The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: The Perfect Plan (1)

The setting couldn’t have been more perfect.

In the midst of Suwon’s winding alleys, this particular spot was one of the least frequented.

‘Even though it’s broad daylight, there shouldn’t be any issues. Because this is a low-traffic time.’

This is the result of a careful observation over the past of few days.

‘And I already secured my escape route.’

Just in case there were any unexpected witnesses, he could easily slip away into the two-story building tucked away behind the alley.

With no CCTV cameras in sight, he could make his exit without anyone taking notice.

‘The plan is flawless.’

As soon as the target got within ten steps, the plan was to detonate the hidden body inside the clothing collection bin.josei

‘At that very moment, as the guy stumbles in pain, I’ll cast a curse of terror upon him, making him kneel in fear.’

Afterward, finishing the job with a dagger to the throat would be a straightforward affair.

“But I don’t intend to end it quickly. I’ll play with you as much as possible

There was a price to pay for crossing him, and he would make sure it was paid off.

With these thoughts in mind, Ju Sung-taek stood in the alley, eagerly awaiting the buyer’s approach.

‘Yes, just a little closer. Just five more steps.’

Unaware of the impending danger, the buyer continued walking towards them.

The gap between them was shrinking rapidly.

‘Four steps, three steps, two steps… Now, just one more step, and…!’

Then, an unexpected pause.

The buyer stopped with just one step to go.

It was no surprise that Ju Sung-taek’s expression twisted in frustration.

‘What on earth? Why did he suddenly stop?’

There is a bit of distance between the two to have a conversation.

Yet, the buyer remained at a distance, shouting loudly.

“Excuse me! Are you the seller?”

“Yes, I am.”

“What are you doing over there? Aren’t we going to make a deal?”

Seeing the buyer’s gestures as if calling him over, Ju Sung-taek couldn’t help but be baffled.

‘Damn it, if he takes just one more step, he’ll be within the blast radius.’

Despite the buyer’s signals, Ju Sung-taek couldn’t move any closer.

‘If I get any closer, I’ll be caught in the explosion too.’

The corpse’s explosion spared no one, friend or foe alike.

Getting closer was simply not an option.

Of course, they could abandon the idea of the corpse explosion and opt to approach and cast the Curse of Terror, a simpler method of subduing their target.

But that would be far too dull.

Above all else…

‘That’s not the plan I had in mind.’

As per his carefully crafted plan, Ju Sung-taek’s hesitation stemmed from the fact that things weren’t going as he’d expected.

“What are you doing? Aren’t you coming over?”

“Um, would you mind coming this way? I have a leg injury…”

Even though it sounded lame, there was no other choice.

‘Just one step, just one step closer.’

However, the other party seemed glued to the spot, as if they had glue on their feet.

It was just a single step.

Instead, they crossed his arms and wore a displeased expression.

“Oi, do you think anyone’s without pain in their legs? If it hurts you, it hurts me even more after coming all this way down.”

“I have a disability, that’s why it’s hard for me to move.”

He even resorted to an extreme excuse, claiming he had a disability.

“A disability? Both your legs look perfectly fine to me.”

The buyer showed no intention of budging.

‘That damn guy, does he know what he’s doing?’

No, it couldn’t be.

Who would think there was a bomb inside a clothes collection bin?

They probably didn’t even know him or his job as a shaman.

They likely had no idea that stepping forward just one more time would seal their fate.

‘But why won’t he just take that step and stop arguing?’

The buyer, still standing and making their discomfort known, suddenly exclaimed, “You damn jerk! Don’t you want to make a deal with me?”

“What? What’s going on?”

“You’re hesitating, so it must be true. You were trying to lure me in and rob me, right? That’s why you keep insisting I come inside, isn’t it? Right? You damn scumbag.”


It seemed like there was some misunderstanding, but it was incredibly perplexing to listen to.

When was the last time he’d received such a verbal lashing in his life?

Probably not since his military days.

‘Ugh, stay calm. Don’t get tangled up in this guy’s pace.’

Ju Sung-taek had to do something to clear up the misunderstanding.

After all, one more step forward, and everything would be over.

He could make this guy kneel at his feet.

“Well, you seem to be misunderstanding something. It’s not like that at all.”

“It’s not like that, you damn jerk.”

“You’re speaking rather rudely.”

“Whether it’s rude or not, you’re still a scumbag. Do you think I’d say nice things to a guy who tried to set up a false deal and rob me?”

“I’ve never lied, okay? Look!”

Feeling unfairly accused, Ju Sung-taek reached into his inventory.

He retrieved the [Fragment of Immortal Skin] he had listed for sale.

Only then did the other party’s confrontational stance start to soften.

“Huh? You actually have it?”

Internally, Ju Sung-taek couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

‘Good. With this, I can lure that guy to come closer…’

But something was amiss.

Just moments ago, the buyer had been cursing and suddenly, they were smiling amiably?

“What’s going on? Why is this guy laughing all of a sudden?”

In that instant, it felt as if a gust of wind had passed, and then, sensation vanished from his arm.


His arm, the one holding the material item, was now lying beneath Ju Sung-taek’s foot.


Delayed by the pain that surged in, Ju Sung-taek’s mind suddenly cleared.

‘When did… When did he get this close? There was quite a distance just a while ago, wasn’t there?’

Turning his head, he saw the person with a weapon in hand.

And when he turned back, the smiling figure was still there.


Utterly bewildered, he looked back and forth between the two identical individuals in matching clothes and appearances.

“You’re trying to say there are two of them? No, it’s just one.”

Hearing these words, Ju Sung-taek looked back and saw that the person who had been there earlier had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

All that remained was the guy holding the weapon.

It was like witnessing a ghost.

In reality, he used a clone to divert his attention, but Ju Sung-taek had no way of knowing that.

“What happened…?”

“Do I need to explain that too?”

With a smirk, the person casually picked up the material item that had fallen from Ju Sung-taek’s severed arm and placed it in their inventory as if it were their own.

Ju Sung-taek was left speechless, unable to comprehend what was happening.

“This… this damn bastard!”

Ju Sungtaek shouted belatedly and used the [Curse of Terror] on the person.

The Curse of Terror.

It was the first skill shamans learned when they advanced, a skill that instilled fear in the opponent.

Ju Sung-taek had easily subdued most of his enemies using this skill.

As soon as he cast the curse, the target would shiver in fear without fail.

Why wouldn’t the guy in front of him be any different?

But something unexpected happened.

[The opponent resisted the fear.]

[Failed to cast the Curse of Terror.]

“What? A failure?”

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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