Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 363 - 363 Getting Advice From Mother In Law.

Chapter 363 - 363 Getting Advice From Mother In Law.

Aunt Lin looked at Wei Airan and then Luo Lixi. Nobody would dare to say that the two had a generation gap between them and they were mother in law- daughter in law.

Also, Luo Lixi didn't wear any makeup and looked clean and refreshed, like the morning dew. On the other hand, Wei Airan looked noble and elegant, like a red rose. 

Two beauties of different fields~ 

Luo Lixi saw Wei Airan and was awestruck for a moment as Wei Airan's sweet and matured charm enveloped her mind. She couldn't help but mumble while being shocked, "Ruming, is she really your biological mother? She's looking so young..."

"Any doubt? Look at our nose, you'll see the familiarity." Sheng Ruming said seriously. Then he lifted his face high as if for her to check. 

"..." Luo Lixi seriously checked his nose and then Wei Airan's. There was really glaring familiarity between the two people. 

When Luo Lixi nodded her head, Sheng Ruming was pleased. He mouthed smugly, 'Said so~'

Looking at the couple who were busy interacting and whispering among themselves, Wei Airan smiled happily. She had dreamed of this scene for a long time. 

Also, when her eyes fell on Luo Lixi, it glowed with happiness as she thought, 'Finally, here you are, my the long-awaited daughter in law~'

When Luo Lixi saw this mesmerising scene, her chest thumbed crazily.

What to do when your very own mother-in-law is too beautiful for your own age?! That you can even have doubts about who is the newlywed wife if they stand together?!

At the sofa area on the first floor. 

Wei Airan and Luo Lixi were sitting side by side while Sheng Ruming went away to talk about his business when Xiao Huang got a call from the company.

In the broad hall room, Luo Lixi rubbed her hands as she glanced around. On the other hand, Wei Airan was busy looking at her new daughter in law when Luo Lixi caught her sight. 

Both of them smiled awkwardly. Wei Airan shifted a little closer to Luo Lixi and asked while tucking her bangs behind her ear, "How is elder Luo?"josei

"Grandfather is fine." Luo Lixi replied calmly.

"Oh, good then. I was worried about his health. It would have been good if he could have attended your wedding with us. Such a pity…"

"Hmm…" Luo Lixi pressed her lips and nodded slightly. Other than that, Luo Lixi didn't have another reply to give.

She didn't have anything else to talk about and the place became silent. Then her eyes fell on the gifts as she finally got a topic to talk about. 

"Aunty, my Grandfather has sent some gifts for everyone. Later, I will trouble aunty to help me to distribute these." Luo Lixi smiled as she said. Then she picked up two bags and gave them to Wei Airan enthusiastically. "These are yours and uncle's…" 

Wei Airan received them and placed them beside her. She chuckled and said in a low voice, "Lixi, your grandfather isn't in good health. Don't trouble the elder for such things. You understand, right?"

"Yes." Luo Lixi nodded at her kind words. 

Then, Wei Airan swept a careful look on her body and asked, "Girl, you're a newlywed wife. You should get dressed more beautifully and put on some makeup. Also, I can see barely any jewellery on you. It doesn't look good."

Wei Airan turned around and motioned to Aunt Lin. When the latter walked beside her, Wei Airan gave her instructions, "Bring the gifts I have prepared for Luo Lixi here."

"Yes, madam." Aunt Lin bowed and walked away with the two maids. 

Luo Lixi smiled awkwardly and said hastily as she waved her right hand, "Aunty, there is no need for gifts. It should be me who will give gifts to you."

Wei Airan smiled and her eyes flashed, "You are part of our family. Now, you represent the Sheng family. You should dress up more like a proper lady and wear some jewellery."

At that time, only Luo Lixi and Wei Airan were left in the room. Because of the cool air of the air conditioner, Luo Lixi felt cold and her skin turned pinkish. She nodded again. "I understand."

Even though she felt uncomfortable, she agreed with Wei Airan. Luo Lixi pondered deeply, 'Now that I am married, will I have to dress up like those flashy daughters-in-law of rich families?...' 

