The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Russell's Visit

Heo Tae-seok’s first emotion was awe.

‘Being accepted by the Black Scythe as a party member… who would’ve thought?’

The notion of teaming up with the legendary Black Scythe was beyond his wildest dreams.

Then came admiration.

He watched in amazement as Black Scythe single-handedly vanquished the Centaurus, a feat that had challenged even a group of five.

Such power was nothing short of staggering.

‘No wonder he’s the Black Scythe. Truly admirable.’

Heo Tae-seok aspired to match his strength.

The third emotion was gratitude.

‘Incredible… Just six hours with the Black Scythe and my level’s skyrocketed.’

He hadn’t expected a 13-level jump on his first party adventure.

‘Thanks, Black Scythe. I’m indebted for this chance.’

His fortunes had turned since meeting the Black Scythe. How could he not feel thankful?

But then, a sudden emotion eclipsed all others.


The ground trembled.

Fear gripped him.

‘He… he took down the boss in one shot?’

Despite the Black Scythe’s strength, this was unimaginable.

‘What was I thinking? Matching the Black Scythe is impossible.’

He realized, belatedly, Black Scythe was beyond reach, almost god-like.

‘How do I even repay such a being?’

Back home, Heo Tae-seok pondered ways to return the favor, feeling useless and despondent.

‘If only I had skills to assist the Black Scythe…’

Even his job as a dark mage was unuseful.

A wolf pup cannot aid a full-grown wolf; it only gets in the way.

‘What can I offer in this world?’

Then, an epiphany struck him.

What does a god need?

‘Devout followers.’

Heo Tae-seok’s lips curved into a grin.

Meanwhile, Ryu Min browsed flights on his phone.

‘I need to visit Russell to recover the durability.’

But the prophecy he shared with him last time might change his reception.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed with an international call.

-Is this Mr. Ryu?

“Yes, it’s me. Russell Daniel.”

-Ah, Mr. Prophet, thank you. You saved my life.

Russell sounded excited.

“What happened?”

-I’ll explain when I arrive.

“You’re coming to Korea?”

-Yes, I’ve booked my flight.

This was unprecedented. This has never happened in the previous regressions.

-Is this inconvenient, Mr. Ryu?

“No, I was hoping to meet you. I’ll wait at Incheon Airport.”

The next day, Ryu Min greeted Russell at the airport.

“Mr. Ryu!”

Russell approached with a light backpack and a broad smile.

“Welcome to Korea, Russell.”

After a brief handshake, they headed to the parking lot.

“Let’s go. I’ll drive.”

Russell, talkative and eager, spotted the car.

“Wait, is that a Lamborghini Aventador?”

“Recognize it?”

“Do you think my mountain life means I’m out of touch? This car right here is my dream car!”

“Is that so?!”

Amidst playful banter, the two drove away

“Any particular place you’d like to visit?”

“I’d prefer somewhere tranquil for a chat.”

Ryu Min glanced at his watch, pondering for a moment.

“Lunchtime already? Shall we grab a bite?”

“Yes, please! I’ve always wanted to try authentic Korean cuisine.”

“Then let me take you to my favorite spot.”

Ryu Min led Russell to a serene Korean restaurant nestled in Ma Kyung-rok’s hotel. Thanks to a precautionary reservation, they were seated without delay.

“This place is so peaceful. Is it a Korean eatery?”

“You could say that.”

The array of dishes served was impressive, eliciting a look of awe from Russell at each course.

“This variety is astonishing! I’ve never experienced such a meal in my life.”

“Are you enjoying it? That’s great. Dig in, it’s on me.”

“No, Mr. Ryu! I can’t keep owing you. Let me cover this.”

“Sure you can afford it? It’s a bit pricey here.”

“How much are we talking?”

“Around 130 pounds per person.”

Russell almost choked on his water, setting the glass down hastily.

‘Why so costly? What could possibly justify 130 pounds?’

Expecting a bill no more than 30 pounds, Russell masked his shock and replied,

“I’ll handle it. No issue. Don’t worry.”

