anymore. If you are so reluctant to tell her, you can get out! Before I thought I would let her talk to you in private. Now, I can't let my woman be alone with a muddle headed man."

"It's not for you to decide, Mr Sheng. I will be Miss Luo's bodyguard as long as she wants." 

Luo Lixi saw as the two men threw daggers at each other via their eyes. When Luo Lixi turned to glare at Sheng Ruming, his murderous face vanished and an extremely handsome smile replaced it.

"Ruming, you go inside. Leave us alone." Luo Lixi told him but he didn't move but smiled more broadly. 

"What he will say, I know them all. Why don't I say those to you?" 

"Zhao Yichen, come with me." Luo Lixi didn't want to hear anything and went to another room with him and shut the door. Sheng Ruming felt his heart shook violently at this.

"How can you shut the door and stay alone with a man in the same room?!" Sheng Ruming hurriedly walked up before the room and placed his ear on it. 

But it was soundproof and made him frustrated. 'Dammit!' Sheng Ruming stood beside the door and waited for her.

*** ***

"You can tell me now."

Zhao Yichen nodded and started finally, "when I didn't find you in the morning, I started to search with my team. Then a news came and it said your grandfather had a panic attack."

Luo Lixi felt her soul just shook. "Is he okay?!"

"Yes. But he is ill and needs to stay in bed nearly all the time. I heard a rumour, saying you eloped with your hidden gigolo... "

"Ah?! What! Gigolo?!" Luo Lixi was shocked beyond redemption.

"Is that man?" Zhao Yichen voiced out his doubt.

"No! He isn't. Don't misunderstand." 

"I won't. Who started this ridiculous rumour?!"

"It's still unknown. After all,it's just baseless rumour. The rest, your grandfather knows. You can ask him." 

Luo Lixi sighed heavily. 'My heart, it hurts!'

"Yichen, I need to meet grandpa and…" She pondered for sometime and asked, "Uncl… I mean what about Hua Xiamin…" 

"Don't worry. He always stays beside your grandfather as usual. After you went missing, he assigned me to look for you."

"Lixiang…" Luo Lixi felt her heart throb in pain when she muttered the name. 

"After you went away, he took the heavy burden to run the company and became the CEO."


Zhao Yichen saw her odd expression and thought she must be feeling down. "He was very busy when your grandfather collapsed. There was no one to maintain the order in the company and don't have the right. So he reluctantly accepted it under your relatives advice."

"...I understood." Luo Lixi turned around and started to walk towards the door but her hand was grabbed by him again.

"Miss Luo, return with me. Your grandfather, butler Hua and your brother… all are waiting for your return for a long time." Luo Lixi slowly turned back and nodded. 

The man's stiff expression melted and he let go of her hand.

When she opened the door, Sheng Ruming's first hand blackened face appeared before her eyes.

"Why did it take so long? It's already been more than five minutes!" Sheng Ruming wanted an explanation, very badly!

"We will go to the Luo Mansion." Luo Lixi said as she lifted her head to see his face.


"Let's go." 

Zhao Yichen saw as she took his hand and both of them started to walk towards the entrance. 'He is also coming?!' He was baffled because he thought she would come alone.

*** ***

Two black maybach drove towards the Luo Mansion. As Luo Lixi saw the familiar places again, she felt… nothing. 

The cars were stopped before the entrance. Two people came towards them. Zhao Yichen popped out his head from the glass window and said, "It's me. Open the gate."

The two men ran to the gate and opened it. Luo Lixi glanced at the unfamiliar persons and felt uneasy. "Who are they?"

"Butler Hua dismissed the old ones as they failed to stop you from going out. They were recruited later."

Sheng Ruming glanced ahead and smirked. There was a cold glint in his eyes as he murmured, "Really efficient… Such butlers can even manage a whole company. Let alone a mansion. " 

Luo Lixi saw him sneering at the end.

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