Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 494 - 494 Pinch~ Pinch~

Chapter 494 - 494 Pinch~ Pinch~

"Because I want to abuse you!" Luo Lixi said and again a pinch followed. At the third pinch, Sheng Ruming felt it wasn't that painful anymore, rather ticklish. 

She put her face on his neck and took a deep breath. The familiar scent made her oddly relaxed. But Sheng Ruming felt she was being too lewd at that time, smelling him around like a big pervert. 

"Stop it!" Sheng Ruming cried out exasperatedly as he lifted his arm to push her away. But in the end, he patted her back gently, because he was met with her sharp glare... 

"Have you seen a doctor? What did he say?" Luo Lixi asked as she rubbed the back of his head with her forefinger. Sheng Ruming felt his mind go numb!

At the sudden mention of the doctor, Sheng Ruming's mind blanked out. Luo Lixi was patient enough to remind him, "Your head... forgot everything!"

"... It's a … secret." Sheng Ruming replied after a brief moment. He didn't want her to know about his condition. 

"Humph!" Luo Lixi snorted and glared at him. For some reason, he found her glaring cute. His fingers also itched to pinch her. As his hand made its way towards her arm to tickle… even he didn't know why he would do such a childish thing...

Knock~ Knock~

When Luo Lixi also wanted to pinch him again, someone knocked on the door. Sheng Ruming wanted to keep his distance from her but her hands refused to free him. josei

Helplessly, he asked while hugging her even though he felt uncomfortable, "Who is there?" 

"It's me, Young Master. Madam is calling you two for dinner." Aunt Lin said on the other side of the door. 

"Uh, we are coming in a while." Sheng Ruming said aloud. Thus Aunt Lin left them alone and went back to the first floor. 

Wei Airan saw her smiling slightly and raised her eyebrows. Both of them looked at each other and there was a tacit understanding. 

'Hopefully, I can hold my grandchild soon?' Wei Airan went into a daze and thought again with expectation. She was looking forward to that day to come soon. 

In the room, Luo Lixi dragged Sheng Ruming for a kiss and surprisingly the man took control of it and made it a French kiss. 

Luo Lixi was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the process. But at the same time, she thought in confusion, 'Did he really forget everything or… playing with me?!'

But later, when she saw the slightly swollen lips of her in the mirror as if the sky had fallen on her. She quivered dramatically and screamed in the washroom, "Ruming, you idiot! How can I show my face to others?!" 

Sheng Ruming had an evil smirk as he heard her scream from the washroom. He tapped on the washroom door and said deliberately, "Mother is calling…"

"COMING!" Luo Lixi shouted again and took a moment to put lipstick on her lips. But she made it thick enough so that the swell wasn't obvious. 

When she walked out, Sheng Ruming was taken aback by her dark red lipstick. He stifled his laughter and turned around. 

Luo Lixi stumped on the ground as she put on her earlier dress which was much conservative and followed Sheng Ruming out. 

Wei Airan and Sheng Haotin were drinking tea on the sofa area when they came down. Just one glance and Wei Airan knew what had happened between them. She acted ignorantly and looked away from them.

At the dinner table, though the father-son duo silently ate, both Luo Lixi and Wei Airan were enthusiastic and chatted a lot. She even went ahead and put durian pudding on Sheng Ruming's plate with a sneaky smile. 

Instantly, Sheng Ruming's calm face darkened and his nose moved a bit. All of them knew that he hated the smell of durian but to their surprise, he ate it after a while. 

'Sigh, it's true that children change when they find their loved one…' Wei Airan thought with a sigh as she watched him silently eating the dessert. At the same time, she started to daydream of her old days.

What she didn't know was that Luo Lixi did it to piss him off yet unexpectedly, he ate it. But she couldn't control her expression when he raised a spoonful of pudding in front of her. 

"Eat." An authoritative voice came out of Sheng Ruming's mouth as if he wouldn't take no as an answer. But before Luo Lixi could say no, a feeling of nausea came up from within her body. 

"Son, how can you use such a tone to talk with her?!" Wei Airan snapped at Sheng Ruming. The man was startled as he didn't expect his mother to scold him in front of other people, also for another person!

