The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Rank Up (1)


[Goblin Annihilation!]

[Experience Point Triple Buff is in effect.]

[Experience Points +0.4%]

[Gold +3.33]

[Additional Gold +1.66]

[Current Kill Count: 502/100]

[Rune of Slaughter grants a 100% boost to all stats.]

[Skeletal Bone Necklace increases attack speed by 25%.]

Amidst his relentless massacre of goblins, Ryu Min took a moment to assess his collected gold.

“Already close to 2,000 gold,” he noted with satisfaction.

Despite the first wave not yet reaching its conclusion, he had managed to accumulate a substantial amount.

His high luck stat also contributed to the occasional influx of additional gold.

“At this rate, I could easily gather 20,000 gold during the second wave.”

A mere 4,000 more gold and he would have the desired sum.

Then, he could finally acquire that skill.

“After that, I’ll earn an additional 20,000 gold to buy another skill.”

Ryu Min’s goal for this round was to purchase two skills.

“Once I achieve that…”

His thoughts drifted to an upcoming plan.

“The plan to obtain the Rune of Secret Desires,” he chuckled to himself.

Curiosity piqued, Ryu Min checked his level.

He had already reached level 18, ensuring a smooth ascent to level 20 in the next wave.

“I’ll reach level 30 in this round and purchase two skills.”

With his target set, he swung his scythe.

Swift and deadly strikes echoed through the air.

“The sycthe truly excels at mass slaughter,” he mused.

Each swing of the sycthe could claim the lives of up to four goblins.

Its elongated reach, akin to a spear, allowed him to eliminate foes without being touched.



The goblins, sensing his prowess, timidly retreated from Ryu Min’s path.

Had his solo feat of eliminating over 500 goblins influenced their fear?

“If they won’t come to me, then I’ll go to them,” he declared confidently.

With all the necessary buffs already stacked, fear held no power over him.

After five more minute.


As the sound of the horn signaled the end, a message materialized before him.

[First wavesuccessfully defended!]

[Surviving players: 3,933]

[Deceased players: 967]

[Each surviving player will be rewarded with 500 gold.]

Approximately 80% of the initial 4,900 players had persevered.

Even though the goblins were weakened, underestimating them would be unwise.

Ryu Min’s gaze shifted toward the Village.

There, he spotted Jo Joong-sik, gasping for breath.

“Looks like he made it through,” Ryu Min observed.

With Jo Joong-sik’s skills, surviving until the fourth wave should be a breeze.

“Amidst it all, he managed to gain a class.”

However, Ryu Min was aware of the challenges that lay ahead for Jo Joong-sik.

Escaping this round wouldn’t be an easy feat.

“Haah, haah, damn it all,” Jo Joong-sik panted heavily, yet his eyes burned with determination.

Opening his guard against surprise attacks could lead to unforeseen threats.

“Why do those bastards only target me instead of the goblins?”

He had no idea how many close calls he had experienced throughout the first wave.

The relentless stabs from his comrades had been unforgiving.

“But I’m grateful you’re here,” he admitted.

Jo Joong-sik’s gaze fell upon a man near the entrance—a gentlemanly figure with the nickname [Black Flame Dragon] over his head.

“Thanks to the power of the authority I can even make the 3rd-ranked player in this area my subordinate.”

Next to him was also Hwang Yong-min, a muscular guy, but Jo Joong-sik didn’t need to use his authority power on him.

“He’s a guy who willingly follows me like a senior.”

He had also incorporated several skilled players under his command.

“With them protecting me like a meat shield, I don’t need to worry about any more surprises… “

Jo Joong-sik looked at his side.

The bleeding from the initial surprise attack had been severe.

“Can I endure the remaining waves…?”

He had to survive.

He had the determination to do anything to survive and rank higher.

“And if I survive, all the wounds will heal.”


Accompanying the sound of the horn, a message materialized before him.

Thirty minutes had passed since the first wave commenced.

[Second Wave]

[3,933 players vs weakened goblins and hobgoblins – 7,866 in total]

[Goblins are weakened to one-third of their usual strength due to the round’s characteristics.]

[Wishing you the best of luck!]

Though the monsters had grown stronger, their numbers had reduced.

“It seems they’re appearing at roughly twice the number of remaining players,” Jo Joong-sik observed, his face etched with tension.

His eyes narrowed as he awaited the impending monster onslaught.

Suddenly, his gaze fixated on a Black Scythe near the entrance.

“He intends to face the horde alone, doesn’t he?”

Displeasure creased Jo Joong-sik’s brow.

For now, his sole focus was on survival—against both the monsters’ assaults and the players’ surprise attacks.

“I will survive, no matter the cost,” he declared with unyielding determination shining in his eyes.

In the second wave, Ryu Min once again single-handedly guarded the entrance.

The scythe sliced through the air, a blur of lethal precision.

“Swish… Swosh!”



During the merciless goblin slaughter, a welcome transformation occurred.

Ryu Min had reached his desired level—level 20.

[Rank upgraded from ‘Trainee’ to ‘Regular’.]

[You can now utilize the Combination function.]

The newly unlocked Combination function is as valuable as the store itself.

“With combinations, I can craft items above the Unique rarity, unattainable through ordinary means.”

Of course, forging Unique items was no easy task.

Specific materials only obtainable during certain rounds were required.

Mastery of combination techniques did not guarantee instant results.

“That’s why I need to acquire the Alchemy Book. It will make item creation easier,”

If things does as planned with Ma Kyung-rok, acquiring the materials needed for crafting would no longer be an issue.

“However, that’s a matter for after surviving this round,” Ryu Min acknowledged.

Once again, his attention was drawn to the message window.

[With the rank upgrade, the skill ‘Seal of Death’ has been enhanced!]

[Additional damage from the Seal of Death skill increased from 100% to 120%.]

[Additionally, you have acquired the exclusive skill ‘Night of Death’ for Reapers!]

[The next skill will automatically be acquired at level 40.]

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