The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Trap (1)

The sharp rapier found its mark with precision, piercing the throat of the lumbering orc.

In motion, they were elusive prey, but an orc, stripped of limbs and hobbling, made for an easy target. Min Juri couldn’t help but admire the efficiency of a high-level player. “I never knew hunting could be this straightforward,” she mused, her gentle voice break through the eerie silence of the battlefield littered with lifeless bodies.

Had an orc witnessed this, it might have choked on disbelief, quite literally. 

Ryu Min inquired, “How many have we dispatched thus far?”

“52 in just 30 minutes,” came the reply from Minjuri, her voice brimming with pride. “That’s impressively fast, isn’t it?”

Ryu Min chose not to respond, for by his own standards, it was merely efficient, not exceptional. After all, he used to take down a staggering 300 in an hour—a feat that had now become second nature.

‘Yet, the time spent wandering was too long,’ he contemplated. “The monster population in these fields is far from abundant.”

The act of killing them was almost effortless. The true challenge lay in the hunt itself.

“But it’s a risky proposition to wander too far, especially with Minjuri by my side,” he mused. 

Imagine being suddenly encircled by 50 of them. Alone, it might be manageable, but with Minjuri in tow, complete protection was not assured.

“It seems I must head towards the Orc Shaman. That way, I can expedite the process of locating orcs.”

The Orc Shaman possessed the ability to summon his brethren. By employing this resource, Ryu Min could bypass the laborious task of tracking down individual orcs.

“Besides, the path to the shaman’s lair aligns with our current trajectory. If we stick to the plan, we should make good progress.”

They could dispatch a few orcs along the way, while approaching the boss’s domain.

Min Juri smiled brightly, not even knowing that they were heading toward a boss.

“At this pace, we could conceivably tally up 300 within 3 hours.”

“3 hours is too lengthy. Let’s aim for under 1 hour.”

Perplexed, Minjuri queried, “Huh? Just 1 hour?”

Concerned that she might have misheard, she sought clarification, receiving the same response.

“I intend to complete the quest in less than an hour.”

“Really? How?”

“By making use of the Orc Shaman.”

Minjuri, baffled, inquired, “What’s that?”

Ryu Min revealed his strategy: utilizing the Orc Shaman to summon orcs and reach the 300 mark without eliminating the shaman. Essentially, a tactic to maximize gains by keeping the shaman alive.

“But how did you know about the Orc Shaman? You’ve never encountered it before, right?”

Without missing a beat, Ryu Min concocted a seamless lie. “I encountered it briefly before meeting you, which is how I know its location.”


“Don’t worry. I’ll safeguard against all potential threats.”

Minjuri’s initial surprise gave way to a warm smile. “Surprisingly considerate,” she remarked. Perhaps, as the saying goes, ‘You only truly know someone once you talk to him.’

“Here we are.”

The duo arrived at a quaint village adorned with modest wooden huts. It was not extensive, and there were no orc sentinels in sight.

“A boss in this tiny village?” Min Juri voiced her astonishment, for the village consisted of no more than five huts.

However, appearances could be deceiving. Ryu Min knew this was a trap set to lure unsuspecting players. “Entering might seem easy, but players who underestimate it often fall victim to the orcs summoned by the Orc Shaman.”josei

A similar scenario had unfolded in the previous regression. As he circled behind the village, he discovered a mountain of player corpses concealed by the cunning Orc Shaman. It was a testament to his intelligence and malevolence.

“But, in essence, it signifies cowardliness. He lacks the courage to engage in open combat. Without his orc summons, he’s a mere pushover.”

Therefore, while Ryu Min could easily eliminate the Orc Shaman, he intended to keep him alive, at least for now, to aid in their hunting efforts.

“Come this way.”

As Ryu Min took the lead, Min Juri followed.

“How come I can’t see the orcs?”

She looked around, but she couldn’t even see a single orc.

But that was natural.

Because orcs don’t live here.

‘Only the Orc Shaman lives here.’

After passing three or four thatched houses, they came across a large thatched house that was different from before.

“Inside this place hides the Orc Shaman, quietly crafting traps, lying in wait for our entry,” Ryu Min explained.

“The orcs set traps?” Juri queried.

“Indeed. As a boss, he possesses a measure of intelligence. These seemingly innocuous huts here are just disguises, designed to lure players in. In reality, this village harbors none but the Orc Shaman.”

“Aha… No wonder it was eerily silent.”

“In the end, this entire village is a trap, meticulously set to ensnare and dispatch players.”

“So, have we fallen into the trap?”

Ryu Min nodded affirmatively.

“At least in the eyes of the Orc Shaman.”

“Do you have a plan?” Min Juri inquired.

“Yes, we can turn his trap against him.”

“If it’s a trap…”

“The trap is simple. Inexperienced players entering the house will trigger trap points. At that moment, the waiting Orc Shaman summons orcs to overwhelm them. About 10 to 20 orcs are summoned, and when surrounded, there’s no escape.”

Ryu Min, of course, felt confident he could handle any number of orcs.

“But our goal now isn’t to kill them; it’s to keep them barely alive…”

“But if they all come out simultaneously, it could get troublesome.”

“That’s true. But there’s a solution.”

Ryu Min detailed his plan for luring out the orcs.

Min Juri’s eyes widened as she listened.

“So, it really can be that simple?”


“Do you think the Orc Shaman will fall for it?”

“Fear not; the plan has already been tested.”

With doubt in her eyes, Min Juri seemed to have made up her mind and nodded.

“I’ll take care of the first part of the plan.”

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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