The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 125

Chapter 125: The bitter irony of this society

Next day ,

Just like Rong Xinghe had predicted , Country N's Government and Military made a statement to the media that since Rong Xinghe had affected the feelings of citizens of both the nations adversely , her six brothers couldn't be any better than her .

After all , they were the ones who had brought her up .

So they requested that any family member of such a person should not be allowed to acquire the influential position such as the General Representative for Country X in UNESCO. Apparently , it was too dangerous .

Hence , Country N ended up appealing for Zhi Bo's resignation from his post .


But an hour after Country N's statement was released , Country X's Military also called for an urgent press conference !

Soon , In the Press Briefing Room of Military Chief Office :

Many journalists and camera operators were waiting for Rong Xinghe's arrival with toxic intentions of identity shaming. Their target was not just Rong Xinghe but also her six pillars of strength. After all , these seven people ranked at the top , no matter whatever they did or whichever profession they were associated with .

Worst part was , that despite being such famous public identities and having media surveillancing their every move , the Black sea of cameras could still not find any dirt on any of them .

So , although Country N had targeted just Zhi Bo , the media was ready to tear apart everyone associated with Rong Xinghe !

Shortly after , Rong Xinghe arrived in front of the evilly hunting gazes and silently walked in front of the podium and tapped the mic twice before speaking in a cold and intimidating tone complimenting her authority ," Please ask every question one by one. Only then will I answer. "

The reporters were slightly taken aback by the woman's confidence as they looked at each other with muddled expressions. Wasn't she supposed to have a guilty approach at such a point of time ? How come she was so confident ?

" Military Chief ! Are the photos of you kissing Country N's Military Chief's son true ? "

" Nope "

" But we have discussed the authenticity of these images with the experts. Are you trying to deny that Military Chief ? Don't you feel any shame for revealing your body to an enemy for the benefit of power ?!", a female reporter who had gotten married not too long ago was infuriated. She , obviously , hated the people who made such a pure relationship , a mere thing of benefit and pleasure.

" I refuse to believe that the journalists of this nation do not know the limits of their tongues ! Is this how the media is supposed to address one of the highest positions of the country ?! ", Rong Xinghe glared coldly at the young lady , who had started to involuntarily tremble by the icy words.

Rong Xinghe then turned to look at Shou Wu ," Note down her name ! "

The entire Briefing Room fell silent as they reflexively removed all the offensive words from their minds .

" Can the Military Chief explain the photos please ?! ", another reporter asked after sometime .

Rong Xinghe took a deep breath before she started providing details ," It was not a kiss but an attempt of sexual harassment. "

What ?

Every journalist was shocked when they heard the two words 'sexual harassment' ?

How could it be ?

Did that mean that she was a victim in this entire plot ?

This conference was streaming live in every corner of the world , so millions of people were intrigued by such a shocking revelation. They were now keen to see the second face of the coin .

The girl continued ," Of course , with my combat skills , it was impossible for him to get away with his intentions. This had happened after the United Defense Summit when I was waiting for my car. Well ... I know that my words won't speak louder than the proof I have. So let's just get over with it. Since this was a game of camera angles , then there can surely be two cameras. Officer , please show them the video ."

A soldier nodded and connected a pen drive to the projector and the big screen lit up to reveal a scandalous video !

In this video , the son of Country N's Military Chief had grabbed Rong Xinghe's right arm forcefully as blood flowed down his mouth and he seemed to be angry .

Rong Xinghe's back was clearly facing the camera but she could be identified because of the unique Military Uniform on her body.

But this was not the shocking part. The shocking part was that Rong Xinghe had taken out her revolver from her waistband belt holster by her free left hand after tucking her phone into her pocket !

The video clip lasted for merely five - six seconds .

Rong Xinghe turned around to face the media again as she replied ,"This is a small clip of the CCTV footage from the camera in the adjacent street to the venue of the event. I am guessing some of you might even falsify this video. But why would I want to kill my 'lover' or 'benefactor' , as per you say ? Anyway , its fine if no one believes it. I always keep an option B. "

The girl then nodded towards Shou Wu and as if on cue , he walked towards the podium and played an audio recording .

{{{ " Military Chief Rong. One night. Name your cost "


" Who the f*ck do you think you are ?! And what the f*ck do you think you can do to a man ?! Let me tell you one thing. I can strip you right here ! I can **** you right here on this very street !!! Just because you are a crappy Military Chief of a crappy country doesn't mean that you can hide the fact that you are a woman. I am a man and I can f*ck you right here ! " }}}

The moment the recording stopped , entire briefing room erupted into heated discussions !

This was such a breaking news !

What a scandal ?!!

She was a victim in the whole scenario , yet she was the one who was being judged , insulted and defamed ruthlessly while the person guilty was being praised in his country for ruining the honor of Country X.

This was matter of immense shame for Country X because it was their fault to not trust their own daughter .

But then again , this was the bitter irony of this society where women were judged and men were unaffected by such situations .josei

But who did they thought this woman was ?

This woman was not a pushover. Everything she did , she did it for a reason

And their was a very calculative reasoning behind this press conference as well.

The real mercilessness of Rong Xinghe was yet to be seen .

She was going to tell the entire Country N , who the real boss was !

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