Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 284 - 284 Cry Under Me In Bed!

Chapter 284 - 284 Cry Under Me In Bed!

Sheng Ruming smiled as he took a big-fat blue grape from the tray. In an ice-filled bowl, all kinds of grapes were placed. 

His two fingers rubbed the grapes and felt its coldness. As he leaned back with the additional woman on his lap, his fingers skillfully stuffed it inside her red lips.

"Mmm?" Even though Luo Lixi was confused as to why would he suddenly feed her, she chewed it a few times. 

Her face lit up because of the rich flavour. 

"I picked it up personally for you. Isn't it good?" As Sheng Ruming said, his fingers rubbed the corner of her lips. 


Sheng Ruming couldn't help but become amused when her bulging cheeks distorted her face. It made him laugh inwardly. 

He couldn't go but picked another one and fed her. Luo Lixi frowned because the two grapes were big and she had to place these on the two sides of her cheeks.

Her brows creased because of the iciness of the cold grapes. On the other hand, Sheng Ruming rubbed her bloated cheek and laughed out aloud.

"Oh, you are looking like a squirrel. How cute! Do you want some nuts then, my Lixi?" 

The man couldn't stop his laughter as if someone had injected a drug in his vein. When he saw Luo Lixi stopped moving, he hurriedly covered his mouth, "Cough! Cough! What a sunny day… "

In an instant, he had changed his facial features and became serious. Only if his eyes weren't bent a little upwards, Luo Lixi would have believed that he had stopped teasing her.

"Humph! Scoundrel!" Her hands were folded in front of her chest as she stared sharply towards him. 

When she was in the midst of gulping down, her chin was gripped and the pink lips were forced open. 

Sheng Ruming took her lower lip and kissed her. His left hand moved her closer for better access.

'Huh! Here I was thinking what his intentions were!' Nonetheless, Luo Lixi had a knowing look as her eyes stared directly into his eyes. Being stared at so closely, Sheng Ruming's eyes hurt a little. 

Luo Lixi noticed his trembling eyelashes as she hooked her hands around his neck and dragged the man towards her.

On the other hand, Sheng Ruming grabbed the back of her head and deepened the kiss. Both of them didn't hold back and went all out. 

Under the tent, they were surrounded by its materials. So any third party didn't get to see this beautiful scene. However, a little bird flew in from under the tent and looked around. When its eyes fell on the tray of food, without much thinking it flew towards it. 

Picking a little blueberry by its beaks, the bird glanced at here and there. It flew around the tent for an exit. Suddenly, it sat on Sheng Ruming's head. 

Luo Lixi nearly burst into laughter at how the little bird poked his hair. Finally, after flying many times, it got an exit and flew away.

After it was gone, Luo Lixi couldn't stop her laugh. But Sheng Ruming didn't let their lips part. He clutched the back of his head tightly and all her giggles were forced between their lips. 

When they were done, Luo Lixi was out of breath and rested her head on his shoulder. 

"Ha… hahaha! Was it.. a sparrow?" Luo Lixi asked, out of breath.

"A dove?" Both of them stared at each other because they were unsure. They don't have any subsidiary in any industry-related bird or creatures like that. So naturally, they don't have any idea.

Also, in school, they weren't taught many birds or creatures as it seemed unnecessary to them. Even knowing a new language would help in their life, what would it do by knowing and identifying some birds or animals.

Thus, the two adult people failed to identify the most common bird in their country. 

Sheng Ruming didn't like that he failed to reply correctly before Luo Lixi. In his eyes, it's very embarrassing. He pondered for a few minutes as he asked her, "Do you want some bird soup? I will let Xiao Huang catch that bird and stew it for you? What do you say?"

Luo Lixi was speechless, "Nonsense. Such a tiny bird yet you…" She licked her lips and shook her head.

"So what if it's tiny? Little birds are more nutritious than bigger birds. They are good for eyesight. I will ask Xiao Huang to catch it and we will stew it together. Okay?"


"Xiao Huang!" Sheng Ruming didn't listen to her and called out loudly. Even when she wanted to block his mouth, the man grabbed her hands.

"Yes, boss!" From the entrance, the man's metallic voice came towards them. 

"Have you seen the bird which flew away just now from our tent?" Sheng Ruming asked maliciously. He still held the grudge that that damn little thing dared to poke him on his head.

'For a second, I was relieved that it didn't throw its shit on my handsome hairstyle!' Just thinking about this made his expression fall. He never wanted Luo Lixi to have this kind of memory with him. 

"Yes, boss. Not only that but I've captured it already. " Xiao Huang glanced down on the little cage in which the bird was trying to break free with all its might.

Luo Lixi's mouth was wide opened as she exclaimed, "You two are insane!" 

Sheng Ruming was satisfied when he knew that the damn bird was captured. "Send it to the kitchen. Tell the chef to make nourishing soup with it."

"Alright!" Xiao Huang took the cage and looked at the little bird with pity. "How in the world did you offend our CEO, you little thing?" As he muttered, he went personally to the kitchen of the farmhouse.

Luo Lixi shot the man a resentful gaze. Sheng Ruming snorted as he didn't hold back his thoughts, "The moment it poked me, it had only one way… to get roasted or stewed on the frying pan!"


Listening to him, she remembered that countless times, she had poked, pinched and even slapped this man. Just remembering those times, made her lips tremble.

Sheng Ruming knew what she was thinking. The man came beside her ear and whispered, "However, if you poke me, you can only have the date to cry under me… on my bed."


"The kiss… it was very sweet." Sheng Ruming wiped his lips. His eyes fell on her lips again and his eyes darkened again. He subconsciously murmured. "I like it. Why don't go to a room and take care of our matters? "

Luo Lixi saw his grinning face which seemed as if he got the thing he wanted for a long time and became greedy for more. "Huh, dream on… "

Luo Lixi mumbled and closed her eyes. She dropped her head on his shoulder while the man rubbed her head. His eyes were gentle like the water of spring. 

"Such a pity… I wanted to eat you today. Forget it. There will be countless opportunities in the future."


… …

When dinner time came, all of them sat around the table which was set outside. Under the night sky, it was a perfect time to relax people's nerves. 

"Come with me." Luo Lixi dragged the man with her. Sheng Ruming became obedient and let her drag whenever she wanted.

In five minutes, they came to a flower garden. When people glanced around, their eyes would turn blind by the countless numbers of colours. 

Luo Lixi had already brought a scissor with her. She asked the man beside her, "Which flower do you like?"

Sheng Ruming glanced around and thought deeply. For a moment, he was confused, "Everything is good."

Luo Lixi pressed hers tightly. Sheng Ruming strolled around. Right then, his eyes fell in a little plant. It had white creamy flowers and each of them was as big as a baby's palm.

Sheng Ruming glanced at her ash white coloured dress and then the flowers. "This one."

Luo Lixi walked towards him. Even her eyes paused when she noticed the white roses. She bent down and smelled it. The fresh heavy scent of roses hit her nostrils hard, "It's good. We will take them."

"Hmm." Then, both of them got busy cutting the fresh white roses. While doing it, Sheng Ruming had cut a bud and put it on her head, at the side of her little bun.josei

After they had cut some fresh white roses from the garden, they had put them in the vase in the middle of the table.

When it was time to sit down for dinner, Wei Airan patted the seat beside her, "Come Lixi. Sit beside me. It's not easy to get you to spend time with this old woman." 

Luo Lixi saw Sheng Ruming's mood going downwards. She could only chuckle in her mind as she stood up from beside him and made her way towards Wei Airan.

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