The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 106

Chapter 106: The True Identity Of Lostyak (1)

The Rune of Enchantment is a deceptive rune.

Regardless of a player’s level or the heights of human renown they may reach, this rune entraps them without fail.

In the presence of Yamti, everyone is compelled to bow their heads.


‘It’s not working, no matter how many times I try!’

No matter how intently she gazed and attempted to bewitch, all that awaited her were messages indicating that her rune was stopped by an unyielding mental barrier.

‘Why doesn’t it work? Why?’

Yamti found herself not only pondering this puzzle but also something else—her opponent’s nickname, revealed in the messages.

Black Scythe.

‘Is the person standing before me now not Lostyak, but Black Scythe?’

It turned out that the identity of the Lostyak she had known all along was, in fact, Black Scythe!

Who would have imagined that Black Scythe, the top-priority recruit, would be right by her side?

“You, you…”

“Oh, did you notice? My nickname.”


“It’s quite the cunning rune, isn’t it? It even exposes real nicknames.”

“How do you know about my rune?”

“I’ve told you many times.”

In an instant, Ryu Min’s gaze turned ice-cold.

“Why do I have to respond to your questions?”


A gulp echoed in the tense silence.

Under the weight of this tension, Yamti observed Ryu Min in silence for a while.

‘A man who cannot be enchanted. That’s Black Scythe…’

Since becoming a player, he was the first man to make Yamti this nervous.

‘What should I do now? Judging by the atmosphere, he’s not doing this with good purpose…’

In this situation, the one who had disrupted their operation and targeted the chairman was none other than Black Scythe, who stood before her.

Considering that the chairman’s name still lingered on the enchantment list, it appeared that he hadn’t killed him yet.

‘He must want something since he’s not killing me right away.’

It couldn’t be resolved through sheer force.

After all, their opponent was the renowned Black Scythe.

Somehow, she had to solve this through conversation.

With the thought that perhaps, if she handled it well, she could work things out, Yamti made a proposition.

“Uh, Black Scythe. If you tell me what you want, I’ll do my best to accommodate it…”

“Yamti-nim. Do you have any issues?”

Sensing that something was amiss in the atmosphere, the executives drew near.

One blocked the exit, one prepared for a potential ambush from behind, and one cast a vigilant gaze by Yamti’s side.

They had strategically positioned themselves, ready for any scenario to make a favorable impression on Yamti.

‘Look at these idiots.’

In an instant, Ryu Min smiled, but Yamti sensed a peculiar aura from that smile.

“Yamti-nim. Is something troubling you? If you inform us of the situation, we can…”

“Shut up. You lot are getting in the way, so stay quiet…”



“These guys are rather sharp. They could sense the mood better than  you.”

In the blink of an eye, Ryu Min drew his scythe.

“They may not grasp the topic, but they know how to read the atmosphere.”

Then, there was a sound as if something was being sliced one by one.josei


The three executives who had been standing moments ago collapsed like a row of dominos.


Blood stained the floor, but Yamti was oddly nailed in her place.

‘I didn’t even see it happen.’

Realizing that she couldn’t react at the necessary speed, Yamti let go of any hope she had.

When the executives stepped forward, she had held a faint hope.

In the end, it turned out to be a futile one.

‘I have no choice. I can’t come up with any plan to deal with this man.’

She had only just realized this fact.

“What… What do you want?”

“First, release Congressman Seong Hyun Lee from the enchantment.”


If she releases the enchantment, she will no longer be able to utilize him again.

That fact was what held Yamti back.

“I-if I refuse?”

She gathered her courage.

In exchange, she had to lose her arm.


“Ah, ahhhhhh!”

In apparent agony, Yamti grabbed her shoulder and sank to the ground.

Naturally, she didn’t see when it was severed.

“Courage may be a virtual concept, but you’ve misjudged your opponent.”


“I’m not here to entertain denials.”

Ryu Min picked up the severed arm from the ground.

He then placed it against the cleanly cut section.


With searing pain, Yamti clutched her shoulder, and when Ryu Min used healing magic, the wound was mended, and her arm returned to its original state.

“It won’t be quite the same as before, but you can manage to move it.”


Yamti found herself quietly astonished.

Reattaching a severed arm was no small feat. Even with her own emergency healing skills, she knew she lacked the recovery capacity to reattach a severed limb.

‘How is this even possible?’

Both of them possessed the same skill, so why was there such a gap in their recovery abilities?

Ryu Min, as if cautioning against entertaining doubts, once again raised his scythe.

“Now that the arm is reattached, let me repeat. Release Congressman Seong Hyun Lee from the enchantment.”

Without hesitation, Yamti took action.

“I-I’ve released him.”

Ryu Min silently scrutinized Yamti upon hearing those words.

Reading her inner thoughts, there was no falsehood.

“That was quick.”

As evidence, Congressman Seong Hyun Lee, who had been as motionless as a doll just a moment ago, let out a sigh.

“Ah, my head… Huh?”

Upon opening his eyes, his vision was obstructed by a black bag.

He couldn’t move; it seemed he was tied to a chair.

Although he couldn’t see what lay in front of him, Seong Hyun Lee quickly grasped the situation.

“Hey, all of you! You know that the police are nearby! How could you kidnap a member of the National Assembly without thinking this through? You’ve made a mistake. Listen to me! Release me do you understand!”

At that moment, the darkened vision suddenly brightened.

Ryu Min had removed the black bag.


“Hello, Congressman Seong Hyun Lee. I’m someone trying to rescue you.”

A man with an unfamiliar grayish-pale complexion was gazing intently at him.

Before he could even wonder who this man was, the stench of blood and corpses hit him belatedly.


“Just wait a little. I’ll negotiate with that woman first.”

While the congressman hurled, Ryu Min glared at Yamti.

“Do you want to be spared?”

“P-please spare me.”

“If I spare you, will you promise not to use your abilities anymore?”

“Yes! I swear to never use my abilities again, I swear to g—”

“Don’t swear to some god. Swear to me.”

“Oh, alright. I swear to Black Scythe! I swear!”

Watching Yamti, who spoke with desperation in her tone, Ryu Min nodded.

“Very well. I’ll show you mercy.”

“Th-thank you! Thank you!”

“Now, be on your way.”

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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