Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 320 - 320 Ruming Getting Beaten By Lixi Part 2!

Chapter 320 - 320 Ruming Getting Beaten By Lixi Part 2!

Slap~ slap~ koch~

Sheng Ruming's big butt was slapped until it became red but the girl couldn't see it because… forget it. 

Luo Lixi didn't feel any kind of Shane beating Sheng Ruming, rather she was feeling an unknown kind of joy.

The man wanted to break free but Luo Lixi had great foresight. She had bound him so tightly his skin would tear if he tried too hard. 

So now, Sheng Ruming didn't dare to struggle too much after he felt pain. But in her eyes, his struggling figure looked like a mummy who is powerless. 

"Lixi, aaaaaa… remove the rope from me!" Sheng Ruming tried to move away from her evil clutches but Luo Lixi didn't let him go either. 

She turned him over and pinched at his waist. Sheng Ruming had the urge to scream on top of his lungs but he didn't because of his leftover pride.

Her eyes burned on fire, "You damn possessive, unreasonable man. If today I don't make your butt shed skin, I will change my surname! Until I am satisfied, you aren't allowed to leave!"

Pa! Pa! Pa! 

One slap after another fell on him, not only on his butt but also on his back. At some point, Luo Lixi took the hairpin box, took out the hairpin and then crushed the little box on him. 

At some point, she jumped on the floor and tried to find a suitable thing to use to beat him but she didn't find it… what a pity~

At this point, the man rolled on the bed but it clearly fell in her eyes. In one jump, she sat on top of him and began her assault again. 

"... I am sorry~" In the end, the man apologized even though he didn't get what was wrong. 

Sheng Ruming was beaten up until Luo Lixi's hand became numb. After she vented her pent-up emotions, she dropped beside him and fell asleep while clutching the little hairpin she had bought today.

On the other hand, slowly, Sheng Ruming moved towards the edge of the bed. He didn't make any sound so as not to trigger the woman.

Soon he fell. Even when it caused a big noise, Luo Lixi didn't bother to open her eyes and slept like a log. Currently, a satisfied smile was on her face which was contradictory to her earlier actions.

Sheng Ruming got on his knees and slowly and steadily pushed the rope down. It took him a lot of time to stand up. 

In no time, he finally got back his freedom and wanted to scream. "Finally… ouch!"

He felt pain all over his body, but his face was burning a lot as if some tissues were damaged. His eyes became cold when he saw the motionless body on the bed. 

'I need her to see a doctor… no probably I need an exorcist?' The man noted in his heart. Her this side was totally foreign to him and it made his bone chilled.

But the first thing he did despite the pain he was feeling, was to pick the rope. Then, he looked around and saw the trash can. 'There you are!'

He went there and put the entire rope in the trash can. Before that, he searched and found a scissor, cut it into little pieces. There was no way other than this to vent his anger after all he couldn't bear to take revenge against Luo Lixi, could he?

'Humph!' Before leaving, he kicked on a wall. Luo Lixi subconsciously heard all those noises but in her brain, she assumed that a stray dog might be making noises.


When Sheng Ruming walked in front of the dressing table, his hand froze while his eyes trembled. He got a punch from his dear honey and it had already made a purple circle around his right eye. 

Even though Luo Lixi didn't slap or punch his face too much, one punch was enough. 

Sheng Ruming turned around and saw her sleeping like a dead person. 'Was she possessed by some evil spirit or what?! Why did she become so violent all of a sudden?!'

Sheng Ruming checked his face with a pained heart. There was another purple bruise on his neck. It was caused by her nails when he struggled to break free. 

"Ah! How can I attend tomorrow's bid with this appearance?!" Sheng Ruming exclaimed as he ran towards the freezer but didn't find ice cubes in it. It was filled with all kinds of imported drinks. 

"Lixi, did you do this on purpose?! Was it your plan from all along so that I can't attend the bid and compete with Luo Corporation?!" Sheng Ruming pointed towards Luo Lixi and yelled in anger. Even when he knew it would never be the reason, he still said that. 

The woman opened her eyes slightly. While facing him with her back, she yawned as her eyelashes fluttered with mist, "So what if I?" 

"You… you have to compensate me then! " Sheng Ruming snorted as he turned his face away when she turned around to look.

"How?" Luo Lixi rubbed her face on the mattress as she asked.

"Marry me! In… one week!" Sheng Ruming gritted his teeth. Even though she had signed that marriage contract, he still wanted to get married to her in front of everyone. 

Only then could he spend his everyday life with Luo Lixi.

"Too much narcissism is harmful for health, Mr Sheng…Me plotting against you, is it even possible?! Mmm…" Luo Lixi yawned again and finally stopped talking. She felt there was no need to waste her breath reasoning with him.

"Humph!" So, in the end, he called Xiao Huang. 

Poor Xiao Huang who had gone into his room to rest after assigning other men around Sheng Ruming could only leave his source of comfort. He had to wear his uniform all over. 

