The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Too flawless !

Zhi Bo looked at the girl in front of him. All his anxiety vanished when he saw her confidence in him .

What was he worried about ?!

He always had this 'kiddo' besides him , no matter what !!!

She would never let anything bad happen .

He stood up and smiled back at her with confidence , " I am ready !!! Let's do this !!! "

Xi Ying was looking at the warm interaction between the two people from the sidelines .

At this time , she realised that it wasn't just Rong Xinghe who prioritised her brothers.

Even they were dependent on her .

Her opinions mattered the most to them and they spoiled her to the extent of extremity .

It was as if she was the source of confidence and hope for them.

No one would believe that none of them were connected by blood to her .

In fact , she felt that even her bonding with her brothers wasn't as strong as that of Rong Xinghe with these six men !!!


Meanwhile ,

The remaining five men were hosting the party and entertaining the guests .

Zhi Al and Su Rogguang were flirting with the female guests while Zhi Xi made small talk with his business partners .

Lu Wei was also interacting with his business associates as well as actors and actresses who were friends with his wife Ningtao.

Mo Zixuan was busy chatting with certain politicians .

At this point of time , the crowd started applauding and hooting as the groom-to-be and bride-to-be made their entry !!!

" Ahhh !!! Second master looks so handsome today !!! "

" Drool over him for the last time girl ! After tonight , he will be off the market !!! "

" Wooo !!! Why didn't he fall for me !!! I even wore that short dress for him that day !!! "

" It was exactly the reason he didn't fall for you !!! "


" Ah ! Don't worry !!! We still have Master Mo Zixuan , Dr. Su Rogguang and Third Master Zhi Al !!! "

" That's right !! They are also very handsome !! "

At this time Rong Xinghe passed from behind these women with Xi Ying.

She stopped in her tracks and stared at the girls' backs coldly. She then continued to walk as she whispered under her breath , " Dream on , Bitches ! "

Xi Ying clearly heard her sister-in-law's words as she raised her brows in surprise !

She was so protective of her brothers.

And she could even abuse !!!

That's just awesome !!!

Brother Yuan !!! You will have a hell of clean ups to do in the future !!!


Rong Xinghe went and stood besides Zhi Al while Xi Ying walked towards her brothers !

Rong Xinghe and Zhi Al started whispering something to each other as they smirked every now and then. Su Rogguang and Mo Zixuan tried to eavesdrop but the duo maintained the secrecy as if it was something extremely confidential .josei


Finally ,

The man and the woman exchanged the rings as the entire place filled with excited shrieks and applause .

" Congratulations , Second Master !! "

" May you both grow old and happy together ! "

" Congo , Ruo Cy !! "

As the six men indulged themselves in conversation , the three sister-in-laws of Rong Xinghe had a whole new level of priorities !

A waiter walked towards Xi Yuan with a cold drinks' tray .

Xi Yuan shook his head to shrug off the waiter but he insisted , " Please sir , have this lemon juice ! "

Xi Yuan felt something amiss as he picked up the lemonade glass.

Beneath it , was a piece of paper !!

The man picked up the paper as the waiter walked away .

He then opened the folded sheet and read the contents in it :

{ " Are you really here to impress her ?! Standing there all alone !!! Go and ask her for dance !!! "

~~ Songyan }

Xi Yuan took a moment to rake his eyes around the crowd as Ningtao waved at him and pointed her finger towards the direction where Rong Xinghe was chatting with Zhi Al .

Xi Yuan smiled and nodded his head as he made his way through the crowd to reach the girl .

When Xi Yuan reached them , the girl tilted her head as she looked at him confusedly .

Xi Yuan made a direct eye-contact with Zhi Al , " Can I steal your sister for the dance ?! "

Xi Ying , Xi Fang and William covered their wide-open mouths in shock !!!

Did he just asked this question to her brother ?!

What the hell ?!!

Zhi Al was about to decline when Rong Xinghe smiled brightly , " Yes ! You can !! "

Zhi Al frowned and was about to say something when he noticed Zhi Xi and Lu Wei nodding in approval .

So.... he also gave up and released the girl's hand .

Xi Yuan bent down elegantly and extended his hand mid-air as Rong Xinghe placed her delicate and fair hand onto his .

When the man and the woman reached the dance floor , almost every camera in the room was already facing them .

Why not ?!

Dance of CEO Xi Yuan of Xi Corporations and Military Chief of Country X was a breaking news in itself !

One was the heir of Xi family while the other was the princess to six most influential people of the world !!!

Each and every encounter between them was a sensation in itself !

A soft love song started playing as Xi Yuan and Rong Xinghe started performing a couple dance .

Rong Xinghe closed in on the man and whispered in his ears , " I am not that good at dance !! "

Xi Yuan smiled and replied the girl back , " Then follow my lead ! "

Saying this , the man released the girl slightly and twirled her as he started to perform a classic Waltz. In an extremely smooth and romantic manner , the duo covered almost the entire dance floor. Their rising and falling throughout the dance gave their actions a very fluid and 'floating' look.

Rong Xinghe wasn't skilled with dance but she was good at taking commands and directions. So , whatever Xi Yuan told her to do , she would do that with perfection !

The two bodies were moving in an ideal sync , that no one could point out even a single fault in any of their dance steps !

It was as if they were actually a couple and were head over heels in love with each other .

They were just too flawless !!!

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