The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Underestimating The Prophet (1)

‘Seo Arin? They invited Seo Arin too?’

The reason Ryu Min was taken aback was quite simple: Seo Arin had been absent in the previous gatherings, even when they held parties.

‘I wonder if things have changed because they realized we live in the same apartment?’

Well, it doesn’t really matter.

Having Seo Arin here wouldn’t make a big difference after all.

“Ah, you’re finally here, Actress Seo.”

Pretending to know her, Ma Kyung-rok nodded as Seo Arin respectfully lowered her head.

“I’m sorry for being a little late. I was paying my respects to a fellow actor.”

“No worries. If that’s the case, being late is understandable. But before that, please greet the major shareholder of our company.”

“Hello. I’m an actress named Seo Arin.”

As Seo Arin greeted, she suddenly looked at the person’s face and was surprised.

The reason for her surprise was simple: she recognized the face.josei

“Did you two of you meet before?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“It turns out the major shareholder is my neighbor. Nice to meet you.”

Seo Arin smiled, her eyes crinkling, but inside, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of doubt.

‘He looks younger than me, and yet he’s a major shareholder… Could it be that the CEO is just playing a joke?’

Up until this moment, Ryu Won’s mouth was wide open, then he suddenly snapped out.

“Um, hey, hyung.”


“Is the person in front of me really Seo, Seo Arin?”

Ryu Min whispered to his brother’s ear, “Yes,” and Ryu Won’s mouth hung open in surprise.

‘Come to think of it, did I forget to mention it?’

In a brief whisper to his brother, Ryu Min explained the truth.

That Ma Kyung-rok is Seo Arin’s sponsor and An Sang-cheol is the manager he assigned.


Seeing his brother’s stunned expression, Ryu Min found himself in a dilemma.

Should he also admire Seo Arin as his brother does?

‘It’s probably a common reaction to be captivated by someone so beautiful, right?’

Rather than admiring, Ryu Min decided to simply steal a glance at her.

As if showing interest in her lovely appearance.

Noticing every detail, Ma Kyung-rok smirked and twisted his lips.

‘She’s young. I wondered if even prophets are subject to human desires. It seems that calling for Seo Arin was definitely the right choice.’

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, Ma Kyung-rok turned to address the four individuals.

“You must be hungry, so don’t hesitate, and let’s eat.”

From Ryu Min, Ryu Won, Ma Kyung-rok, An Sang-cheol, to Seo Arin.

The five of them filled their plates with various delectable dishes from the buffet and brought them to the table.

Though the number of attendees was small compared to the size of the banquet hall, Ma Kyung-rok didn’t mind.

In fact, he found it even more enjoyable with fewer people.

‘It must feel overwhelming for a prophet to receive such exceptional treatment.’

Contrary to his words of not wanting them to feel burdened, Ma Kyung-rok secretly hoped they would.

“So, how does the food taste, major shareholder? I instructed the chefs to pay special attention to it.”

“Ah, it’s absolutely delicious.”

“What about you, young sir? Are they enjoying it?”

“Huh? Oh, yes! I’ve never had something this delicious before in my life.”

“It’s truly rewarding to hear that it’s a delight.”

“The chefs must feel incredibly accomplished.”

Ma Kyung-rok smiled and savored a bite of the succulent steak.

After savoring the tender meat and swallowing it, he couldn’t contain his curiosity any longer and asked the question that had been on his mind.

“But why did only your younger brother come? What about the rest of your family? What about your parents?”

“To me, my younger brother is my only family. Our parents have passed away…”

“Oh, I see… That’s truly unfortunate.”

Ma Kyung-rok couldn’t help but feel regretful to ask.

‘Damn it, why did I ask such a question? It completely ruined the pleasant atmosphere we had!’

He felt a wave of discomfort rising as if the food he had just enjoyed was threatening to make a return.

Ma Kyung-rok glanced at Ryu Min, his expression filled with sorrow.


The gloomy expression on Ryu Min’s face further dampened Ma Kyung-rok’s own mood.

‘Damn it, damn it! I should just keep my mouth shut until the tension eases.’

As someone who needed to win the favor of the prophet, Ma Kyung-rok found himself forced to tread carefully.

Ding, dong, crack, ding, crack, dong.

Amidst the hushed atmosphere, the meal continued.

With no words exchanged, the clinking of cutlery became the only sound that resonated.

“Someone needs to lighten the mood…”

Ma Kyung-rok’s gaze subtly shifted towards Seo Arin.

If there was anyone who could lift the spirits and inject some cheer into the gathering, it was undoubtedly her.

“Seo, look over here, Seo!”

Ma Kyung-rok gestured for her attention, but Seo Arin remained immersed in her meal, oblivious to the call.

Naturally, frustration creased Ma Kyung-rok’s forehead.

“That infuriating girl…”

As silence pervaded the air, a growing sense of desolation settled in.

Yet, the seemingly eternal meal eventually drew to a close as plates were cleared away several times over.

When the five of them gathered for a tea break, Ma Kyung-rok finally broke his silence.

“Could we have a moment alone, Seo?”

“Yes? Oh, of course.”

Seo Arin followed Ma Kyung-rok, her expression tinged with curiosity, as he led her to a more secluded spot.

Coming to a stop in a suitable location, Ma Kyung-rok cleared his throat and spoke.

“Listen, Seo Arin.”

“Yes, CEO.”

“Did you enjoy the meal?”

“Oh, it was absolutely delicious.”

“Do you think I called you here just to have a meal?”


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