When he was making his way towards the lift, a struggling figure caught his attention. 

Currently, Pan Er Jiu had more than 20 shopping bags. Except for her head, her front was blocked by those bags. 

When she tried to enter the hotel earlier, the security guards blocked her. They looked at her messy appearance and immediately took those bags for security checks. That's how much she looked suspicious in their eyes. 

"Ahh, I should have bought some tomorrow. I've damaged my pure image before everyone…" Pan Er Jiu carefully took one step at a time so as to not to drop the eight bags she was holding. 

Each wrist had five bags. The scene was very painful in Xiao Huang's eyes. He knew that Pan Er Jiu was Luo Lixi's new assistant. Thus, he went ahead to help her first. 

"Ah, brother Xiao!" Pan Er Jiu exclaimed when she saw the handsome man walking straight towards her. Smiling, she wanted to wave at him but those bags restricted her actions.

Without saying anything, Xiao Huang took the initiative, took the bags she was holding. Pan Er Jiu blushed as she murmured, "I have let brother Xiao watch such an embarrassing image."

Pan Er Jiu thought in remorse, 'I looked like a desperate woman who didn't buy anything for a millennium… argh!'

Xiao Huang didn't reply and began to walk. He already knew the room she was staying in. Pan Er Jiu obediently followed him all the way. When they reached her room, Xiao Huang stopped and turned to her. 

But Pan Er Jiu was still in her thoughts. Even when the man was obviously motioning her with his eyes, she didn't come back from her daydreaming.

Right then, the receptionist came running. She stopped right in front of the man and panted heavily, "Mr Xiao, I have brought the ice bag you have asked for…"

Xiao Huang nodded. The next moment, he bent down and put the bags before the door. Only then, Pan Er Jiu got back her sense. She hurriedly spoke, "Thanks brother Xiao for your help! Thanks!"

Xiao Huang didn't even look at her face. He received the ice bag and turned around. The receptionist gave Pan Er Jiu a mocking glance and then hurriedly followed Xiao Huang to the elevator.

Pan Er Jiu slapped her forehead, "Ah, why did I go into a trance just now?!" 

The girl turned towards the lift which had already closed. Right then she was left in the corridor. Pan Er Jiu searched for her purse but unfortunately, she didn't find it. 

"My God! Did I lose it somewhere?!" Pan Er Jiu murmured in disbelief. "What will I do now… But luckily I have spent all the cash though." When she came at this point, she felt a little better.

A sudden cold air bypassed her when she remembered something 

The key card of the hotel room was still in that purse. 'How will I get in?!' Her eyes swept on the bags and the heart was turning cold. 'Will I have to go to the front desk with all these?!'...

Luckily, she remembered in time that the people staying beside her room were the employees who had come together with her.

Thus, Pan Er Jiu was saved from a lot of trouble and thanks to her excellent memory!

… ...

Xiao Huang stepped out of the elevator. But after walking a few steps, he stopped and turned around. 

The receptionist looked down on the floor and said in a pained voice. "Mr Xiao, I… I want to apologize to Mr Sheng for my failure today. Let me follow you. If he doesn't forgive me… I won't feel peace."

She squeezed her eyes and forced out two drops of barely seen tears. 

Xiao Huang opened his lips and made her speechless, "You aren't allowed to follow. But if you insist, I will presume you have ulterior motives."

The receptionist wanted to meet Sheng Ruming and have a talk even though it meant apologizing to the other person. She had seen Sheng Ruming before, only in the business magazines. But the enticement to have a talk only between them was very tempting.

Listening to Xiao Huang, she could only leave. After all, losing her well-paid job in exchange for meeting the famous man wasn't worth it in her eyes.

… ...

Ding~ Dong~

When Sheng Ruming opened the door, Xiao Huang raised the ice bag. The ice cubes had already started to melt. 

"Why are you so late? The bacteria have already given birth to its fourteen generations."josei

When Xiao Huang wanted to apologize, he saw Sheng Ruming's messy appearance. His eyes momentarily froze, "Boss, you…" 

Xiao Huang directly pressed the ice bag on Sheng Ruming's face where the purple bruise was. 

"Ah, slowly!" Sheng Ruming yelled as he retreated and took the ice bag. "Are you trying to disfigure your boss?!"

On the other hand, Xiao Huang suddenly got extremely furious. He couldn't help but clench his teeth and whisper in a super angry voice, "Who is the bastard?"

"Hah? Ouch! Oh..." Sheng Ruming was confused. Even when he frowned, he felt pain. How saddening!

"The person who has beaten you! How can those men fail to protect you?! Boss, just tell me who he is! I will definitely teach him a reason!" Xiao Huang's angry words flowed out one after another. 

His chest was set ablaze and he was brimming with fighting energy. He would never let go whoever had beaten Sheng Ruming. His pride as a professional bodyguard was on verge of destruction!

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