The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Surprise Potion Box (2)

Every Tuesday, Player Place held regular meetings.

Even Ryu Min, the majority shareholder, made sure to attend them all without fail, considering it an opportunity to leave a positive impression on Ma Kyung-rok.

Today held discussions of importance.

Ryu Min observed Ma Kyung-rok, who was presiding over the meeting.

After a round of diverse opinions, the meeting drew to a close.

“Thank you all for your hard work. Today’s meeting concludes here.”

“Great job, everyone.”

The executives rose from their seats and exited the meeting room.

Only Ryu Min and Ma Kyung-rok stayed in the room.

It was an opportune moment for a private conversation.

“Major shareholder, or rather, Prophet. Thanks to you, we safely survived the 7th Round. I’m sincerely grateful.”

“Fortunately, you remembered not to surrender to temptation.”

“Yes. When it happened, your words flashed in my mind. If it weren’t for you, I might have given in. It’s a bit embarrassing to admit, but the illusion was quite vivid.”

Though he concealed it out of embarrassment, Ryu Min had already discerned the nature of the temptation Ma Kyung-rok faced.

Facing the criminal who had taken his parents’ lives and yet he had to refrain from killing him and take revenge.

“By the way, Prophet, I have a question.”

It was a question that had been on his mind for a few days now.

“You knew the answer, so why couldn’t you secure a higher rank? It wasn’t a round that demanded excessive effort.”

If he possessed knowledge of the round, securing the top spot would have been a breeze. So, why didn’t he?

It was a sharp question, but…

“I thought you, Ma Kyung-rok, also knew the answer. Why couldn’t you secure the top spot?”

“Huh? Uh….”

For a moment, Ma Kyung-rok appeared as if he had been blindsided.

“Even if you’re aware that resisting temptation is crucial, when the moment arrives, executing this becomes quite challenging. Having experienced it firsthand, you get it, right?”

“Yes, indeed, I understand. Got it.”

Ma Kyung-rok swiftly dispelled his suspicions.

Yet, instead of dwelling on his inquiry, he reproached himself for the brief lapse in his thinking.

– Certainly, he’s not someone to underestimate just because he’s young. There’s a subtle blend of insight and seasoned experience.

Ma Kyung-rok’s thoughts, tinged with self-caution, echoed.

He acknowledged that the Prophet had not only demonstrated prowess in prophecy but also seemed quite insightful and wise.josei

‘It’s not wise to make him overly cautious.’

From Ryu Min’s standpoint, which aimed to encourage openness and trust, it wasn’t an entirely pleasant situation.

“Prophet, you mentioned you had something to tell me?”

“Yes. I wanted to share information about Round 8.”

Ryu Min promptly provided the information for the next round as planned.

“Wow, this time there’s a wealth of detailed information.”

“That’s right for Round 8.”

“Thank you, Prophet. You always provide such invaluable assistance. I’m not sure how I can repay you.”

“Don’t burden yourself too much. Isn’t it wonderful to collaborate from the standpoint of being on the same boat?”

“Haha, thank you so much.”

Despite the advice not to feel burdened, Ryu Min continued to accumulate a sense of indebtedness.

“Uh, Prophet. While you’re helping me, can I ask for one more favor?”

“What favor?”

“Do you remember my fiancée from the other day?”

“Of course.”

“Is it okay to share this information with my fiancée?”

‘Probably already got the information from her, right?’

He chuckled inwardly but didn’t show it, stating, “Certainly, it’s fine. I already allowed sharing when I prophesied separately back then. Consider it already permitted when Round 11 becomes dangerous.”

“Oh, thank you for allowing it.”

It seemed more and more people were sharing future information, but it was fine.

‘If I have to lead a few people with me to the last round, it’s better to make them rely on prophecy to survive until then.’

Smiling slyly with a compassionate expression, Ryu Min was about to discuss business when…


An Sang-cheol entered the conference room.

There was a sense of urgency in his expression.

Not missing this, Ma Kyung-rok asked seriously, “Manager An, what’s the matter?”

“T-the Chairman is here.”

“My father?”

Surprised, Ma Kyung-rok hastily rushed out.

At the door, Chairman Ma Dae-cheol of Ohseong Group was entering with a young bodyguard.

“Father… Chairman, why did you come here without saying anything?”

“Do I have to notify anyone when I decide to visit my son’s company?”

“Well, even so, you should have at least given a heads up so we could prepare…”

“Enough. I’m just going to take a look around briefly.”

Having shared those words, Ma Dae-cheol, gripping his curiosity, casually toured the company premises.

“You’ve gathered it up rather nicely.”


“I’ve heard positive things. They say it had a good start.”

“Where did you pick up on that?”

“If you’re asking this? Then you’re still too naive.”


“Even your brothers have sent their congratulations.”

At the mention of brothers, Ma Kyung-rok’s gaze shifted.

“Oh, those brothers who didn’t bother sending a single congratulatory wreath?”

“Don’t say that. Whether you liked it or not, they’re still family.”

“Can we really call those who set their sights on your fortune family?”

“Are you any different?”

“I’m only engaging in competition because I don’t want to divide shares with my brothers. Didn’t you agree to that, Father? If I prove my skills are better than theirs, you’ll acknowledge me as the successor and inherit all the property.”

“Right. Is that possible? There’s less than a year left until the agreed-upon time.”

“Just give me a little more time. The start of this company is much more promising than the Consulting we did before. We still need a few more months of observation, though.”

“Why did you abandon consulting? It wasn’t bad enough to warrant such a change.”

“There was no room for further growth. Besides, would you have acknowledged me to that extent?”

“Humph, certainly not. If you can’t make it into the top 50 in Kosdaq market cap, being 150th doesn’t matter.”

“That’s why I gave up on that company.”

“A bold move, venturing into an uncertain industry.”


Ma Kyung-rok fell silent.

In truth, without Ryu Min’s suggestion, there would have been no need to switch industries.

“What about the idea of creating a player market? Did you think of it because you’re a player?”

Ma Kyung-rok hesitated at the chairman’s question.

Should he tell the truth that it was Ryu Min’s idea, or should he entirely attribute it to his own merit?

Ma Kyung-rok had to make a choice.

And he knew what the right choice was.

‘Father is someone who wouldn’t miss that.’

Inwardly sighing, Ma Kyung-rok honestly admitted.

“That idea wasn’t mine.”


“The majority shareholder who acquired our company at 51% suggested and conceived that idea. We’re working together as business colleagues now.”

“It wasn’t your idea? Who is this major shareholder then?”

Ma Kyung-rok turned around.

Coincidentally, Ryu Min was present.

“Major shareholder. Can I have a moment?”

“Oh, sure.”

Watching, Ryu Min approached the chairman.

“Chairman. This is the person.”

“Hello. I’m Ryu Min.”


The chairman maintained a poker face, however, internally he was quite surprised.

– Is this guy, who looks like he just turned 20, the majority shareholder?

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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