Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 317 - 317 "Its Gone Now, Are You Happy?"

Chapter 317 - 317 "Its Gone Now, Are You Happy?"

Father Ji gritted his teeth and asked in unbearable anger, "Think clearly! Whom have you offended before going abroad? Someone is targeting my business for many weeks straight. I can think of another soul other than you who can be the reason!" 

Ji Yanli put down the phone and turned on the speaker mode. Right at this moment, Wang Haixiao was walking towards the balcony but before he could step in, his legs stopped hearing Father Ji's harsh words.

Then he remembered that among the people Ji Yanli had messed up, only Yan Luhan was capable of affecting Ji Yanli's family business. 

"Ah, father, you should believe in me for once. How can a cute little angel like me can possibly create trouble…" But before she could finish, a light bulb lit up in her mind and she remembered the man who was deceived by her. 

"Why did you stop?! Huh! If someday I date to believe in you, then my ancestors will walk out from the grave to curse me!" Father Ji's loud panting was heard from the opposite side but Ji Yanli didn't notice it. 

Wang Haixiao glanced at her and thought, 'Uncle Ji is surely pitiful to have such a daughter. How did he manage her all those years?!'

While thinking, he entered the balcony. When Ji Yanli noticed his presence, she motioned him to keep silent but he was having none of it. Wang Haixiao put the cup of coffee he had brought in front of her and picked up her phone. 

"What are you up to?!" Listening to her words, father Ji calmed down and murmured, "There is someone beside you, why didn't you tell me?"

Father Ji was a man who was strict about his image and bearings. The earth could be torn apart but his bad side should never be exposed in front of others. When he thought that someone might have heard the obscene words he had spoken easier, he got another reason to scold his unfilial daughter in his mind space.

"Uncle, it's me, Haixiao." In large steps, Wang Haixiao left the balcony. Ji Yanli tried to get back her phone without making too much disturbance but he motioned her to sit down and continue to read. 

After going back to his room, Wang Haixiao cleared his throat and began to speak properly, "Before coming back, I've seen that Yan family's son harass Yanli. Not only that, but he also tried to stop her from leaving for the airport. So I think he must be the culprit."

When Father Ji heard his words, he remained silent for a long time until Wang Haixiao called him out, "Uncle, are you still there?"

"Mmm. Haixiao, Yanli has told her mother she has rented an apartment just for her use. So, why are you with her? The important matter is, you are also abroad?" 

The old father's heart got restless. It was one thing that he didn't know about Ji Yanli and Wang Haixiao staying together but now that he knew, he couldn't help but think of dragging his daughter back and scolding her once more.

Father Ji's thoughts became erratic, 'That brat is big enough to stay with a man? Why didn't I realize?!... Ah, her time has come to get married and settle down…' 

When he thought these, father Ji's heart squeezed in bitterness. 'The man who will marry her is the most unfortunate man in the world.'

"Cough! I… uhm! Uncle, I also study in the same uni as her so we have… cough! the connection isn't good… Hello! Hlo! Hollla!!!!" Wang Haixiao screamed a few times and then cut the call. 

When he did, the man sighed in relief, 'Too scary!' 

The man immediately returned to the balcony and threw the phone at her. Then, he sat down in front of her in a seat and took out a newspaper to read.

"What did you talk about with the old man?" Ji Yanli stared at him sharply and asked. 'My divine sense is pointing that he has done something wrong!'

"Nothing... just how is he? That's it." His morning fresh face failed to hide his nervousness. 

Ji Yanli glanced at the phone in despair and murmured, "Why did you talk with him? Later, mother will also call to inquire why you are here."

Wang Haixiao rubbed his chin in deep thoughts and whispered, "Honesty is the best policy. You forgot your adulation. Tsk tsk! Bad Yanli."

"... Policy my foot! Argh! Amma!!!" She threw away the '101 ways to get zero figure' book and to her pain, it went out of the railing and dropped down. 

Wang Haixiao hurriedly stood up and glanced down. "Luckily, no one died because of the book falling from heaven!" Then he turned to Ji Yanli and yelled, "Are you crazy? What if some accidents happen to somebody?!" 

Ji Yanli blinked her watery eyes and acted coquettishly, "Xiao Xiao, can't you spend jail time instead of me if I were to kill someone someday?" 

Her eyelashes blinked rapidly as she stared at him with huge expectation. The man chuckled and snatched the coffee he had brought for her, "Heh! As if! Only in your dreams! Gulp gulp!"

The man drank the hot coffee as if he was drinking water. In the next moment, he regretted it. "Ahhhhh!"

