The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: The Group of Traitors (2)

Deliberately failing the mission and traversing each guild, hunting monsters…

Not only does this yield superior experience points, but it also provides items from all three locations.

‘Especially the runes awarded when the reputation level is high in each guild. You will be able to monopolize it all.’

Ryu Min’s plan for this 8th round revolves around obtaining two specific runes: the Rune of Durability from the dwarves and the Rune of Foresight from the humans. 

From the elf guild, he could acquire potions, and there is one potion that Ryu Min is coveting.

‘Regardless, the core strategy for this 8th round is to traverse each guild, monopolizing experience points and items along the way.’

In order to achieve these goals, joining the traitor group appeared to be the best choice. However, this might not be a fortunate turn of events for the other traitors.

‘I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure the quest fails.’

He was a member of the traitor group, secretly hoping for the failure of his fellow traitors. It was a situation where he could be called a double agent.

[“Haha, it seems like all the indecisive folks who couldn’t pick a guild have gathered here.”]

Angel Ariel, the one responsible for explaining the 8th round, appeared with an incongruous smile.

[Everyone, gather here now. If not now, we won’t see each other, and you should at least know each other’s faces, right?]

As the angel fluttered her wings, the scattered players assembled.

“Wow, Black Scythe?”

“Why is Black Scythe here?”

“No, why am I in the traitor group?”

[A few of you haven’t grasped the situation yet. But that’s why I am here, right?]

Ariel kindly explained to the players how they had become traitors.

“Oh, it was because I didn’t choose?”

“What was I thinking…”

“So, is everyone here because they couldn’t choose a guild?”

While the others were still distracted by the angel’s explanation. Ryu Min quickly counted the heads of the players gathered here, including himself. There were 29 in total.

‘Right now, I need to remember their faces. It’ll make it easier to deal with them when I eventually betray them.’

Ryu Min began to memorize the faces of the traitor group quickly.

Why was he memorizing faces when he could recognize them through the wristbands if they were in a party?

‘Well, we’re a group, not a party, so…’

Just then, the angel was explaining this very point.

[For those of you who have become part of the traitor group, you need to stop the guilds from reaching their destination. You can think of it as a party since you share the same quest, but in reality, it’s not a party.]

“So, it’s not a party?”

“Then, is it solo then?”

[Yes. While the regular group forms parties, you, as traitors, do not share experience points. It’s a setting where you don’t trust each other. Kehaha!]

“No, then how are we supposed to hunt…”

“We thought Black Scythe was in our party and were excited…”

A sense of disappointment was evident on the faces of the players who had secretly hoped for a party.

[The idea of not trusting each other was just a joke. But there are legitimate reasons for not allowing you to form a party. If one person betrays the team, the rest would suffer as well.]

“What are you talking about?”

[Let’s say one of the traitors acted crazy and exposed the identities of the fellow traitors on the same side. What would you do?]

“You should shut that guy up.”

“Even if it means killing him!”

[That’s right, right? But as you know, if you form a party, you can’t attack each other, and no damage is dealt. In other words, it’s a system where if one person betrays, the rest can get rid of ihm.]

“Ah, so…”

“So, there was a reason we couldn’t be in a party.”

If they were in a party, they wouldn’t be able to silence the traitor.

The moment they were suspected, the chances of success for the traitor team would drastically decrease, so it was inevitable that they couldn’t be in a party.

‘I’m fortunate in that regard. I don’t need to share hunting experience points.’

Ryu Min smiled as he had memorized all the faces of the traitor group. Now, even in real action, he would be able to identify who the traitors were.

‘If I know who they are, dealing with them will be a piece of cake. Besides, if anything goes wrong I can read their minds.’

Furthermore, there was a reason for memorizing faces instead of nicknames. The reason came from the angel herself.

[By the way, I’ll also hide everyone’s nicknames. Knowing each other’s nicknames would make it easier for traitors to identify each other.]

“You’re hiding our nicknames too?”

In short, it was a measure to prevent traitors from knowing each other’s identities.

“But our faces are exposed now, aren’t they?”

[Nicknames are easier to remember than faces. Who could possibly memorize all of the faces in such a short period of time, like now.]

She had a point.

‘If it were any other person it would be true, not me though.’

[“And if you wear a helmet, it will sufficiently conceal your face. It should be acceptable, right?”]

As if expecting an answer, the angel glared at them, and the players had no choice but to nod.

“Yes, yes.”

“Completely understandable.”

[Alright, shall we proceed then?  Please be careful because when a guild reaches its destination, you will all be weakened and have to try again with another guild.]

They might not be in the same party, but they were bound by destiny, sharing the same quest.

“Oh? Which guild are we going to stop?”

“Are we supposed to retry the guild if we fail?”

[Oh, I forgot to mention. You’ll be facing the guild in the order of Dwarves, Elves, and Humans. The difficulty level increases in the same order.]

“Oh? So, what if we fail in the Dwarf guild?”

The angel chuckled.

[Your stats will drop by 20%, and you’ll have to tackle a more challenging intermediate level.]

“Ah, got it.”

In essence, the more they failed, the tougher the next challenge became. When this realization dawned on the traitors, they had one singular thought,

“We must succeed in the Dwarf guild at all costs!”

“This is our only shot!”

The traitor group was resolute, but they remained oblivious to one critical fact: as long as Ryu Min was in the picture, the odds of successfully completing the quest were slim.

‘Wouldn’t it be convenient if I found and eliminated all the traitor groups right from the start? After all, I’ve memorized their faces.’josei

While Ryu Min smiled, Ariel unfurled her wings.

[Now, it’s time to go. Traitor group!]

‘May your betrayal bring delight to those above!’

Ariel, keeping her inner thoughts to herself, gestured.

With a radiant burst of light, Ryu Min and the other 29 traitors vanished.

Their mission to protect the Dwarf guild had officially begun.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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