Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 374 - 374 My Child...

Chapter 374 - 374 My Child...

After sorting out the matter with the bridge, the young man went to the hospital. But this time it wasn't Ming city no. 1 hospital, rather the very famous top-class hospital of the Ming city, 'Ailin Hospital'. 

The one where Luo Lixi stayed for months when she was rescued by Sheng Ruming and was in a coma. It was best in many fields and thus Sheng Ruming gave the matter to find the best surrogate for his child to Xiao Peilan.

After getting out of the car, Sheng Ruming went straight to the director's office. While walking, he unknowingly clenched his two arms. His heart was thumping like crazy. 

As the lift was going to the upper floor, Sheng Ruming closed his eyes and thought worriedly, 'I hope you are okay, baby. Dad is coming to see you.' 

"Take a deep breath… yes… just like that…" Xiao Peilan's hoarse voice was heard as he was examining a patient's heartbeat with his stethoscope when the door of the room suddenly burst open. It made such a loud noise that everyone in the room was taken aback. 

Getting interrupted so suddenly, the old man's fingers trembled violently. The patient's heartbeat also shot up the charts and thus Xiao Peilan's eardrums nearly burst from the loud noises. 

"Ahhh!" Xiao Peilan cried out in agony and ungripped the resonator. The thing fell on the ground and successfully saved the doctor from getting a heart attack. 

He turned angry and shouted as he turned around towards the entrance, "Who dares to…" 

"It's me, Sheng Ruming." The young man barged in and said straightforwardly. 

When Sheng Ruming's gaze fell inside, he saw several people were there who had terrified expressions but it didn't even make him realise just how inconsiderate his actions were!

This time it was Xiao Peilan's turn to take deep breaths to cool his galloping heart. He couldn't help but scold Sheng Ruming in his heart, 'Why didn't he knock before and come in like other times?! Is it true that people lose their mind after marriage?'

The single old doctor thought so but couldn't confirm his guess for the time being. But before his patient could open his mouth and scold the great ancestor, he immediately stood up and told his assistant, "You, take care of him."

Afterwards, he turned to the patient and said, "Sorry, I will have to leave for a moment. He will see you now."

When the patient nodded, Doctor Xiao picked up the stethoscope and hung it around his neck. Then, he went towards Sheng Ruming and whispered, "Mr Sheng, it's not a good place for talking. Why don't we go to another room?"

Sheng Ruming spoke without changing his expression as he stared at him. Then he said with a straight face but anyone could detect the impatience in his voice, "I have come to check on my child. Is it alright?"

Xiao Peilan paused while he was going out of the doorstep and turned to him. He adjusted his goggles' frame and whispered, "You mean, the surrogate mother?"

"Whatever you think. I just want to see if everything is okay with that woman and if… the baby can live…" Sheng Ruming felt very difficult when he said that. He felt very guilty in the first place because he failed to ensure Luo Lixi's safety and thus all these happened. 

He couldn't even imagine what he would do if something were to happen to that tiny life, his first child. Sheng Ruming's heart shook as he was looking forward to seeing his baby after fifteen days.

Xiao Peilan hesitated for a second after he heard the words of the young man. Sheng Ruming had already left the room and was walking towards the corridor. He glanced at the back of the man who was walking ahead but stopped abruptly.

Xiao Peilan hurriedly followed him and said with panic, "Mr… Mr Sheng, we can't!"

Sheng Ruming turned around and stared at the old doctor. His eyes were so icy and cold that Xiao Peilan felt a danger. 'Can't?! Is this man trying to say that I can't see my own child?! Does he want to die?!'

Noticing the grave atmosphere and the bodyguards who were standing around the place with eerie quietness, he inwardly shuddered. 

Thus Xiao Peilan hurriedly explained, "We can't let you meet the surrogate. It's not in our policy to do so because sometimes, the surrogates cause a lot of trouble after knowing the parents. Thus to avoid any future problems, it's advisable if you don't try to see her. But don't worry. We will take care of everything. The surrogate mother will be fine..."

Xiao Peilan explained with the expression of a man who had experience in this field but would that stop Sheng Ruming from doing what he wanted to?

Sheng Ruming didn't change his face even after a while and Xiao Peilan felt very worried. The young man took in a deep breath and stepped towards the old doctor as he said with utter coldness. 

"I am not worried about that woman, rather my child. If anything happens to it, then you all can forget about living! I didn't give you the damn authority to look after this matter for nothing!" Sheng Ruming appeared as if the old man were to say again that he couldn't see his little baby, he would break the damn old neck of the old doctor!

Xiao Peilan understood that it was impossible to stop Sheng Ruming but then he said after thinking a lot, "But, we can't show you the woman now. She isn't present in the hospital. Later, maybe..."

"What do you mean?" Sheng Ruming lashed out with immense anger and didn't even notice that other people were staring at them. 

"Not in the hospital? Then where? You have the audacity to let her out with my child?! What if she runs away with my baby?! Or something happens to her?! What will we do if she falls down?! Can you even compensate then?!... No, even hundreds of you aren't enough!" 

Sheng Ruming's whole face turned red due to his anger but then he lost his temper when the thought entered that someone was out there with his poor baby! The child was under danger and on top of that, the woman wasn't even his Luo Lixi! 

"...In her home? Also, no one will run away with another's child with a sane mind when they are only after money..." Xiao Peilan mumbled without a second thought and then noticed that Sheng Ruming's eyes darkened further. He stuttered, "We… Well, I will arrange everything for you but please! Listen to whatever I say. Come with me!" 

After saying that, Xiao Peilan rushed to the gynaecological department with a face full of sweat. Watching the mighty director of the hospital rushing into the department with such a state, all the other doctors were baffled. 

From calling the woman to come to the hospital as soon as possible to arranging everything for Sheng Ruming as per his wishes were things that nearly made Xiao Peilan breathless!

Sheng Ruming had to wait inside a room for nearly twenty minutes. The room was divided by a one-way glass wall. Sheng Ruming had the urge to meet with the woman and gave her a lot of privileges so that she could be happy! If she was happy then the baby was also happy! 

He wanted to give Luo Lixi a big fat cute baby but Xiao Peilan intervened in his plan. To avoid unwanted problems, Xiao Peilan told Sheng Ruming not to meet the surrogate mother directly no matter what! After the old man's endless persuasions, he finally gave in.

After twenty minutes, a woman finally came inside while following a female doctor. Sheng Ruming's eyes moved from Xiao Peilan to the front. The young man hurriedly stood up and went ahead, his sight was glued to the glass. Wherever the woman moved, Sheng Ruming's eyes were glued to her tummy. Not for one moment did he look at her face. 

"My child..." An inaudible sound escaped Sheng Ruming's mouth but except Xiao Huang, nobody understood it. The man sighed as he went behind his boss and stared at the woman on the opposite side too.

As they watched her body being tested, he couldn't help but whisper, "Boss, should I appoint some reliable men to keep her in check?"

Sheng Ruming didn't turn around and mumbled, "You failed to protect Lixi… Dare to ask this type of question to me?"

Xiao Huang moved his sight on the floor as he murmured, "But boss, you were the one who told us not to install any cameras in the main mansion…"

The young man turned around and said with a serious face, "Well... I take back my words. Install cameras wherever you can. Put some outside of the window too. Remember to tell my Ma and her about this." josei

"Ok, boss!" Xiao Huang replied instantly. He made a mental note to buy hundred CCTV cameras after they would leave the hospital.

Xiao Peilan was speechless by their actions. He thought while rubbing his chin, 'Wealthy people really can't have privacy so easily…'

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