"Serves you right! Humph!" Ji Yanli mocked him but in the end, she brought a glass of cold water for him. The man felt much better afterwards and intended to continue their conversation but right that moment Ji Yanli remembered her father's words. 

"Haixiao, I'll be right back." 

"Where are you going now?"

"In my room, I'll be back in a few moments. Just wait for me!" Ji Yanli ran to her room and locked it from inside so later when Wang Haixiao wanted to enter, he couldn't get in.

… …

"Hey, sweetheart! Finally remember to call me, huh?" Yan Luhan, sitting at a presidential suite, smoked when he saw her call and couldn't help but feel smug.

"Luhan… '' However, Ji Yanli was very calm when she uttered his name. It sounded like she was calling someone she had nothing to do.

Yan Luhan's smile deepened as he continued, "Yes, it's me. You don't have to call me out so tenderly. I get hard, you know…"

Ji Yanli took a large breath as she tried to call down, "... Understood. Mr Yan. Why are you after my father? Stop being a child, will you?!"

Yan Luhan laughed out aloud as he walked to the windows. His eyes caught a pair of lovers who were sharing ice creams while walking on the street. 

"It was you who had blocked me. Then, it is also you who has called me now. I didn't even do anything. Why is miss Ji being unreasonable?" 

Ji Yanli bit her lips. She didn't want her family to suffer for herself thus she didn't flare up this time. "Yan Luhan, what do you want me to do? To talk with you every day? Fine. From today, I'll talk for at least 5 minutes."

Yan Luhan rubbed his left thumb against his forefinger and whispered in a deep male voice, his eyes also became dark, "Not that."

"Then what?" Ji Yanli felt it was foolish of her to question this and the answer of her intuition was replied in the next moment. 

"I want you."

Yan Luhan finally told her his deepest desire.

... ...

After a moment of silence, Luo Lixi and Sheng Ruming went back to the table. Luo Lixi's wrinkled bathrobe was sorted by his hands which were very naughty and got slapped by her several times.

The man was reluctant to not fulfil his reason for which he had arranged everything.

Luo Lixi was willing to raise her eyelids when he cut the love shape cake into little pieces and gave her one. When she saw the thing on top of it, her mind shook itself in pity. 

Her tone was low and lazy, which sounded cute in the man's ears.

"You take this away and I'm warning you, don't give me rings next time! I mean really! Are you trying to advertise your products? Every time ring and ring… Rings!!!"

The beautiful black eyes curled into crescent moons as she spewed those words. She didn't mind if he gave her countless rings because she loved his thoughts but then the ring on top of the cake was looking like an eyesore no matter from which angle she looked.

Also, aunt Zhu had already asked her about the little ring boxes she had in her room and why there were so many expensive rings.

She really didn't want to say at that time that all those were as same as the current ring she was wearing.

Sheng Ruming listened to her and suddenly shot a look on the cake. With his two fingers, he took it and put the ring in his mouth.

Then, under Luo Lixi's shocking eyes, he chewed the ring slowly with crunching sounds and gulped down. "It's gone now. Are you happy?"

But, Luo Lixi immediately stood up and grabbed his throat in a panic, her free hand slapped his back as she yelled, "Spat! Spat it out! Hurry! Do you want to die?! Hurry, throw it up!"

Luo Lixi picked up a clean wine glass and placed it in front of him and urged him to vomit. At some point, the man was worried that she would start to slap his back without stopping. 

Sheng Ruming tried to put on a forced smile and said as he made her sit beside him, "I thought it's the perfect way to make it disappear."

Every time she could be speechless by his reasonings.

"Can't you be more tactful when you speak?"

Luo Lixi's eyes gave him a faint look, shining with disgust and disdain. But the man knew she was just trying to make him uncomfortable so he didn't take it in heart or else...

Her delicate eyebrows and thick eyelashes, adding a touch of softness when the shining orbs were raised. The burning candles were shown in her clear eyes and looked like little subs. With the upturned lips, she looked seductive and provocative! josei

When that glance came over, the man's heart was tickled and scratched by a feathery feeling.

After being watched by disgusted and disdainful eyes, Sheng Ruming lowered his face, pretending to be sad.

"Lixi, you… you don't love me anymore. You have changed…" There were invisible tears around Sheng Ruming's eyes and he wiped those with the tip of his pitiful forefinger.

The look of loss made Luo Lixi look inexplicably speechless. A man like Sheng Ruming trying to act pitiful, it was too much for her heart to handle.

From an angle that Luo Lixi couldn't see, Sheng Ruming hooked up his lips and reluctantly changed his advance.

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