The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: End Of Round 3 (1)

★ Round 3 Results ★


└ 1st place: Black Scythe (Lv30 Reaper) – 3,631 kills

└ 2nd place: Stupid Fools (Lv13 Shaman) – 982 kills

└ 3rd place: Heavenly Demon (Lv13 Dark Knight) – 963 kills

[Specific Area ESKS45-5]

└ 1st place: Black Scythe (Lv30 Reaper) – 3,631 kills

└ 2nd place: Ahn Sang-chul (Lv11 Knight) – 687 kills

└ 3rd place: Seo Arin (Lv11 Summoner) – 576 kills

The results of the tally left everyone astounded.

“Did Black Scythe really take down 3,600 creatures all by himself?”

“The 2nd place couldn’t even reach a thousand kills?”

It was no surprise that Black Scythe claimed the top spot.

But no one could have imagined he would achieve such an impressive feat.

And there was something else that caught their attention.

“Look at his level. It’s 30?”

“Wow… That’s incredible.”

“Did he receive an experience bonus or something?”

The vast difference in levels left everyone speechless.

Except for Ryu Min, the person in question.

“I did receive an experience buff. They probably didn’t know about it unless they secured the 1st place in the overall region.”

The 1st place in the overall region was awarded a special reward selection box.josei

The 3x experience bonus could only be obtained by opening that box.

“Meanwhile, the rewards for 2nd and 3rd place in the overall region are significantly lower. Not to mention the rewards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the specific area.”

However, it was still better to be in the top 3 and receive additional rewards.

Considering the significant difference in growth speed.

“Moreover, with such rapid growth, there’s a higher chance of securing a spot within the top 3 in the next round.”

As rewards accumulate, one’s growth becomes as unstoppable as a snowball, eventually making them a formidable presence among other players.

“That’s why aiming for a high rank is crucial.”

As expected, [Heavenly Demon,] Ma Kyung-rok, secured a place within the top 3 once again.

[Stupid Fools] achieved a similar feat.

“[Stupid Fools] is quite talented.”

Does having a psychopathic personality make it easier to reach the top ranks?

While pondering such thoughts, a message appeared.

[Congratulations! You have achieved 1st place in the specific area quest!]

[Congratulations! You have achieved 1st place in the overall region quest!]

[The current rank of ‘Black Scythe’ is 1st place in the overall region and 1st place in the specific area.]

[As the 1st place in the specific area ranking, you will receive the ‘Intermediate Rare Ring Selection Voucher’ as a reward!]

[As the 1st place in the overall region ranking, you will receive the ‘Special Reward Selection Box’ as a reward!]

[An Intermediate Rare Ring Selection Voucher has arrived.]

The rewards vary based on the player’s level.

“If someone else had secured the 1st place, they would have received a lower-grade voucher.”

Without hesitation, Ryu Min immediately used the received reward.

[You can now select one of the following rare rings.]

“Please touch your desired reward.”

└ 1. Ring of Swift Wind

└ 2. Ring of Blue Magic

└ 3. Ring of Resistance

Ryu Min’s finger moved swiftly without hesitation.

“I choose the Ring of Resistance, option 3.”

[Ring of Resistance]

Category: Ring

Grade: Rare

Effect: Luck +4, Resistance +35%

Durability: 450/450

Usage Restriction: Regular grade or higher

Description: A ring that provides resistance against debuff status.

The items provided through selection cannot be previewed.

“I’ll have to deduce what kind of item it is solely based on its name.”

Although Ryu Min is uncertain, he feels that very few people would choose the Ring of Resistance.

Given its name, it appears to be weak.

However, resistance is crucial for survival.

“After all, being afflicted with a debuff status is a dire situation.”

The system encompasses numerous debuff statuses.

Stun, bind, sleep, fear, silence, freeze, bleed, burn, blindness, slow, weakness, and many more.

“Some monsters can inflict debuff statuses, and certain player skills can also have such effects.”

Ryu Min anticipates that players will encounter more situations like this as the rounds progress.

And eventually, they will realize the significance of resistance in terms of survival.

“No matter how high your stats are, falling victim to a debuff status means certain death.”

Moreover, resistance cannot be increased through stats alone.

There are not many items with additional options either.

In other words, they are rare and difficult to acquire.

“Even if I don’t currently need it, it’s better to possess it.”

And since it also boosts Luck, Ryu Min decides to equip the ring.

Next, Ryu Min opens the Special Reward Selection Box.

“There won’t be a 3x experience buff this time.”

And as he thought.

[You can now select one of the following special rewards.]

“Please touch your desired reward.”

└ 1. 50% Stat Increase Buff (Valid for Round 4)

└ 2. 4,000 Gold

└ 3. Information about Round 4

The 3x experience buff, which was always present as the first option, is absent this time.

This implies that killing monsters is not the objective for Round 4.

And indeed, that’s the case.

“Round 4 doesn’t revolve around slaying monsters.”

However, there is no pressing need for a substitute like a stat increase buff either.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Ryu Min chooses option 2, the gold.

Instantly, 4,000 gold appears in Ryu Min’s possession.

There were no other alternatives available.

[Hey, everyone! Have you checked your ranks through messages? As you already know the cut-off line is at 1,225. Kehehehe.]

“U-Um, Angel! Something seems to be wrong here! Please double-check!”

“It seems like there might be a miscalculation by the system! Please verify!”

“Yes, I caught so many creatures. How could my rank be this low…”

While players who didn’t make it into the top ranks voiced their concerns, The angel ignored them.

[Then I shall eliminate the bugs who couldn’t make it within the top 1,225.]

Olive proceeds to mercilessly annihilate them.

Sporting an evil smile that contradicts her appearance.


Among the 2,400 survivors from the wave, half of them vanish.

◀ ROUND 3 Concluded ▶


└ Survivors: 214,007,550

[Specific Area ESKS45-5]

└ Survivors: 1,225

[After a while, your soul will return to your original dimension.]

[Round 4 will commence on April 1st, 2022, at midnight. Until then, congratulations on surviving.]

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