The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: " I am proud of the person you have become after that "

Thirteenth birthday ....

She had just entered her teenage when that incident had happened to her !

She had just won the title of 'Voice of the World' when she had went through this !

The moment when she should have had been celebrating her success , was the moment when she was struggling for survival !

The day when she was to cut the cake of her birthday turned into the day when she was lying lifelessly on these cold railway tracks !

No wonder she came there on her every birthday .

Xi Yuan felt like thousands of arrows had been stabbed into his heart , all at once. Could someone be really so ruthless to their own flesh and blood?!

Rong Xinghe saw the man's aching expression and sighed. It seemed he really liked her .

But the girl didn't stopped telling about the incident .

She wanted him to know about this and didn't wanted to bottle up anything inside her in front of him .

But unlike the emotionless tone she had earlier , her eyes welled up and her throat choked when she said the next words ," I was lying there for an entire night Yuan. I screamed and I cried but no one came. As I told you , this is one of the most isolated locations of Country I. There was not ev ... even a soul. It was just me. I could feel my blood flowing out of my back , my legs and my head. I ... I couldn't even sit , let alone crawl to the nearby hospital.

" I screamed m ... my six brothers' names. All of them still regret that they were not there for me at that time. That was the most painful night I ever had. It w .. was so much pain Yuan. I was very weak ... then. Very very weak. I lied there for four hours. Four compl .. complete hours ! I endured the pain which could never be described for four freaking hours. You know I even begged god to kill me , rather than letting me go through those four hours like that .josei

" After that , I fainted from all the crying and pain. Maybe after that , some locals found me and took me to the hospital. It ... It was now that my brothers were informed about my situation.

"It was difficult for Bro Mo and Bro Su to come as they were in America and had to go through a lot of legal formalities before flying off for Country I. But my other four brothers arrived as soon as they could.

" The doctor declared that I might be in vegetative s .. state for my entire life and that they had the option of turning my ventilator off. They refused. They believed that their ki ... kiddo was a fighter and that she would never leave them .

" Can you believe this ? I have no blood relation with any of them , yet th...they cared for me more than my own Rong family.

"I had had been in vegetative state for t .. two complete months Yuan. During these two months , I could hear everything that happened around me.

" Yuan ... there had been not even a single day when I had not heard my br .. brothers' voice. Each and everyone of them chatted with me everyday. They told me about everything that was going on in their life. I h .. had even heard my str ... strongest brothers , Bro Lu and Bro Zhi Xi breakdown while they sat beside me. Bro Al h...had even pleaded and begged me to wake up. Bro Mo , he had even stopped eating properly. He skipped his meals and worked endlessly just so he could protect me when I would wake up. Bro Su and Bro Zhi Bo were no less .They didn't allowed Xiao Xiao to visit Country X because they didn't wanted her to be traumatized by what happened to me. But she also video called me every day.

" Those two months ... were difficult for all of us. For me , Xiao and the six men in my life .

"But when I woke up two months later , they were really very happy. Although , I couldn't walk and it was still unknown if I could ever do that again , they were just overjoyed by the fact that I could talk to them.

" I never stepped into Rong Family Mansion after that , though. I left everything for my six bros to handle. I hate all of them so much that I never want to see them again ! And I swear to god Yuan , if they ever return back in my life , I will destroy them. I will destroy them for hurting my brothers so much. You know who had planned that entire incident ? My grandparents. That's why I had earlier said that you were lucky as your grandparents , at least , loved you.

" Now you know why my bond with my bros is so strong ."

Xi Yuan had no words to say anymore. What could he say ?

None of the men had any blood relation with the girl , yet they loved her so much. All of a sudden , his respect for the the six men had increased hundred folds .

After everything she had gone through , their concern and protectiveness for her was not unreasonable .

And now that he thought about it , it must have been her loneliness and desire to loved by a family , that she got into relationship with Zhou Che .

Alas !

Excluding these six people and their wives , every person who entered in her life had hurt her pretty badly. But of course , no one could compare to those shameful Rongs .

One thing was for sure , it wasn't going to be just Xinghe who would destroy those bastards if they were to ever reappear again .

The man and the woman remained silent for sometime before the man separated her from himself and wiped the tear drops from her cheeks , "Its alright. I know that you don't ever want to forget that incident again and that's why you come here every year. That's completely normal. Horrifying past can never be forgotten and I have experienced this myself. But never let that haunt you. You are an extremely strong woman to get through that. Don't let that go. Ever. I am proud of the person you have become after that. And so are your brothers and sister-in-laws. Always remember that. Hmm ? "

The girl simply nodded in a daze .

He was proud of her ?

That felt very ... warm .

" So ... let's go back to our country. I want to celebrate the birthday of the woman I admire the most. ", the man kissed the girl's forehead and Rong Xinghe nodded .

Why did she felt like she had suddenly started having feelings for him ?

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