Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 254 - 254 Are You Already Pregnant?

Chapter 254 - 254 Are You Already Pregnant?


However, Sheng Haotin turned around and went to sit on the sofa. His nonchalant hands took the tea cup and poured the tea which was made by Wei Airan after a long time.

"Good tea!" His eyes fell on the woman who was beside his son. 

As if a switch was turned on in her head,  Wei Airan smiled. However, the two men who witnessed this felt the malice from her bright face.

"I woke up early in the morning and made it with so much care, thinking today is the best day for me to be happy but... " The woman snatched the cup and turned around.

"Aunt Lin, unless I told you, don't make any tea in the mansion. Throw the other ones away or give them to outsiders."

  Sheng Haotin saw the tigress who was trying to control herself from biting her. Venting her anger on his precious tea was like her showing sharp fangs to bite off.

"Can't you be so unreasonable?" Sheng Haotin wasn't worked up and he even talked very calmly which made her anger rise before her eyes.

"No! I can't! You two men are so reasonable that I feel like leaving this family. My whole life is ruined by you!" 

Sheng Ruming saw the upcoming battle between his two parents and left the area in karelia steps. 

"Look, you even made my child sad!" Wei Airan was so angry that she felt she needed to have a heart to heart with the old man.

"He left because of your bantering. Don't accuse me." He waved his hand and gestured her leave, "You have disturbed my time. Now let me read in peace."

Wei Airan's cold eyes stared at the man who easily put the matter aside and began to get busy in his matters.

"Ah Hao!"


"You! Let's talk!"...

*** ***

From the second floor,  Sheng Ruming's eyes saw the interaction between his parents.  A sigh left his lips when he entered his room.

At night Luo Lixi's phone buzzed nonstop. When she glanced at the clock, she saw it was 11 pm. 

"Hey… " Her soft voice made his frustration go away. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Nothing. Just finished going through some paperworks. From tomorrow, I will go to the company." Luo Lixi was currently lying down on the bed. When she started to chat with him, she turned around and lied down on her belly. 

As she did, her black hair fell down like a waterfall and we're scattered on the big, while bed. In the dimly lit room, her hair shined like silk while the cold air of the air conditioner caressed her pink cheeks.

Sheng Ruming was currently in his study room. The man was staring at the laptop. His one hand was supporting the phone while the other one was tapping on the block keyboard.

Hearing the distinctive sounds,  she asked, "Are you still working now?"

"Hmm." The man paused for a second and then continued, "Just like you, I will also regain my work from tomorrow."

Afterwards both of them became silent. Even though they didn't find any matter to continue their conversation, they didn't disconnect the line either.

After several minutes, Luo Lixi began to speak, "Today, grandfather has told me to let him know when we will get engaged officially."

The man didn't have any reaction as he corrected her, "We will go straight for the marriage, honey. Don't forget it." 

"Uhm. I know." Luo Lixi gently patted her cheeks. She remembered the man had also mentioned this before. 

Again they became quiet. Luo Lixi's hand felt heavy due to raising it for so long. Then she went ahead and brought her earphones. 

After she connected it with her smartphone,  she put them in her ears and then dropped her head on her pillow. 

The man heard the rustling sounds and knew she was up to something. After Luo Lixi checked her appearance on her phone's camera, she made a video call.

Sheng Ruming accepted it in a second. Then he placed the phone beside his desktop and let her see him. 

"Ruming!" Luo Lixi waved her hand with great enthusiasm. Sheng Ruming nodded and then both his hands got busy. 

Luo Lixi didn't make any noise and let him do his work. After she stared at him for several minutes, her eyes fell on her pillow. She lowered her head and saw him doing his work. 

At some point, his face turned serious. Luo Lixi blinked her eyes and felt like he must be doing a very important task and she was right.

The man was busy surfing down the photos of several wedding venues, both in countries and abroad. After he had picked more than 100 places, he went ahead and searched for the best wedding card makers of the country. 

His core priority was to when his father would agree, Sheng Ruming would go to her home with everything prepared and bring her to his villa as soon as possible. 

After like forty minutes, the man stopped tapping. He made a big file and sent it to her email. Luo Lixi didn't check the notification and raised her eyes and smiled at the man.

"You are done?"


"Go to sleep then. It's already past twelve… good night." Luo Lixi's finger touched the red icon on the screen when herring face paused.  She hesitated for a while. 

The man saw her like this and wondered what was up to with her now. Seeing the man staring at her, questing her with a deep gaze, she finally voiced out her concern.

"Ruming, uh, we didn't… use any protection back then." 

Sheng Ruming understood her thoughts. He stared at her face and muttered, "In our relationship, those craps aren't needed. Also in the future, we won't use them. Those are harmful for health. Do you understand?" 

"Cough! Yes" Her cheeks burned with shame but even then she was satisfied by his answer. 

The man saw her red face with a meaningful gaze and teased her, "Are you already pregnant?" 

"Ah? No! How can it be?!" Luo Lixi was flustered. She hurriedly sat up and denied it right away, "Ruming, you may don't know but it takes time." 

Watching her serious face as she tried to make him believe in her was too cute in his honey covered eyes.

The man smiled, his black orbs began to glow in a type of delight that she didn't notice, "If you get a bun in your tummy then… remember to tell me. Also, eat as much as you want. Don't dare to hide anything from me or you'll regret it!"


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