Sheng Haotin coughed slightly as he nudged Wei Airan's arm. The latter realized that she had accidentally raised her voice.

Luo Lixi didn't have the time to watch all of these and hid her mouth with her hand and rushed towards the washroom. 

Sheng Ruming's face changed as he remembered something and stood up in urgency. 

"I guess she can't tolerate the smell of it either." After saying that, Sheng Ruming followed her closely. 

Wei Airan and Sheng Haotin exchanged glances among them and silently went to their own bedroom. Aunt Lin followed them hurriedly after they left. 

While in the washroom, Luo Lixi vomited all of the things she had eaten earlier. Sheng Ruming watched from behind, silently. He closed his eyes and then opened them. When Luo Lixi glanced unwittingly, she noticed many unknown emotions swirling inside those black orbs. 

'What's wrong with him?!' Luo Lixi wondered but then another wave cane and she forgot about him. Aunt Lin bypassed Sheng Ruming and stopped behind Luo Lixi. 

She patted Luo Lixi's back and murmured, "Miss, are you alright?!" 

"Yes…" She replied and straightened her back. Aunt Lin flushed the toilet for her and gave her a towel. 

"Thanks, Aunty." Luo Lixi said with a thankful expression. Then her eyes went to Sheng Ruming and she said quite spitefully, "Why are you standing there?! Watching a show?!" 

"... You… " Sheng Ruming's throat bobbed up and down as he wanted to say something but then, seeing as Aunt Lin was watching them, he decided otherwise. 

Without a second word, he turned around and left the room. Then he went straight to his study room. Luo Lixi's frown deepened as she watched his back leaving and thought in puzzlement, 'What got into him?!' 

Surprisingly, Wei Airan gave Luo Lixi the choice of letting her stay in the guestroom or Sheng Ruming's bedroom. 

Luo Lixi became thick skin and said that she would sleep in his room. The man however didn't oppose her. But throughout the night, he didn't even go to his bedroom and stayed in his study.

Luo Lixi tossed and turned on the bed but couldn't fall asleep most of the night. Finally, her eyes closed when light broke out in the eastern sky. 

Because Sheng Ruming had to go to the office, he had no choice but to go to his bedroom at six o'clock. But as soon as he entered he met the messy bed. He stood there for a long time and stared at her face.

In a short time, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead as he debated on a serious matter. Luo Lixi jolted awake suddenly and opened her eyes widely. Fear clearly written on her face as she shuddered.

"Are you cold?" Sheng Ruming voiced out and without any effort, he picked up the blanket and spread it on her quivering body without any extra emotions.

"My body feels weird…" Luo Lixi murmured as she wrapped herself in the blanket. But with closed eyes, she tried to forget the nightmare she had had just now. 

"Weird?..." Sheng Ruming repeated this word and then turned to her. Only worry appeared on his expressionless face as he asked, "Are you hurting somewhere?" 

"No, I don't think so…" Luo Lixi replied while her body continued to shiver. 

Sheng Ruming put his hand on her forehead and thought in alarm, 'Why is it so hot? Fever?'

As soon as this thought crossed his mind, he turned to the bedside, picked her up. Luo Lixi, who was suddenly lifted, was flustered. 

"What are you doing?!" Luo Lixi asked as she hugged his neck. 

"You are sick. To the hospital." As soon as he finished he walked towards the door in large steps. 

Luo Lixi looked down to see herself buried in the fluffy blanket and redness went up to her cheeks. 

"Let me… change out of my nightgown first?" Luo Lixi asked meekly. As if the walk button on Sheng Ruming had been turned off, he stopped abruptly. 

With a stiff face, he went back and placed her on the bed. Then he turned around and nearly ran to the entrance of the room. 

"Get ready in 5 minutes, then we will go to the hospital." The man said before leaving the room all to her.

"... Hm." Even though Luo Lixi didn't want to go to any kind of place that had injections or medicine in bulk at that moment, she still agreed with him just to spend some time with him. 

At the same time, she wanted to enquire about his condition from Xiao Huang and possibly drag him to a doctor?

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