Luo Lixi was reminded of her mother who would always wear matching jewellery with her dresses. On weekends, friends would come and discuss which new things would come out. 

A floor of their mention was for her to keep her luxurious goods, dresses and jewellery. Whenever she remembered, she would feel a little lost. 

When Luo Lixi was thinking about her mother, Wei Airan suddenly spoke out, "Lixi, have you two… already consummated the marriage?"

Luo Lixi's mind went blank for a second as she flapped her eyelids in confusion. "Ah?" When her mind finally registered what the other party was asking, her mind went poof~

Her pale skin became red as she looked down on the floor and shyly nodded. Looking at this scene, Wei Airan became overjoyed. 

When Aunt Lin came, Wei Airan directly handed the gifts to Luo Lixi and said happily, "These are yours. Some jewellery is mine, some are my late mother in law's. Also, I have bought some latest designs for you. Look if you like these."

"Yes." Luo Lixi was handed ten dark red coloured jewellery boxes. Under Wei Airan's eager eyes, she opened one by one and was surprised. Looking at those gold and jade jewellery with exquisite designs, they were anything but ordinary.

"They are beautiful. Thanks, aunty." Luo Lixi smiled. When she was closing the boxes, Wei Airan suddenly spoke out, "Why don't you wear one now?"

Luo Lixi looked down and contemplated which one to wear when Wei Airan spoke out again, "Do a thing girl. Go to Ruming's room and rest for now. In the afternoon, my friends and other ladies will come to meet you. Make sure to dress up properly."

Luo Lixi was embarrassed when she was reminded to dress up properly. Only then she realised that she should have given more attention to her image and couldn't be so casual like before. She felt the obvious sight of the maids on her body and felt uneasy.

Wei Airan turned towards the maids who were standing beside Aunt Lin. Unlike the smiling face she used for talking with Luo Lixi, her face turned calm and stern, "You two, take her to Xiao Ming's room. Also, when the ladies come later, make sure everything is okay and assist her in dressing."

The maids bowed. The two went forward and picked up the boxes even before they were given instructions. Luo Lixi stood up and hesitated to leave. 

Wei Airan saw this and asked, "Say?"

Luo Lixi looked down on the ground and asked, "I want to meet uncle Sheng before going to the room."

Wei Airan stood up and shook her hand. "Oh, him? He's busy now. You can meet him later, don't worry."

Thus, Luo Lixi was sent to the second floor. Wei Airan saw the leaving silhouette of Luo Lixi and then sighed. She patted her chest and chuckled. Then, she turned towards Aunt Lin and said, "Send some energy supplementary soup to her."

Aunt Lin nodded and left. Wei Airan saw the piles of gifts and ignored them. She walked out from the Villa and her gaze fell on Sheng Ruming. 

The young man was busy discussing the government project with Chen Shubin and Zhou Lei. Even though Sheng Ruming was on leave, as the CEO of the company, he couldn't leave the important tasks to another person. 

When the two men saw Wei Airan, they stopped talking and straightened their backs. While Wei Airan was walking towards them, they greeted her. 

"Hellow, Aunt Wei." Chen Shubin smiled.

"Good afternoon, Aunty." Zhou Lei said.

"Shubin, Zhou Lei, why are you two standing outside? Go inside and talk then." 

Then, Wei Airan turned towards Sheng Ruming and reprimanded him, "Xiao Ming, look at you. How can you let them stand under the sun? You should care about your employees' well-being. On top of that, they are your friends!"

Chen Shubin and Zhou Lei simultaneously turned to Sheng Ruming. They had just come and saw Sheng Ruming outside. Thus, they rushed ahead and started discussing the problems they faced. Amid the discussion, they forgot about other things. 

Both of them glanced at each other and had a tacit understanding as they stayed silent. They thought in glee that it was rare to see their Boss getting scolded by someone. Thus, they began to watch silently rather than saying anything. 

Sheng Ruming caught the slight curves on the two men's lips. He spoke out while smiling, "Yes. It's my fault. You two are working very hard. I know."

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