The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Round 9 Ends (1)

★ Round 9 Results ★

[All Areas]

└1st place: Black Scythe (Lv89 Reaper) 1,024 kills

└2nd place: Heavenly Demon (Lv43 Dark Knight) 631 kills

└3rd place: Dumb Fools (Lv42 Shaman) 574 kills

[Specific Area C3-ESKA001]

└1st place: Black Scythe (Lv89 Reaper) 1,024 kills

└2nd place: Heavenly Demon (Lv43 Dark Knight) 631 kills

└3rd place: Dumb Dummies (Lv42 Shaman) 574 kills

Once again, Black Scythe took the first place, but the players were not interested in the obvious.

Their interest was solely in the method of ranking.

“Seeing the number of kills… Could it be…”

[Yes, you’re right. This round’s ranking was based on how many monsters were killed!]

“Ah… So the first option was the best one?”

“Sigh… Shouldn’t have chosen the third one.”

“I’m doomed. I didn’t kill many…”

As the players grieved, the ranking message popped up.

Some checked their rankings and held their heads in dismay.

But those who made it into the top 3,004 burst into cheers of relief.

Among them, Min Juri showed a relieved expression.

‘It seems I luckily made it into the rankings.’

Ryu Min smiled as he looked at his own message.

[Congratulations! You have completed the quest as the first place in this area!]

[Congratulations! You have completed the quest as the first place in all areas!]

[Currently, ‘Black Scythe’ ranks first in all areas and in this specific area.]

[As the first-place ranking reward in this area, you will receive a ‘Material Item Selection Right’!]

[As the first-place ranking reward in all areas, you will receive a ‘Special Reward Selection Box’!]

Ryu Min used the Material Item Selection Right.

[Please choose one of the following materials.]

└ 1. Hard Magic Shell

└ 7. Supreme Quality Tough Leather

└ 8. Bubbling Solution

└ 9. Non-clumping Crystal

└ 10. Bull’s Horn

Most of the options were unique.

Of course, Ryu Min could see which one was the best.

‘Only number 7 is legendary.’

Having obtained one legendary material, Ryu Min then used the Special Reward Selection Box.

[You can choose one of the following special rewards.]

[Please touch the reward you want.]

└ 1. Double EXP Buff (Limited to the 10th round)

└ 2. 50% Stat Increase Buff (Limited to the 10th round)

└ 3. Information about Round 10

Ryu Min didn’t need the information about Round 10.

So, which one between 1 and 2 was necessary?

Without hesitation, Ryu Min chose the second option.

‘Stats are more important in the next round.’

Would there be a need to further increase his already high stats? Yes.

‘Because there’s a phase in Round 10 where having higher stats is advantageous.’

Hence, it was also a round where Min Juri’s buff was necessary.

Not that he necessarily needed to take Min Juri along.

[By the way, this round’s sub-quest was about finding a hidden portal!]

“Hidden portal?”

“Was there such a thing?”

“Didn’t anyone find it?”

[There was one successful player, but you probably aren’t interested. You’re about to disappear anyway. You must have checked the rankings. Then, goodbye to those ranked below 3,005!]

“No, please!”

“Save meee!”

Despite their desperate cries, about 2,000 players turned to dust and disappeared.

Even though it was someone else’s problem before, the players who survived this time couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

It wasn’t for no reason; they were the last players of Korea.

‘Only 3,000 of us are representing Korea’s players.’

Ryu Min sighed but didn’t show it.

Rather than lamenting, it was more important that they had managed to catch their breath for now.

◀ ROUND 9 Ends ▶

[All Areas]

└Survivors: 647,681

[Specific Area C3-ESKA001]

└Survivors: 3,004

[Soon, your soul will be transferred back to your original dimension’s body.]

[Round 10 will begin at midnight on October 1, 2022. See you in the next round. Congratulations on surviving.]

As soon as Ryu Min returned home, the first thing he did was to send a text to Min Juri.

[Ryu Min: Juri, did you survive?]

[Min Juri: Yes! Thanks to choosing the first option, it was easy. It seems you also managed to survive, Min!]

[Ryu Min: Yeah. How about we meet for lunch to give you the next round info?]

[Min Juri: Okay, okay, that works for me.]

[Ryu Min: Then, get a good sleep and see you at lunch!]

Leaving only those words, Ryu Min fell onto his bed and slept as if he had fainted.

It was only natural to be sleepy after staying awake for 28 hours without rest.

When he woke up, it was already morning.

At lunchtime, Ryu Min met Min Juri at the agreed place.


“Hey, Min!”

“Hungry? Let’s go quickly.”

The two headed to their usual Korean traditional restaurant.

In the quiet atmosphere, they talked about Round 9.

“Min, did you get the message too? After the extermination, my mercenary rank increased or something?”

“Ah, from apprentice to skilled?”

“Right, that! Not sure if it’s a good thing that the rank increased.”

“It’s a good thing. A higher rank means you can take on higher-level requests later.”

“Ah, so we can get better rewards?”

“Yes. The mercenary job has its perks in that regard. We’ll be a step higher in rank than others.”

“Really? But how do you know all this? Did you find out through prophecy?”

“Of course. Why else would I be a prophet? If I didn’t know such things, I couldn’t call myself a prophet.”

“Haha, you always have a way with words.”

The mercenary rank story was not false.

Later, when they experience an open-world fantasy setting, they will be taking on missions from the mercenary guild.

They could increase their rank, hunt better monsters, and accumulate rewards and fame.

‘Eventually, you’ll participate in territorial battles and sometimes be called to wars.’

But the best part about increasing your rank in the mercenary guild is dragon hunting.

‘Dragon hunting is not for everyone. You have to be a master-rank mercenary to join the hunt.’

Dragon hunting is arguably the reason to raise your mercenary rank.

Given that it involves the strongest monsters, the rewards are unsurprisingly substantial.

“Min, have you reached level 40?”

“Not yet. You did?”

“Yeah. I reached level 41 this time and got a protective buff. I’ll cast it on you in case of danger. The world has become too dangerous now.”josei

“No need, I’ll be alright. Only 3,000 of us left now”


Though he said so, buff was exactly what Ryu Min had hoped for.

‘Well, she always casts buffs without being asked anyway.’

Whenever Ryu Min provided a prophecy for the next round, Min Juri would always apologize and say she would at least cast a buff on him as thanks.

Thus, after giving the prophecy for Round 10 and parting with Min Juri, Ryu Min received the set of three buffs he desired.

“Thanks for the buffs!”

“Thank you for the prophecy! I feel that Round 10 might be a tough one.”

“There won’t be any issues. I’ve foreseen that you’ll make it through.”

“Knowing that eases my mind. Do you need gold? Now that the trading function is available, I can give you some.”

“No, I have plenty of gold.”

“Just let me know if you ever need some. I can give you as much as you need!”

“Will do, if that ever happens.”

Ryu Min smiled and waved to Min Juri in front of the convenience store.

“I’ll contact you again next time.”

“Okay. Take care!”

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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