Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 323 - 323 Yanli Eating Haixiao's Tofu~

Chapter 323 - 323 Yanli Eating Haixiao's Tofu~

Well, another thing to worry about. His father wouldn't say anything to his mother and his mother would spoil his half-sister… a vicious cycle would continue until who knew when…

Now, he would be the one to fill up the gap. Even though Yan Luhan wasn't short on money, after working in the company, he knew how hard it is to earn. 

His parents' attitude only piled up on his disappointment but he didn't want to endure this anymore. 

… …

Wang Haixiao walked beside Ji Yanli. Even though he knew he might get a bitter answer, he asked with an uncomfortable feeling, "Another night? What did you mean by this Yanli?"

Ji Yanli supported her chin with the back of her palm and answered as a matter of fact, "Another night to educate him how to please a woman aka Luo Lixi."

"... Oh." Wang Haixiao was also happy!

Right then Ji Yanli's phone rang out. She was startled and thought Sheng Ruming might have called her to scold but unexpectedly it was Michael. 

Wang Haixiao dragged a chair and quietly sat beside her. Ji Yanli narrowed her eyes. She didn't want to pick it up but the phone continued to ring. 

From the side, Wang Haixiao understood her mood and cut the call for her. Ji Yanli didn't say anything but then she felt disturbed when the call came again. 

"Who?" Ji Yanli asked.

"... Ben." Wang Haixiao answered with reluctance. 

"Pass it then." Ji Yanli stared at her phone but the man didn't move. At that, she raised her eyes and chuckled dangerously, "Haixiao ya, my mood is very bad now. Don't trigger me…"

The man obediently passed the phone this time. Ji Yanli received the phone and swiped her finger on it, "Ben, you have 30 seconds, speak!"

"Ah, I called you to know if you are okay." 

"I am fine. I have given you a reply so I will hang up now." Ji Yanli answered and proceeded to do it but Ben screamed out.

"Lili, hold on! I just… wanted to see you and wondered if you will give me your address. I just…" Ben hesitated to ask for her address but before she could reply Wang Haixiao heard everything and snatched her phone. 

Ji Yanli was stumped by his next action. 

The man cut the call after saying, "She won't give you her address!"

"Haixiao…" Ji Yanli called out softly after she got back her phone.

"Hmm?" He looked at her with a cold face as if the things he had done earlier was nothing. Ji Yanli felt his actions were extremely rude. 

She tapped her fingers on the table and squinted her eyes, "You are behaving strangely after coming here. You dare to snatch something of mine, even cut the call … Did you think I would tolerate it?"

Wang Haixiao pursed his lips. He turned his eyes and stared at her fingers. After remaining silent for several seconds, he finally replied, "Don't give others our address. I don't like when someone disturbs me."

Ji Yanli suddenly smiled and leaned towards him. Wang Haixiao was taken aback when she pinched his nose, "Man, your excuse is terrible. In the future, I will have new friends and surely give them my address. What can you do, huh?"

Wang Haixiao didn't reply and just sat on the side in silence, quietly releasing a negative atmosphere around him. Ji Yanli's smile deepened as she watched the man.

All that was missing was for the man to open his lips and to shout the words 'I'm not happy! I don't like it! I don't agree!'. But those could simply be read from his face.

Ji Yanli took back her hand and continued to sit. The surrounding was quiet for a long time. Meantime, the man increased the negative vibes and it was suffocating.

After ignoring him for a while Ji Yanli finally frowned and looked over, "If you're really unhappy….."

Wang Haixiao's eyes brightened slightly. He was ready to hear her say, 'I won't give our address to anyone~' but...

Ji Yanli slowly finished the second half of his sentence and stared at him intensely, "... Then stay away from me. Your mood is bothering me. Also, this apartment is also mine! You can't forbid me from inviting someone in the future, humph!"

