Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 281 - 281 Makeup Getting Ruined Is A Huge Calamity To Yanli.

Chapter 281 - 281 Makeup Getting Ruined Is A Huge Calamity To Yanli.

After entering the car, as if Ji Yanli had escaped a large calamity. She fanned herself with her hand and looked flustered, "Hey, turn on the AC or my makeup will get ruined."

Behind the brown sunglasses, her eyes were glancing towards the man who didn't utter a single word since she had come. 

Without saying anything, Wang Haixiao continued to drive. Ji Yanli felt as if the man was throwing a tantrum. 

"Hey, didn't you hear?!" She nudged him with her elbow. At that Wang Haixiao's stoic face crumbled, "Behave."

"Turn on the AC or I won't stop!" Ji Yanli shouted beside his ears but even then he didn't do as she had said. 

When it was a red light, the man stopped before the crossing and turned towards the woman who was glaring at him obviously.

"God has given you such beautiful hands. Why don't you use them? You lazy woman. " His voice directly pierced through her heart.

"Lazy?! Who is lazy? Haixiao, you dare to say this in front of my face?!" Ji Yanli poked his arm with her sharp nail. If she intended to use more force, the man's perfect shirt would tear in that area.

"Humph!" Even though Wang Haixiao was displeased, the man still turned on the car's AC for her. "After you have resigned, you have stopped working. At this rate, you will become mould."

The man couldn't help but remember the few times she had freeloaded in his home. "You dare to say you are not lazy? On top of that, you are a troublemaker. Every time, you make a mess and I have to clean up the aftermath!"

Ji Yanli squinted her eyes as she glared at him, "Don't you dare lie…" She had wanted to bother him by poking his skin and twisting it to teach him a lesson for talking with her like this but the traffic light shifted to green. 

Thus, she took back her claws and decided to punish when the time was ripe. However, from the side glance, Wang Haixiao was able to see everything. He chuckled and spoke out his grievance as they were in the middle of going to the airport.

"One time, you ate a lot of peanuts while watching a movie. When it was the part which was very intense, in fear you threw all the shells on the floor. I was the one who had to clean the carpet while you flew away…" 

Hearing this, Ji Yanli became speechless. "Ah, I really really wanted to help you but I was busy with something!"

The man sneered, "Yeah, you were very 'busy'. When I opened your door, I saw you were busy putting nail polish on your fingers." 

Being caught red-handed, Ji Yanli hurriedly hid her hands. Watching this action, the man smiled victoriously, "And dared to say you aren't lazy?! There is also one time when you went to the bathroom and… "

"STOP!!!" Ji Yanli hurriedly stopped his mouth by covering it with her hand. "Don't say anymore, I... understand!" The woman was flushed due to embarrassment. The matter couldn't be said out aloud or her lady heart would get hurt!

Wang Haixiao planned on talking more but abruptly he was forced to stop. Every time he intended to say something, the other party would wrap her palm around his mouth tightly. 

"If you say anything, I will, will… kiss you… after I eat a lot of garlic and… and with a stinky mouth." 

Wang Haixiao was expectant at first but after hearing her later half, he lost his motivation. He wanted her to love her hand away but Ji Yanli said again, "I am not giving you empty threats. If you really dare to, I don't brush for three days straight and then… kiss you?!"


After both of them stayed in a stalemate, Ji Yanli's hand was sore thus she retracted her hand and rubbed it back and forth. When the next redlight came, the man stopped abruptly.

Without any notice, he unbuckled his seat belt, turned around and cornered her in the seat. "Are you turned on? Or why are you mentioning kissing every time you open your lips?"

Ji Yanli rounded her eyes and glared back, "Don't make up a lie, you damn Haixiao?!... Ah!..."

Suddenly, Wang Haixiao caught her hands and kissed her deeply. The woman was caught off abruptly and froze in her seat. Wang Haixiao took this chance and deepened their kiss while she was in a trance. 

The man was pleased because she didn't push him, rather after a few seconds, she responded to him and wrapped her hands around his neck. 

Both of them were so engrossed in their actions that they didn't hear the horns of other vehicles behind. The traffic light turned green a few minutes ago yet both of them were busy making out. 

Abruptly, they heard a knock on their glass. The place was a busy road so stopping a car in the middle caused a lot of disturbance. 

Wang Haixiao jolted awake and glanced at the other one. Ji Yanli's eyes were closed as she was busy sucking his lips and rubbing his hair. 

He broke out and hurriedly returned to his seat. 

"What the?!" She was flustered as she turned towards him. Noticing the traffic police who were trying to see through the window, she hurriedly turned her face away.

After Wang Haixiao calmed his face, he touched a button beside the window and it slid down automatically.

The traffic police glanced around and asked suspiciously, "Any problem?"

"No. Just that my brake didn't work after I stopped it. So I was trying to fix it." He replied wryly. 

However, after watching Wang Haixiao's face the other man's eyes deepened as his eyes floated towards Ji Yanli. He said meaningfully, "Is it fixed now?"

"Cough! Yes." The man nodded and intended to drive away but the traffic police's smile went away and he grabbed his hand.

"Mister, you have violated the law. Give fine before you go anywhere…"

So, in the end, Wang Haixiao was fined and only after the traffic police gave him the green signal, did he drive away. 

When Wang Haixiao saw his face in the mirror, his heart dropped. 'Did that man see me in this condition?!' He felt very awkward and hurriedly wiped his lips which were stained by Ji Yanli when they kissed each other.

'We have taken so much time… Will we lose the flight?' Ji Yanli thought silently and turned to stare outside. Wang Haixiao seemed to know her concern. Without saying anything, he turned the car's speed to its highest.

After three minutes, they hurriedly stepped into the airport. As they hurriedly made their way towards the check-in area, they heard their name clearly in the loudspeaker of the airport.

"Mr. Wang Haixiao and Miss Ji Yanli, the last two passengers of the flight no. 256… " The robot voice spoke aloud. Listening to it, Ji Yanli sighed in relief. 

"We didn't miss the flight…" She muttered as they finally reached the immigration area. After a lot of checking and going through the usual procedures, they entered the plane.

"For a moment, I thought that we had missed the plane…" Ji Yanli muttered as she leaned against her seat. Wang Haixiao was busy putting their bags in the hand luggage compartment and hummed. 

In ten minutes, the plane finally took off from the runway. Ji Yanli mumbled something but when Wang Haixiao inched towards her to listen, she stopped muttering.

"What are you doing?" Ji Yanli asked the man suspiciously as she saw him inching towards her.

"... Nothing." Wang Haixiao retreated. Then, he put on a black eye mask and folded his arms in front of his chest. As if he had made up his mind, he didn't say a single thing during the whole journey.

'It is surely a true saying, handsome men deserve beating or else they can't put down their ego!' Ji Yanli snorted as she turned her face away and concentrated on her matters. 

… … 

"You are back?" Su Mengsi asked as usual while she was busy trimming her favourite bonsai tree. 

It was a little mango tree. Even though bonsai trees are gaining popularity in recent times, it felt pitiful to see those trees being so small and trapped in a little thing. They could have taken root in the deepest part of the ground and helped both the environment and humans yet… 

"Yes." As usual, Yan Luhan also replied curtly and went past her. Su Mengsi paused slightly as she turned around to look at the back of Yan Luhan's back.

Even though she didn't like this boy who was her own blood, it ruined her mood. "Is everything okay?"

Su Mengsi asked from the back. Yan Luhan waved his hand to say yes and walked towards the sitting area of the large living room. Dropping his body on the sofa as if he was too esmxhausted from the company's matters.

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