Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 198 - 198 "Ah, Min Baby!"

Chapter 198 - 198 "Ah, Min Baby!"


At a wall, a big clock was making sound nonstop while the morning had yet to come. It was around dawn. 

In the room, the situation was screaming as if spring had come. Various types of clothes were scattered on the ground. Some were intact while some were torn.

  Pants, shirt, dress, underwear, lingerie... It was a messy sight. The heavy air and the various scents of mixed fluids was the evidence of the fierce battle that happened last night. 

A battle that only happens in bed, between male and female…

Suddenly, a phone rang out and broke the silence. Two people who were sleeping were disturbed of the non stop ringing. 

Even though nobody picked it up, it didn't stop. Rather one after another call came. 

"Ah! Who is making noise so early in the morning?!" In bed, a person moved slowly. She removed the duvet a little and took her mobile from the table clumsily. 

Then she cancelled the incoming call without seeing the caller's name. Afterwards, she turned sideways and found a comfortable position to continue her sleep.

The woman wrapped her bare body with the blanket and intended to sleep but suddenly her closed eyes frowned.

'What is this smell? What the…' Yan Ruomin abruptly opened her eyes. As soon as she did, her eyes shook in alarm because a bare back greeted her. 

The startled woman blinked her eyes and suddenly sobered up. 'Oh my Heaven!' She sat up at once and glanced around. 

At the room's current unmentionable state, she pressed her mouth tightly and her horrifying scream got caught in her throat.

'What is it? What have I done?!' Yan Ruomin slowly looked down below and felt like losing her mind.

'How did this happen? How?!' The woman glanced at the man who was laying beside her.

"This man, who is he?" She moved her body and when his side face appeared, she backed away in nervousness.

All the memories from last night came in her mind. 

"Feng Shaoling was there with us in the club. How did I end up with this man here?! Where is that bastard?!"

When Yan Ruomin remembered herself kissing this man called Jonas proactively with her arms around his neck yesterday, blood rushed to her face. 

That's because she remembered what happened last night so vividly. She felt ashamed for giving in so easily.

"Ugh… How can I act so wantonly?! I even led him to bed! Moreover, it was my first time! My first..."

Yan Ruomin shot an agonising look at the man who was sleeping without any care of the world. Her eyes were filled with dejection and full of contempt. 

Then, the phone rang again. 

"Ah! Min baby…" Jonas murmured in his sleep but didn't wake up.

Yan Ruomin watched silently and received the call.



Even after one minutes, nobody answered her. Then she checked the name and became alert.

"Ma…" She whispered.

Su Mengsi didn't beat around the bush and said directly, "Ruomin, you aren't in your university neither are you in that country. Why lied to me?!"

"Ah, Ma, Let me explain..." Yan Ruomin grabbed the phone tightly. She glanced at the man slightly and talked slowly in a low voice. 

"Don't give me any excuse. You dare to lie to me? Luckily your father doesn't know. Do you want me to be embarrassed before that man? Come back today."

"How can I…" Yan Ruomin was anxious and trailed at the end. 

"Even if you have to crawl back, do it. God knows what you are up to!"

"Ma…" Yan Ruomin looked down. Only to feel sad and embarrassed for being caught by the woman.

As the man's silhouette entered her vision, she felt an unprecedented anger.

'I think I will leave today. It's way better to get a scolding from Ma than to get in trouble with this man...' 

There was a new blanket on top of her bedpost. She threw away the current one and wrapped her body with that new one.

As she was up in a hurry to get off the bed, Yan Ruomin ended up banging her head against the bedpost. "Argh! My head, damn it!" 

When she turned at him, he was as motionless as before.

Her ankle had gotten caught on the quilt which resulted in her falling down forward as well. 

No one saw her, but she was so ashamed that she didn't know what to do. Moreover, Her body felt stiff and her back hurt a lot. 'It's very embarrassing!'

"It's my first time with him, but…" Yan Ruomin glanced at the small blood stain on the bed. 'I want to get Ruming. It's better if this man doesn't appear before me. I can't let him know I was a virgin either…'

Yan Ruomin turned around and crouched down to pick her clothes from the floor. "Why did he even rip panties?!" She exclaimed in silence and glared at him.

"If I didn't know you have a terrifying  backing, I would have punctured your eyes before leaving!" Yan Ruomin spat out and dressed up hurriedly.

"Ouch, my belly! This man…" She cursed him in her mind for the nth time for causing so much misery. 

After she was dressed, the first thing she checked was her purse. After founding it, she took out her lipstick and opened the library. 

"I was supposed to spend my first time with Ruming. You destroyed everything!" Even though both of them had given consent for this act, both of them were more or less drunk. Yan Ruomin blamed Jonas for everything.

"Let me conceal this stain of mine…" The woman took out her makeup and poured the white substances on the dried up blood. 

Then, she took out a little paper and wrote on it with her new lipstick.

[Forget what happened between us. Let's not meet again. Don't tell your friend or any third person about this terrible mistake!]

She put the paper on the lamp-post and put his belt on top of it. "I feel like I lost for some reason." 

The woman glanced at the man and turned around without hesitation. She left without making any sound as if she was afraid he would wake up.

"Taxi!" At her call the taxi stopped. So she walked towards it and hurriedly told the driver  her address.

"I was really out of my mind or was I swayed by him?!… I hope no one can find out about this incident."  The woman joined her palms and murmured again and again.

After she got to her room, Yan Ruomin dashed towards the washroom. After washing her body clean, she changed into a dress that would conceal all the glaring marks on her body. 

"I think it's okay now." The woman put creams around her neck and hid the red marks.

Then, after a quick breakfast, she hurriedly took out her luggage and began to put her belongings in it. Soon, she packed everything and left the place.

On her way towards the airport, Yan Ruomin called Su Mengsi  and said in a resolute voice, "Ma, I am coming back today."

" Did i say otherwise earlier?! You should return and explain everything to me."

"Yes Ma."

After two hours, Yan Ruomin was on her plane and it was headed towards her country. She looked out from the window and sighed, "I didn't get any chance to get close with him. Rather, I lost something precious."

She closed her tired eyes and sighed. The woman couldn't fight off the exhaustion enamored and went into a slumber.

… …

As soon as Yan Ruomin left the room, Jonas opened his eyes. After already having shared a bed together, he thought the woman would ask him to take responsibility. 

Yet he experienced a little drama unfolding as soon as he got his senses back.. 

The room was infused with the strong smell of love and the traces of Yan Ruomin still remained in the room. "Huh! You woman, really…" He glanced around and chuckled but was having difficulty to force his anger down.

Soon, his eyes fell on the piece of paper she left for him. Jonas picked the small paper and twirled it for a period of time but then… when his eyes caught a little glance of what was written on it, he paused. 

"What the?! It's okay if she blames me but how can she write something so ridiculous." 

He crumbled the thing in his hands and whispered, "Don't you dare to think about escaping from me!"

The man sneered when he saw the mess on the bed, especially the masterpiece Yan Ruomin left behind. It only made him further amused.

… …

After a long journey, finally Yan Ruomin landed at the airport. She thought nobody would come to pick her up. Contrary to her expectation, her mother came and she was extremely disappointed.

"It's one thing for you to go to another country. But why did you lie and take a lot of money there?!" Su Mengsi  grabbed her tightly.

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