Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 396 - 396 Mistress.

Chapter 396 - 396 Mistress.

Sheng Ruming was shocked when he saw her white dress getting stained by her blood drops. He lost his reasonings and stood there motionless, staring at her fixedly. 

But rather than feeling the pain, Luo Lixi's face began to relax and heaved a sigh when the bone piercing pain was reduced significantly. Her face turned crimson and sweater even in the air-conditioned room. 

With a shaky body, she turned to the washroom as she breathed in large amounts of air. Looking at the flushed face which was staring at her without making any noise, suddenly anger enveloped her reasonings. 

"You… liar… " Luo Lixi hoarsely mumbled yet the inaudible words weren't heard by him. Anger caused an adrenaline rush in her already unstable body.

Luo Lixi glared at him with her crimson eyes and wanted to scold the man with a bunch of words that were in her mind. 

But before she could voice them out, she dropped the injections and didn't notice how her chest became a bloody mess. 

Sudden dizziness overwhelmed her and she fell to the ground. Looking at the dropping figure, the man snapped out from his stumper and rushed ahead. Sheng Ruming grabbed her before she hit the ground and hurriedly picked her up. 

"Lixi, what have you done?! You should have told me when you were feeling sick!..." He scolded her with a low and pained voice. Sheng Ruming placed her on the bed. 

'I wanted to scold yet I got scolded...' Those were the only thoughts going on in her mind at that moment. 

Her body got weak as the medicine kicked in and made her sleepy. Her head spun and her vision got blurry. In no time Luo Lixi fell asleep even though she didn't want to. 

The drug which was running rampaged inside her body and the newly caused injury on her chest wasn't something her body could handle. 

Sheng Ruming hastily tore the chest part of the dress. Even though it wasn't a grave injury, looking at the mess, he remembered her weak body and the lack of blood. 

'I want her to drink blood!' Sheng Ruming had this strange thought. He cleaned her wound carefully and put on several bandaids. 

Afterwards, he stared at her and rubbed her head as he murmured. "Just bear with it… You will be fine. What caused your mood to fluctuate so much? The drug even showed this dangerous effect..." 

Sheng Ruming whispered. He tried to recall everything that happened today. Except leaving her in the studio and then her question in the car, other things didn't ring a bell. 

The man decided to ask her about it tomorrow.

Abroad. Two hours had passed since Ji Yanli had left. 

In the prison, Ben, Michael, Yan Luhan were standing. The great torture of the mosquitoes opened a new world of view for them. Never had they undergone such mental and physical torture in their life!

Even though Yan Luhan and Michael were quiet and motionless, Ben couldn't bear the noise made by those tiny monsters. He went to the prison bars and banged his handcuffs against the metal in anger. 

"Is our country so poor?! Where is the tax we have been paying for the fucking decades?!..." While yelling, he banged his handcuffs nonstop, making the dark prison cells echo his words and the terrible noise.

"Shut up! Do you want this place to be your five-star hotel?! You are prisoners and deserve this!" The young prison guard shouted back from the entrance of this place. 

"This place, it's not even suitable for dogs, let alone humans. Do you want us to die from getting dengue and malaria?!" As Ben shouted at the top of his lungs, the newly appointed young guard, and the old prison guard with a scar around his neck were greatly irritated. 

They glanced at each other and walked in. The whole prison area was shrouded in darkness. To save electricity, the police station would turn off the light of the prisons after midnight. The old guard who looked ferocious turned on the light and for a few seconds, all people in the prison cells were momentarily blinded. 

One of them opened the prison door where Ben was and dragged him out harshly. Then, they began to walk towards a certain path. Ben yanked their holds away with a powerful jump and shouted, "Where are you taking me?'' 

"For a troublemaker like you, 3rd-degree punishment is the ultimate medicine!" As the old prison guard who was behind him whispered with a frightening grin, he lifted his rifle and hit it against Ben's back, making the young man wince in pain and senseless in no time. 

Then the old guard turned around and glanced around the cells as he shouted, "If anybody makes noise again... remember you will get the taste of third-degree like him."

Yan Luhan lifted his eyes and glanced at the old prison guard. Both of them stared at each other for a moment. Looking at the young master's beautiful white and supple skin, the old prison guard licked his bottom lip lewdly.

Yan Luhan was totally disgusted and felt like punching that shitty face of the other person at that moment. 'Where is my damn assistant?! Why isn't he here yet?! After leaving, the first thing I'll do is to fire him!'josei

Yan Luhan thought as he turned around and looked elsewhere. The old guard scoffed at his gesture. "Stay quiet or you won't know how you have lost your voice!" 

After finishing, the two guards took hold of Ben's two legs and began to drag him towards a black room. It seemed the impulsive young man was in for a bad time. 

Michael was shocked and startled by what the guards said. After all, everybody knows what third-degree punishment means. 

The great physical and mental torture was a terrifying thing a normal person could tolerate. People have even turned insane after they experienced it but who talk for criminals and prisoners. People will even say with delight, 'They deserve it!'

Michael went beside the prison bars and glanced at the figure on the ground. Ben's face was on the ground, motionless. Michael was worried and turned to the guards as he asked. 

"Sir, he made a mistake! Can you please let him go? He was just frustrated earlier. It was our first time staying in a locker…"

The old guard with a scar on his face turned to Michael and spit on the ground as he hissed disgustingly like a gangster, "Friend? You have a conscience… Do you want to accompany him to that room? Hehe~"

As soon as Michael heard him, he became silent. He looked at the ground and hesitated, "Sir…"

The old guard spat on the ground, just right beside Ben's face and grunted with a sneer, "plastic friendship."

When the lackeys of Ben saw him in pathetic condition and being dragged away like a sack of trash, they could not stay calm. 

"Leave our boss!" Lackey no.1 cried out.

"You can't take him away! Boss~" Lackey no. 2 shouted with painful emotions. 

"You shiet! If we get out of here, remember, you are dead!" Lackey no. 3 thundered! 

I will love you until you turn gay!!" Lackey no. 4 murmured shyly. 

The people began to make a lot of noise. In return, the guards dragged Ben out of the place and turned off the light. Only the clear and scary line echoed in the closed as he closed the entrance, "You should have thought before committing a crime! Bugs!"


Late at night. 

Luo Lixi woke up with a start. This time, she saw Sheng Ruming beside her. He put a considerate amount of space between the two as if he was afraid he would disturb her in sleep. But this consideration was another thing in her mind, like a thorn which she hated. 

Sometimes, a person doesn't want you to be a considerate person. He/she would wish for you to cling to him/her like an octopus. It was like a secure feeling and most people wouldn't realise it. 

Without making big movements, Luo Lixi slipped out of the bed and turned to look at the clock.

At that moment, it was past midnight. She remembered Zhao Yichen. 

"He has said he will send the results by tonight…" Luo Lixi whispered. With a little fear in her heart, she went to the balcony. 

There, the juice bottle and her phone were still on the table. At her slow pace, she went ahead and picked up the phone. Even though her chest was hurting, she was concerned about the authenticity of the email.

As soon as she turned on the screen, she noticed a message which was from Zhao Yichen. 

[All is true.]

Just one line and it made Luo Lixi feel as if the whole world had been crushed into pieces. Even though the result was in front of her, she thought in disbelief, 'He really has a mistress?!'

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