Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 98 - 98 Change 'Hubby'...

Chapter 98 - 98 Change 'Hubby'...

  While calling Sheng Ruming, she walked out and went to sit on the sofa before Sarah's father. But even after three calls, Sheng Ruming didn't pick her call.

"What's wrong?" The man asked her when he saw she was frowning. "He didn't pick up your phone call, right?"

Luo Lixi slowly nodded her head. Now she was beyond pissed off. He gave her the phone, even saved his number as 'Hubby'. But she didn't say a word about anything. 

Now that she needed to talk to him, his phone was ringing yet he didn't receive her call. She placed her phone on the glass table before her and slowly swept aside her hair from her forehead. Only then she became aware of the situation she was in.

'My God! I was wearing these revealing clothes before an outsider?!' She glanced down below and saw her legs were exposed from the thigh area. Also her upper chest was exposed as well.

For Ethan Han that was normal. But He followed her gaze and when he saw her looking at her body, he turned his gaze away from her. He didn't want to see the other woman's exposed body skin except his wife's. At first he didn't mind it, her movements made him realise he shouldn't stay any longer. He had already finished the task he was given.

"Cough!" Luo Lixi tried to break away from the awkward situation. She hastily pulled the pants to cover thighs.

"Miss Li, we should go now. When Sheng Ruming returns, please come to our house for dinner." Ethan Han told her with a light smile and took Sarah's little hand to exit the penthouse. She nodded and stood up to walk them out.

The little girl stopped outside the door and looked at her pitifully, "Big sister, you will definitely come to our home, won't you?" Her brown eyes appeared as if they would be filled with tears if she didn't agree.

"Of course. Even if he doesn't go with me to your place, I will surely come." Luo Lixi made up her mind. Today she wouldn't go on any date or whatever with Sheng Ruming anymore.

"Bye bye." Sarah waved her right hand.

"Bye…" After she did like Sarah, she closed the door. She leaned against the closed door and gazed around the large penthouse without any emotions.

After arriving in the living room, she took the phone and called him for the fourth time but it was fruitless. 

'I guess he is quite... busy? I shan't call him again.' She caressed the word on the screen. 'Not yet…' 

After some moments she edited the word and turned it into 'Ruming'. The woman sighed and walked towards the sofa. She sat there straight for nearly forty minutes but neither did he call back nor did he return.

'What are you taking so long? To buy some dresses?! Just where are you?' Luo Lixi felt restless the more she waited for him. The whole place appeared more barren to her.

At the end Luo Lixi couldn't bear the silence anymore. An unknown feeling was eating her from inside and it was becoming unbearable. The time when she was in a coma came into her mind.

Luo Lixi abruptly stood up and shouted while gnashing her white teeth in anger.

"Sheng Ruming! Just where did you run off to, leaving me alone here! Ahhh!"

With a super angry face, she took her long jacket and draped it over her body. 

When she went into the bedroom, she walked before the closet and opened a drawer. 

There she saw a bunch of keys and a very big stash of cash besides the keys. She took the keys, ten notes of dollars and put them in her jacket's pocket. After that she hastily tied her hair and walked out of the penthouse.

'He must have gone to a nearby cloth store.' This was her first thought. 

With the phone in her one hand, Luo Lixi locked the door with the other one. After that, she walked up to a lift and pressed for the ground floor. When the floor stopped at the 19th floor, it abruptly opened up.

"Sister, you have finally come!" Sarah was standing before the lift. Luo Lixi looked at her and became awkward.

"What are you doing here?" Luo Lixi saw there was a carpet and many other things were spread on it. 'The little girl must have been waiting for us to arrive.'

"Waiting for you to come." Sarah earnestly replied and confirmed her guess. Her left hand was holding a pink teddy bear while she raised her hand towards Luo Lixi. 

"Come. Let me bring you to my home."

"Um, not now, little girl. Sister is going to bring your uncle." After Luo Lixi finished, the lift doors started to close automatically. 

"Wait." Sarah ran into the lift. "Let me show you the way."

"Oh you!... Little girl, are you always like that? Won't your parents worry for you if you come with me without telling them."

"No. They won't. In the past I also went out alone to play with my friends. I can guarantee they won't worry." The way she slapped her little chest and assured Luo Lixi made her laugh. It was easy to guess, she was mimicking another scene from the dramas.

"I don't need your help. I think I should send you to your home first before I go…"

"No no no!" Sarah's face turned pitiful as she heavily protested.

"Okay then." Luo Lixi sighed and compromised. Sarah went to stand beside her and took Luo Lixi's pinky finger in her right hand to grip it tightly. 

"Let's go." The lift had already arrived at the ground floor and the closed-door before them opened. Five people were standing before the lift. 

When the two females walked out from the lift, a man in a blue hoodie lifted his head and side eyed them. His unusual gaze was actually fixed on Sarah Han, there was even a hint of mocking on his face.

'A bastard, huh!' When Sarah felt a gaze on her, she turned towards the man. The girl was overly sensitive and was very sharp. 

When Sarah Han saw the expression the man was giving her, she mocked him back while showing her pink tongue. The man was furious and wanted to rush ahead to teach her a lesson but his girlfriend dragged him in the lift. 

After that Sarah returned her sight on the ground ahead. The little girl was too familiar with that kind of look some people used to throw at her before. But now barely anyone did that. She didn't know just why...

Sarah always walked a step ahead and guided Luo Lixi towards the entrance of the twenty storeyed building. The little girl was jumping while walking. Both of them arrived at the entrance where she saw a woman was standing behind the receptionist's desk. When they arrived today, it was a man.

"Let me help you." Sarah told her as they walked before the front desk and she looked up at the woman standing there.

The woman had already noted them when they were coming towards the entrance. She was very familiar with the little girl but knitted her eyebrows slightly when she turned her gaze towards Luo Lixi. 

Luo Lixi's current dress up didn't go well with the people who lived at that building. She was wearing indoor slippers, her hair wasn't tied well, the jacket was brown which didn't look good with her pale skin  and she didn't at that moment. 

"Hello, little girl. What are you doing here? Are your friends coming to pick you again?" The woman asked her in English while plastering a fake smile which only a shrewd businesswoman shows her customers, a flattering yet plastic smile. 

Sarah didn't answer her, rather she turned her head and looked up at Luo Lixi. At that the receptionist's face became stiff and the smile faded the next moment.

"You can ask her." Sarah turned towards Luo Lixi and nudged her to go ahead. 

"Hello, can you tell me if there are any clothing stores around the area?" Luo Lixi went ahead and asked her in English. She was calm yet polite in her manners.

"Yes. You can search them on the Internet though. Give me your phone number, let me send you the nearest store's location."

"Okay…" Luo Lixi took out the phone but the next second she remembered she didn't know the number either. So, to check the number she dialed a code on the phone, the next second all the information about the sim card showed on the phone screen. 

"This is my number…" She showed The receptionist the screen. But she directly took the smartphone and sent her a location. 

"Done." Luo Lixi received the phone and checked the location.

"Thanks." Then she turned towards Sarah, "You should return to your home."

"No. I will go with you." Sarah pouted her cute little lips but Luo Lixi didn't budge at her acting cute.josei

"I can't take you with me. I need to find him by myself. Be a good girl and go straight to your parents."

Sarah weakly nodded her little head but didn't move from her place.

"Please keep an eye on her. I need to go." After saying that to the receptionist, Luo Lixi walked out of the building and waited for a taxi.

Sarah stood in her place and glanced at Luo Lixi's figure till she hailed a taxi and went away. The little girl's eyes were full of longing.

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