Ji Yanli chuckled lightly and tilted her head. Wang Haixiao's face which was brimming with dark clouds entered her vision. 'Opps! He is mad~'

Ji Yanli moved her seat towards him. Then, she gently poked Wang Haixiao's chest with a single finger which had a long, shiny and beautiful nail! The nail also had crystals on it which glittered under the chandelier.

Even then, Wang Haixiao was quiet. On top of that, his face became darker.

Seeing that he wasn't speaking, Ji Yanli pressed her entire palm against his firm chest. josei

Through her palm, she could feel the powerful explosive power from under the clothes.

Without holding back, she began to grope around. 'Woah! It's been ages since I have seen him without clothes...'

Without holding back, Ji Yanli began to eat tofu. Wang Haixiao's chest was touched and groped by her for a long time but the man stared at her without any expression.

Ji Yanli couldn't help but lick her lips. She felt the urge to lift his shirt and go under it to directly feel his skin.

"Even after many years, your body is still good…" Hearing her, it sounded just like a compliment but Ji Yanli's next words were infuriating, "I have seen many other masculine men and yours is… average, what a pity!"

When he first listened, Wang Haixiao was a little excited. Anyone who was confessed to like this and even by such a charming lady would feel a little happy inside but after listening to her next words, Wang Haixiao's feelings grew numb.

In addition to the numbness, there was also an urge to laugh out in anger.

Grasping that dishonest hand, Wang Haixiao moved her hand over to the place above his heart. But she also groped that place. 

Wang Haixiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry because of her actions.

The slight vibration from the heartbeat quickly transmitted through Ji Yanli's hands and it didn't take long for her heartbeat to beat at the same frequency as his.

Both of them were very close and in that quiet environment, the sounds of their hearts could be heard vaguely.

Wang Haixiao's face showed a small smile. He raised his head and looked up at Ji Yanli who was half propped up on top of him. 

"Ah, Haixiao, I think I should go and have a talk with my Ma." Ji Yanli gave an awkward laugh and tried to get away but Want Haixiao caught her waist.

The man held her wrist and brought it over to his lips. He landed a heavy kiss on the back of Ji Yanli's hand and then bit by bit kissed along it to the tips of each finger. 

As he did this, his eyes were still fixated on Ji Yanli who flinched slightly as if she wanted to withdraw her hand but also as if she was reluctant to move away.

Watching this Wang Haixiao's smile deepened. After kissing her fingers, he stood up and hugged her under her arms. 

Ji Yanli corporated and wrapped her legs around him. In the next second, both of them left the dining table. Wang Haixiao went to the sofa and sat down. 

Ji Yanli sat on top of him. Both of them were engrossed in their passionate kiss when suddenly Wang Haixiao suddenly broke out and said seriously, "You aren't allowed to give our address to others."

"Ok!" After saying, Ji Yanli leaned in to catch his lips but then he retreated.

"You can't touch others, especially men! If you want you shall touch me, only me!" Wang Haixiao felt butter when he remembered her earlier lines.

"Alright!" Ji Yanli caught his chin and wanted to continue but Wang Haixiao blocked her lips and continued.

"Do you like Luhan?" 

Ji Yanli froze as she stared at him with a complicated expression. Wang Haixiao felt nervous as he waited for her reply eagerly. Suddenly Ji Yanli laughed aloud. 

"Not now but in the past, I used to." After replying, Ji Yanli wanted to get away but Wang Haixiao's hold didn't let her. 

"It's ok if it was in the past. Don't like him… no don't try to like another man from now on, okay?. From now on you can only like me, understand?" Wang Haixiao was determined to make everything clear. After all, he couldn't be taken advantage of like he was some cheap product! 

Ji Yanli stared at him stiffly. Liking other men, she hadn't given much thought to this matter but now that Wang Haixiao had told this, she couldn't remain silent. "Why should I?"

Wang Haixiao was stumped by her. He leaned down and answered through gritted teeth, "Move away your dirty claws from my chest! Go and touch those other men who have better physiques than me!"

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