The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: The Dwarf Guild (2)

Just then, a rumbling sound caught their attention, and they turned to see a procession of wagons approaching.


There weren’t many wagons, just ten in total, which was more than enough for 230 players. The players felt relieved that there were fewer wagons than expected because it meant they could easily keep track of the ones they needed to protect.

Eventually, the wagons came to a halt.josei

“Oho, here you are? The warriors from other realms.”

The bearded dwarf, just as they had imagined, stepped down from one of the wagons, chuckling heartily.

“Welcome! I am Heimer, the blacksmith of the Dwarf Guild. It seems like you are the warriors from other realms who will be escorting us… Is that correct?”

The players nodded in agreement, and Heimer enthusiastically clapped his hands together.

“I knew my intuition wasn’t wrong! You all have a different aura from the ordinary thieves’ group! Kukuk!”

With a hearty laugh, Heimer pointed at the wagons.

“The cargo here consists of various ores and metal materials, which must be transported to the Albitz Kingdom beyond the Karago Mountains. However, the road is infested with monsters, so we had no choice but to seek help from a higher power, the divine.”

Despite being a language they had never heard before, the players understood the dwarf’s words.

They could only understand it due to a message that appeared.

[Round Feature: “Translation” Activated.]

[You Can Now Communicate with Beings from Other Realms.]

A kingdom, a temple.

Listening to the dwarf’s explanation, it felt quite detailed.

‘what? ‘It probably doesn’t really exist, does it?’

‘no way. ‘It must be a fake made like the monsters, right?’

In a world where angels had already become part of the landscape, whether beings from other realms were real or not, no longer held significant weight. For the players, it was a matter of fulfilling quests and moving forward. However, Ryu Min understood that this wasn’t such a straightforward affair.

‘This is Round 8, our first encounter with beings from other realms. It’s crucial to start building a positive reputation now so that we can receive future benefits when interacting with these races.’

Most players would simply pass by and not pay much attention to their relationships with beings from other realms. But Ryu Min knew better.

‘The beings from other realms won’t be limited to just this round. They’ll continue to appear, and the reputation we establish now will carry over.’

This is why making a good first impression was essential. If they started with a bad reputation, turning it around wouldn’t be easy.

In this regard, the traitor group was a hindrance.

Would they kill the dwarves to prevent the summit’s arrival? If they did, their reputation would plummet.

‘If that happens, not only will unnecessary fights erupt when we meet the dwarves later, but we’ll also be at a disadvantage in receiving various benefits.’

Dwarves were known to provide legendary-level weapons and divine materials, among other valuable rewards. No sensible player would want to miss out on such advantages by clashing with the dwarves.

‘But the traitors don’t know that, so their eyes were full with murderous intent.’

Wherever Ryu Min looked, the traitors were watching the dwarves intently, ready to strike at any opportunity.

However, the traitors were aware of the consequences.

Killing dwarves in front of other players would undoubtedly label them as traitors.

So, they could only bide their time, unable to act recklessly, contemplating when would be the best moment to eliminate the dwarves.

‘Ideally, it’s best to assassinate them discreetly.’

There were a total of 20 dwarves at the dwarf guild, with two in each wagon. If they succeeded in eliminating all the dwarves, it would result in a victory for the traitor group.

‘However, if even one dwarf survives, it will be considered a failure.’

In that case, the traitor group would be forced to target the next guild.

The elf guild, known for its specialization in elemental magic.

‘It’s easier to target dwarves with no combat abilities than elves who can manipulate elemental energy with their magic.’

While contemplating these thoughts, a dwarf shouted loudly.

“Warriors from other realms! We humbly request your protection!”

[Time Remaining to Reach the Destination: 04:59:59]

As if signaling the start of the quest, the timer appeared. Now they had to protect the guild for the next five hours.

From the horde of orcs.

‘Dealing with orcs should be a walk in the park.’

While some players were on edge, uncertain about where or when monsters might jump out, Seo Arin, Min Juri, and Ryu Min seemed remarkably composed.

The rhythmic clattering of the carriages signaled the players to adjust their positions. With weapons in hand, they maintained a vigilant stance, and it didn’t take long for them to encounter a band of orcs.


“Are these orcs?”

“These guys, didn’t we see them back in Round 5??”

The players’ faces relaxed as they recognized the orcs. While these creatures had been formidable opponents in Round 5, they were no longer a significant threat. Most players had reached levels beyond 20, equipped with the skills to easily dispatch orcs.

As if to demonstrate this,


“Grunt! Grunt!”

The orcs fell, their once imposing muscles now easily severed by players at level 30 and beyond.

“However, there seems to be quite a number of orcs.”

“Why do these creatures keep popping up endlessly?”

Players were already growing weary as orcs relentlessly emerged from various locations.

After approximately five minutes of battle, the situation came to a conclusion.

A mountain of countless orc corpses lay before them.

Ryu Min had a precise estimate of their number.

“Probably around 4,600.”

The number of orcs was related to the number of players. They appeared in waves, each wave containing twenty times the number of players.

In other words, each player had to confront twenty orcs.

Such monster assaults occurred a total of thirty times, meaning monsters appeared every ten minutes.

Although it might seem like a considerable quantity, disappointment clouded the players’ expressions.

“The experience points from this…”

“It’s just a drop in the ocean.”

Experience points were lower than anticipated because they were evenly distributed among the 230 players.

Because they were all in one party.

Strictly speaking, 29 players out of the 230 players were excluded.

The traitor group consisted of individual players, not a party. As a result, experience points and items acquired from defeating monsters belonged entirely to them and weren’t shared with others.

Ryu Min reflected on this.

[You have defeated an orc!]

[Experience points 3x buff is currently in effect.]

[Experience points increased by 1.5x due to the title effect.]

[Experience points +0.18%]

[Gold +40]

[Current kill count: 463/100]

[All stats increased by 100% due to the Rune of Slaughter.]

Seeing the message that appeared in his field of vision, Ryu Min couldn’t help but smile.

“I’ve already taken down 463 of them.”

After a relentless solo massacre, he managed to eliminate 10% of the 4,600 orcs single-handedly. As a result, he had already leveled up.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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