The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 118

Chapter 118: " I am really happy , Yuan ! "

Only after the couple were out of breath , did the two separated .

" Is Xinghe here ? ", Ningtao asked .

" Yes "

" How did she react ?! "

" She was jumping like a kangaroo ! If I wasn't your husband , she wouldn't have allowed me to step into this room ! ", Lu Wei smiled .

" Call everybody in. I want to see them. ", Ningtao said .


Soon , the entire family were chatting happily inside the hospital ward .

" Sis-in-law ! I will write some lullaby and baby songs for the child. Okay ?! ", Xinghe said .

" Okay ! "

" And I am going to spoil him or her so much... that you two will cry almost everyday ! ", Songyan chirped.

" By the way , do you want boy or a girl ? ", Zhi Bo asked.

" Anything ! ", both Ningtao and Lu Wei said together .

" I want a cute little Ningtao ! ", Songyan declared .

" No ... a little , calm and chubby Lu Wei will look more cute ! ", Zhi Xi refuted .

" Let's have twins then ! ", Rong Xinghe clasped her hands excitedly .

" That is not upto us , kiddo ! ", Su Rogguang rolled his eyes .

" But who will the child love more ?! ", Mo Zixuan asked .

" Me ! ", the entire family shouted in unison as they got into their little bickering .

Ningtao and Lu Wei looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

These little sweet arguments were going to happen for the next nine months , they thought .

And these silly chitter-chatters were going to make these months more special .


" Sir ... you called me ?! ", Lu Wei's manager knocked on the door .

" Hmm ... Cancel my all the meetings that are going to take place abroad for the next one year. And , from now on , I am going to do most of my work from home. So , make proper arrangements. Alright ?! ", Lu Wei informed .

The man nodded and left. He had a rough idea of what was going on because lady boss was sitting on the hospital bed and even the CEO Zhi and Military Chief were there.

It was not that much tough to guess.

Meanwhile , Ningtao's heart melted when she saw her man's concern for her .

This person was the biggest strength she had ! He was there for her whenever she needed a shoulder to lean on and cry. He was the only reason that she and her mother were on speaking terms. He was the only person who believed in her when she told him about her desire to act. He had been her personal manager since then and had helped her reach the pinnacle of Entertainment Industry !

Every fight they fought , they fought it together .

This one ... was no different .

He was prepared to put his entire business on hold for her.

With every passing day , she felt that she was in love with him more than before .

Ningtao , didn't knew when , but amidst these memories , tears of happiness escaped her eyes .

" You are making the soon-to-be-mother cry , Bro Lu ! ", Rong Xinghe pulled the man's collar and made him sit on the bed ," Calm her down however you can ! "

One look at her , and he knew what his wife was thinking .

Lu Wei caressed the woman's cheeks lovingly as he wiped the tears before he turned around to look at the unnecessary people .

" Get out , everyone ! ", the man said in irritated tone .

" Come on guys ! The ones who are not interested in the steamy scenes that are going to take place now , please follow me ! ", Rong Xinghe rushed out followed by the rest of the family .

" HAHAHAHA ! This girl ... Such a dirty mind she has ! ", Ningtao burst out laughing when she heard the girl .

" I know ... ", Lu Wei smirked , " ... but she was right about 'steamy scenes' part ! "


Evening , SLV Night Club :

" Yo Xinghe ! Why did you called me here ?! And you are not even in your 'Lu Xi' get up. Whatsupp ?! ", William questioned the girl who was in a jolly mood .

" I called you to celebrate "

" Celebrate what ? ", the man was confused .

" I am going to become an aunt ! ", the girl smiled.

" What ?! Who is it ?! Bro Al or Bro Rogguang ?! ", William was flabbergasted .

" Wait ... they both are not even married. "

" What is the connection between marriage and pregnancy ?! I guessed them because they both are quite good with flirting and has had the most relationships. ", William shrugged.

" Its Bro Lu "

" F*ck ! Really ?! That's awesome ! I will treat you tonight. ", the man jumped excitedly .

" No I will treat you ! "

" No I will ! "

At this time , two hands landed on the girl's waist as a deep soothing voice resonated throughout the club , " What's the bickering all about ?! "

" Hey Yuan ! Whatsupp man ?! ", William smiled while the girl stood frozen as she stared at the man and his three followers .

Was he here to crash the party ?!

After sometime , everyone was drunk to their limits except Xi Yuan. He had to drop the girl home safely , after all. Xi Wei had even slept on the couch of the club while Xi Ying was dizzy and had rested her head on Xi Fang's shoulder who was himself quite tired. William had went on the dance floor to enjoy himself .

Only Xi Yuan and Rong Xinghe were left. The girl was herself a little drunk and was staring at the dance floor .

All of a sudden , the girl stood up and started going towards the dance stage but she stumbled and Xi Yuan quickly caught her.

" I want to dance ! ", the girl protested in the man's arms .

" Let's dance together ? ", the man asked.

" Okay ! "

Both the people walked on the stage and became a part of the rowdy crowd .

But after dancing on a jazz song for a while , the song changed into a slow soft one .

Rong Xinghe pouted angrily because she was yet to dance to her fullest but at this time , Xi Yuan pulled her closer to him and swayed his body along with her .

For some unknown reason , Rong Xinghe liked that , so she rested her head on his shoulder as their bodies moved in a sync.

It was a classic couple dance step but it looked like it was just Xi Yuan who was handling the girl as she was simply leaning on him.

" Yuan ! Bro Lu is going to be a father , you know ? ", the girl said.

" That's amazing , Xinghe ! ", the man said calmly. She was telling this news for the 17th time now .

" I am really happy , Yuan. My brothers deserve every happiness. This child will bring a very good luck for its parents. I know that ! "

" Yes ... your brothers deserve every happiness. ", the man caressed his girl's hair lovingly , " Okay ! Lets take you home ?! "josei

" Okie dokie ! "

The man pulled out his phone and informed his chauffeur to take Xi Ying , Xi Fang , Xi Wei and William to his apartment before he carried his girl to his Black Maybach .

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