Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 350 - 350 Troubling Guards.

Chapter 350 - 350 Troubling Guards.

Luo Lixi was speechless by his change in behaviour. Nonetheless, she answered back, "Grandfather wants to see him. If you know his whereabouts, then…"

"I don't know." Sheng Ruming said with annoyance. He would love it if both the grandfather and granddaughter could ignore Luo Lixiang's existence. Just talking about this ungrateful man was enough to set his scalp ablaze~

"Ah? You don't know? Then, I think I will have to do something…" Luo Lixi grumbled anxiously as she began to think about what to do. 

In her mind, currently, she was thinking if she should contact Zhao Yichen, the person who could find anyone in just a few hours, sometimes in a few minutes. 

If Luo Lixi let out her opinions right then, the young man across the phone would have sunk into the vinegar pit of jealousy!

When Sheng Ruming realised that Luo Lixi must be thinking about doing something about this matter directly, he flared up like fire, "What will you do?! Don't be so ridiculous!"

"But, but…" Luo Lixi tried to explain but the man refused to listen. 

"No, but! I will do what needs to be done. You just take care of yourself and your grandfather. Good night?" Sheng Ruming's knots on the forehead wouldn't disappear until she gave him a satisfactory answer. 

"...Okay, fine. If it's you, I will be much at ease. Then… good night." Luo Lixi added gently. When she heard the sound of the call getting disconnected, she sighed in content. 

'It feels like a huge stone was removed from my chest…' As she thought, Luo Lixi went back to the VIP room. Before entering, she put on her brave front and only then she stepped in. 

When she noticed the silence in there, Luo Lixi put on a careful face and gently closed the door. Without making any sound, she entered and sat on the sofa, peeking at the two people quietly.

When Sheng Ruming said his plan to get married in a low key manner because of Luo Qintian's bad health, his mother was startled for a second but then agreed without making any fuss even though Sheng Haotin was displeased. 

His thoughts were that he had one child and his marriage should be done with lots of people inviting and in a grand way. But he knew he couldn't drive his way through Sheng Ruming anymore like in the past.

Well, in Wei Airan's opinion, as long as her son could get married, it was worth it and about the ceremony being small or big or huge, she didn't care much.

As for the concern of people gossiping about the reason why her son's marriage would be held in such a low-key manner, it didn't matter to her either. 

She gave her words that she would help Sheng Ruming in everything, from choosing Luo Lixi's dress to jewellery, she picked the most expensive and beautiful ones. Even though Sheng Ruming had prepared such things a long time ago, having extra didn't seem bad to him. 

Thus, after his work, he accompanied Wei Airan and went to various places to buy gifts and other things. Wei Airan also didn't hold back and bought a bunch of things, filling the three cars which had come with them.

Who would think, it was only for a small scale wedding ceremony. On top of that, after talking with Luo Lixi it turned out, nearly 60 people would be invited to this small function. 

Nonetheless, it didn't take time for the news to break out because many people got the invitation for their wedding. 

Among them, only relatives and close friends were included like the elder friends of Luo Qintian and the Yan, Feng and Ji family.

Their marriage party's invites came so suddenly that many people couldn't react to it. It left everyone bewildered and baffled, including Yan Ruomin. 

The crime she caused wasn't very severe thus after a few days of spending time in jail, she was freed. But at that time, Sheng Ruming had arranged the best and the cruellest interrogation for her, which was more than enough to scare her in her dream for the rest of her life!

Yan Ruomin, who looked very dry and withered, got down the stairs in gentle steps and glanced in her mother's direction. 

She wanted to call out for a glass of water but suddenly she saw the old woman ripping off something with enormous anger.

"Those people! After tossing my child into misery, they are planning and drawing their future happiness?! I curse you all!" She glared at the invitation card before tearing it into pieces, throwing them up in the air.

Once the pieces of papers settled down on the floor and with her anger still reaching its peak, she trampled on the shredded pieces and left the room in anger.

Yan Ruomin, who saw everything from the side, went unnoticed by Su Mengsi. She walked into the middle and looked down at the papers with a frown. 

Her eyes contracted into slits as soon as she saw the words in those papers. She crouched down and with trembling hands, picked up a piece, "No… no… how can he want to get married… how… Ruming, he's mine… mine!"

It seemed, even the lessons of the jail weren't successful to wake her up from her bubble dream.

With a pale face, Yan Ruomin dashed out from the home in her slippers. She went to one of the cars and ordered the driver who was preparing to leave. "Hey! Wait! Take me to the Sheng mansion!"

The driver whirled his head around. Upon watching Yan Ruomin's current stat, his lips twisted a lot. But the dense woman didn't notice it because she was too worried to think about anything else. 

Then, the driver glanced at his watch and hurriedly explained, "Miss Yan, Young master Yan has returned and will soon reach the airport. I will leave after dropping you at the Sheng Villa. Is that fine with you?"

Well, he wanted to reject Yan Ruomin but he knew clearly if he dated, the next second, he would lose his job.

"Yes! Now hurry!" Yan Ruomin entered the car and urged the driver. 

In her frenzy and craziness, she didn't even notice that she was still in her pyjamas and an unkept state...josei

After reaching the Sheng Villa's entrance, however, they were refused entry on their faces. Even though the guards knew Yan Ruomin, they didn't let her in. 

Yan Ruomin lifted her head out of the car window and shouted, "You dare to stop my car?! I am Yan Ruomin! Look clearly! You dumb people!"

One of the guards glanced at her and answered back nonchalantly, "Miss Yan, we are instructed that any young woman surnamed Yan isn't allowed to get into the Villa."

"You dare!" In anger, Yan Ruomin got out of the car. She halted right before the entrance and then glared at the guard, "Open the gate!"

"We can't." Guard number 2 said with a sunshine smile.

Both guards with firearms in their hands had different auras. 

One felt cold and ruthless, another felt warm but somewhat dangerous. They were placed there to deal with all kinds of people and we're highly skilled. 

And she happened to the most unreasonable person they had to deal with! Such a bad turn it was... 

The driver who came with Yan Ruomin glanced at the watch urgently. After seeing that the time was running out, he cried out in panic, "Miss Yan, I have to go! Please call your own driver when you leave, sorry!"

The big car left with a loud hush!

"Hey, don't leave!" Yan Ruomin turned around and shouted at the leaving car but her voice wasn't enough to reach the driver's ears who had flown away from the scene with a smirk on his lips.

However, soon her sights fell on the guards again. She stopped right in front of the warm looking guard and shouted, "Let me go in. My mother is Aunty Wei's friend. You can't stop me from going in. Open the gate!"

However, No one paid her any heed and she continued yelling and the guards were acting like they were deaf and dumb. 

The screaming of her continued to grow louder and louder. That two men would not dare to ignore her anymore. 

She was disturbing the peace and nature!

Then the warm looking guard took her hand and mumbled dangerously while dragging her to the side, "Miss Yan, please don't cross our limit. Stop shouting! If necessary, we are allowed to take several drastic measures against any trouble maker."

"Let me go in then… please?!" This time, Yan Ruomin put on a pitiful posture and dropped her head down, successfully making the guard hesitate. 

Also the visual of her wearing pyjamas in the broad daylight was really something.

"If you really want to get in then… I can only tell that. Both the young master and madam have gone out early in the morning. You can wait here. They may come back in a while." The warm looking bodyguard let out after much consideration.

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