Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 74 - 74 Wry Smile...

Chapter 74 - 74 Wry Smile...

When Sheng Ruming took the responsibility from his father and became the CEO, those people became much more slacked and lazy. After gaining success, they presumed they deserved it and it was expected. Those executives took it for granted. 

Sheng Ruming had to bear with some old tricks of the old cunning foxes. If he wanted to he could have thrown them away from the company but he wasn't that powerful yet. He could have also take help from his father but he wanted to gain real power and control over his own life so he didn't seek help from anyone. 

Now, that Sheng Haotin will be going to the company as the temporary CEO for the next few months, those people have to be on the edges of their nerves again. Sheng Haotin is the biggest shareholder of the "Sheng Industry and Corporation" and his decisions would affect their interests a lot and it had also happened in the past a lot.

Also it's not like Sheng Ruming was going to wash away his hands off of the company. He would work at the New York branch of the company. His initial plan was this all along.

His mother gave him a big hug as he wiped away her tears. Her eyes were a little puffy and red because of the lack of proper sleep.

"Why do you women like to cry so much?"

Wei Airan broke the hug and slapped him on the shoulder. Though in return the victim was her. She massaged her knuckles and spoke up angrily.

"Don't make fun of me. I wanted to prepare some clothes and other things for you to take there. But you are going away now...Wait, Let me bring the bag. You will need them." She stopped abruptly when she picked on his words.

"Women?!...Son, who else cried before you?" If he meant her, he would have mentioned 'you' but he said, women. Wei Airan was over sensitive about the matters involving her husband and son. She knew them like the back of her palm. So it wasn't an overstatement for her to ask about it.

"I just said randomly. By the way, I have to go now. Say if you want to tell me something." His calm and composed demeanour caused her to stop her questioning.

"Oh! Wait." Though she didn't believe her son, she didn't want to start an argument with him in the early morning. She hurriedly went towards the kitchen and brought many things with her in a big elastic bag. He greeted his father when the latter came to the sofa and sat down.

When Wei Airan brought the things, he checked the goods one by one. There was only food and...food. From dried food to nuts, everything was healthy and nutritious. He knitted his brows and shot her a questioning gaze.

"Ma, I won't take them with me. It will be a hassle to bring so much food with me. These are not even some important things."josei

"But son I have picked them for you. You have lost so much weight in the past month. I'm very anxious about you." She caressed his slightly weary face. 

"I can also buy them there." He was adamant not to take them with him. What would people think if he bought a lot of food with him?! He wasn't a glutton nor he was short on money.

When Wei Airan saw his reluctance, she inched towards him. She gestured to him to lower his head. After Sheng Ruming bent down, she whispered beside his ear.

"These are special products. It will help you to gain vitality. Ma knows what she is doing. Don't deny and take them with you. I've checked on the net and carefully picked them up for you. It will help you in that area." 

Sheng Ruming's face turned red when he saw her reassuring look. If he didn't do as she wanted, she would find other methods to send these to him. He took the bag in his hand and bade them goodbye. When he was facing them with his back, they failed to notice his wry smile. 

After he was finally on the car, going towards the southern area of the Ming city, he relaxed his expression. On the way towards the villa, he began to think about what he would do after they went to New York.

Wei Airan smiled as she turned towards Sheng Haotin.

"Ah Hao, I want to go there with him."

"If you go away, who will take care of me? You should go after some months. Give him some space to relax." Wei Airan only nodded in return but she thought. 'Who would need freaking several months for relaxation?! I will go and take care of him when needed.' She told herself as she went inside and took the hangover soup. She took one bowl and passed one to Sheng Haotin. They both drank the soup while remaining quiet.


At the Yan farmhouse.

Su Mengsi was very anxious about Yan Ruomin. Hence she didn't sleep the whole night. As soon as the clock struck six o'clock, she immediately got up from the bed and prepared to go to the Yan farmhouse.

The chauffeur drove the car inside the boundary of the farmhouse. She hurriedly got down from the car and walked towards a room.

This farmhouse was a property bought by Yan Luhan when he was a teenager. Even if he was underage, he started to work in the company alongside his father. He was given home study from a small age. Only after he was of the age to enter high school, did his father send him to the best one.

Though he wasn't given major tasks in their company, he had participated in managing many business deals. So, he involved himself in the new estate business at a young age and made quite a lot of money back then; all by himself. 

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