“I wasn’t concerned.”

After all, the money Russell was spending had originally come from Ryu Min.

Though Russell had been frugal, spending money that wasn’t his in the first place wasn’t a waste in such a situation.

“Russell, don’t fret over the bill. In exchange, can you repair my item like before?”

“The durability? Absolutely, just hand it over!”

Russell promptly fixed the bead of eternity and returned it.

“Thank you. I’ll take care of the bill.”

“Um, I feel like I haven’t done enough for you…”

“No worries. By the way, you mentioned a near-death experience?”

“Oh, about that…”

Russell recounted a rather ordinary tale. He had formed a party as suggested, hunted for 6 hours, and then fought the boss, narrowly escaping demise.

“If I hadn’t followed your advice to level up, things could have been dire, right?”

“I’m glad to have been of help. Did you level up much?”

“I’m now level 29.”

‘He reached Ma Kyung-rok’s level.’

As a blacksmith, Russell wasn’t naturally suited for hunting. However, his skill in enhancing and repairing weapons was invaluable to his party members.

‘It’s akin to being a buffer.’

His contribution to the party’s synergy explained his rapid leveling. Besides, Russell was strong enough to take on orcs and similar mobs with ease.

“But I must confess, I feel out of place at times. Can I truly claim to be among the top blacksmiths? It’s hard to believe…”

“With effort, anything is possible. And with my guidance, you can achieve even more.”

“Haha, your words alone give me strength. With a prophet’s support, what’s there to fear? Oh, are these more dishes?”

Russell’s eyes widened as the waiter served more food.

“It’s not a buffet, yet the dishes keep coming! Wow, this is delicious! What’s this dish called?”

“It’s Bulgogi.”

“It suits my palate perfectly. I never knew Korean cuisine could be this tantalizing.”

Russell devoured the Bulgogi, seemingly spellbound.

He likely economized on food to save for the stocks.

“But you must come from an affluent family, Mr. Prophet? You’re young, drive a fancy car, and even last time, you paid me handsomely…”

“Wealthy family? No, I was just fortunate. If someone with foresight can’t make this much, it’d be a waste, right? But soon, you’ll be wealthy too.”

“Because of the stocks?”

“Yes. Did you invest in that company I recommended?”

“Immediately. I opened an account and invested more than half of what you suggested…”

“Smart move. With that investment, you won’t need my financial support in the future.”

“But is that company really a sure bet?”

“Absolutely. That’s why I advised you to invest.”

“What’s the nature of this company?”

“You invested without researching?”

“I trusted your prophecy. I figured it would be safe. Haha…”


As they neared the end of their meal, Ryu Min suggested,

“Shall I take you to the company?”

“The company?”

“It’s not far from here.”

“Sure, let’s go.”

After settling the bill, they headed to Ma Kyung-rok’s office in their car.

“Here we are.”

The signboard of Cheonma Consulting was replaced by Player Place.

‘Preparations seem almost complete.’

Unannounced visits were no issue.

After all, as the top executive, Ryu Min virtually owned the company.

“This is where I put 70% of my fortune, right? Oh, I mean your money, not mine…”

“That’s your money, Russell. Feel free to use it.”

“Only a prophet could be so kind, you’re an angel! Wow!”

Russell’s foreigner-like gestures made Ryu Min chuckle.

“Isn’t that phrase more of a curse than a compliment these days?”

“Oh, is that how it is?”

“But with only 30% left, can you manage?”

“It’s tight, but I’ll manage. Maybe cut down to two meals a day…”

“I’ll withdraw some cash later. 10,000 pounds should tide you over, right?”

“Wow! Of course.”

“Aren’t you even going to pretend to refuse?”

“Ah, hahaha…”josei

Russell, foregoing even a token protest, just laughed.

“But is it alright to just walk into a company like this?”

“It’s fine. I may not be the CEO, but it’s essentially my company.”


Realization dawned on Russell as he blinked in surprise.

“Is the company you advised me to invest in…?”

“Yes, I am the actual owner of this company.”

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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