The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: A Good Excuse (1)

“Hello, Mr. Ryu Min. Or should I call you Prophet? Which do you prefer?”

At Christine’s words, Ryu Min shrugged his shoulders.

“Whichever you’re comfortable with.”

“Do you have a moment to talk? Actually, not for a moment, but for a bit longer.”

“Yes. Please have a seat, Christine.”

With Ryu Min’s permission, Christine sat down opposite him.

Jeffrey stood beside them as if guarding the spot.

Ryu Min’s gaze naturally turned towards him.

“Aren’t you going to sit as well?”

“I’m fine standing.”

Jeffrey spoke brusquely, but Christine raised an eyebrow and subtly hinted at him.

‘Jeffrey? Didn’t we agree not to make the Prophet uncomfortable?’

Reading the hint in her gaze, Jeffrey cleared his throat and corrected himself.

“If it’s alright, then I’ll sit.”

“Of course. Please make yourself comfortable. There’s no need to be on guard.”

Ryu Min smiled reassuringly, though Jeffrey’s expression remained stiff.

He was someone who naturally didn’t smile much in front of others.

Perhaps thinking the atmosphere had become awkward, Christine quickly introduced Jeffrey.

“This is Jeffrey, our synagogue’s deacon. He’s practically family, having been with my father since childhood.”

“Is that so.”

Ryu Min had already recognized him.

The assassin who had been tailing him on Nathan’s orders last time.

“Nice to meet you for the first time. My name is Ryu Min.”

Technically, it wasn’t their first meeting, but he extended his hand, mentioning it on purpose.

It was to gauge the reaction, but Jeffrey, unexpectedly, shook his hand with an uncomfortable expression.


‘Seeing him uncomfortable, he must have some conscience.’

Upon probing his inner thoughts, he didn’t seem like a bad person.

More than anything, his feelings towards Christine were unexpected, but he didn’t mention it.

Ryu Min didn’t want to ruin the mood here either.

“What brings you to Korea, Christine? A date with President Ma, perhaps?”

“Well, that wouldn’t be bad, but I came to see you, Ryu Min.”


“You mentioned before, right? That I would be in danger in the 11th round.”

Christine asked with a serious expression.

“I want to hear more about that. Can you tell me?”


Ryu Min deliberately made a contemplative face.

Right now, as the Prophet, he was practically in a position of absolute advantage.josei

If he made them wait, they would only become more anxious.

Sure enough, Christine looked at him anxiously and finally couldn’t hold back.

“I’m not saying I’ll listen without offering anything in return. I’ll pay enough for the prophecy……”

“No need for payment.”

Ryu Min hoped she would listen to the prophecy for free.

It would be better for him if she carried that kind of debt in her heart.

“A matter concerning human life can’t be bargained for.”

“Ah… Then…”

“I’ll tell you. Specifically, what will happen. I hesitated to go into more detail before, thinking it might affect the future, but now I think it’s alright to share a bit.”

Ryu Min pointed out the details as Christine wished.

“I don’t know about the 11th-round quest. However, based on the scenes I’ve seen, Christine, a group that refuses to acknowledge your existence will try to harm you.”

“In what way?”

“It’s difficult to say. Let’s just say your life will be in danger.”

“Does being in danger mean that there’s a chance I would be saved?”

“Yes. As I’ve said before, a savior will appear to save you.”

“Who is that?”

Ryu Min quietly shook his head.

He couldn’t say in front of Ma Kyung-rok that Black Scythe would save her.

It was obvious he would be jealous.

“I cannot tell you. Just mentioning a name could change the future. You might not be saved and could die.”


“The sure thing is that you must not negate the person who will save you then.”

“Should I cling to him?”

“If you put it negatively, yes. If positively, maintain that connection. If you miss that chance, the life you barely saved will end before the 15th round. That’s all I can tell you.”


Christine became thoughtful.

‘To be attacked by a group that won’t acknowledge me in the 11th round?’

Who could have imagined such a tragedy would unfold?

“Can’t you tell me who the threatening group is?”

“No. I can’t tell based on the scenes I’ve seen.”

Regret appeared on Christine’s face.

‘It would be nice to know who the threatening group is…’

Fortunately, someone will come to save her like a knight in shining armor, but it would be better to eliminate the danger beforehand if possible.

‘Ah, or should I let the future flow as it will, so I can connect with that savior?’

To wait for a lifeline while intentionally facing danger?

It would require considerable courage, knowing what’s to come.

“Don’t worry too much, Christine. Just let things take their course.”


“Worrying about the future that hasn’t happened yet is as useless as it gets. Maybe my future prediction will be wrong. The future changes moment by moment based on the present.”


“That’s why I don’t worry too much. Just consider it a warning. It’s more important to survive the next round than to worry about what danger the 11th round might bring.”

Christine nodded as if agreeing that worrying was foolish.

Why fret over something that hasn’t happened yet?

For the time being.

“Since it came up, I’ll tell you about the 9th round quest.”

At those words, Ma Kyung-rok, Christine, and Jeffrey’s attention was all focused on Ryu Min.

Information about the next round was exactly what they wanted.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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