The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: The Dark Overlord

Jay was shocked when he heard the drunkard calling him as the 'Black King'.

He wasn't able to understand of what was happening.

He was first told that his sister was kidnapped. Then he failed in getting the phone from him even when he had gotten strong and now one of his titles were being called out.

Jay went a few steps away from the drunkard and asked, "Who the heck are you? How do you know that name!?"

"Me?", the drunkard grinned when he said that.

He then gulped somemore alcohol and said, "It doesn't matter who I am... the real question is - 'Whi are you?'!"

Jay was being confused even more. His questions weren't being answered and more than that he was being asked questions.

"Who am I?", Jay thought for a few minutes about the question which the drunkard posed.

"I'm Jay, what's there to it?", he replied casually as if it wasn't some big deal.

But the drunkard shook his head and said, "No, what I meant to ask is - 'Who is the Black King?'!"

Jay finally understood his question but he didn't have any answers to it because he himself didn't know about it.

He had been given many things such as the title of the Black King and his crown, but who exactly was the Black was a big question in Jay's mind which resurfaced right now.

He was just standing there wondering what a black king truly was when suddenly the drunkard said, "Haha, maybe you aren't ready yet... *hic hic*"josei

The Drunkard was getting hiccups due to drinking too much.

"Ready? Ready for what?", Jay didn't understand what the Drunkard meant.

"Haha, what I mean is, you haven been awakened yet!", the Drunkard laughed like crazy and said this.

"Huh?", no matter what the Drunkard said, Jay's confusion didn't cease.

Instead he was getting even more puzzled and shocked the moment the Drunkard opened his mouth.

"But whatever, for a 'KING' to be so weak... it's really a pity.", the man sighed while saying this.

"What do you mean? King? Weak?", Jay asked.

The Drunkard looked towards Jay and said, "It's not the right time to tell everything... but I think you can know at least one thing..."

Jay was ready to hear what he was going to say keenly.

"You are not the only king in this land... 5 more are waiting for you who are far superior than you... you aren't even equal to their shadow!", the man paused after saying this.

Jay's eyes were bulged and he understood what the man wanted to tell.

'Is he mentioning about the other proxies?', he thought.

He then lifted his gazes up only to find that the man had already vanished from the place.

"Huh? Where did he go? And my sister?", he immeditely took out his phone and called his sister again.


Just by 1-2 rings, his sister picked up.

"Hello brother...?", she said since she had his number saved.

"Sera! Are you alright?", Jay asked in panic.

"Eh? Yes I'm perfectly fine but what's this about?", she was shocked to hear the question and his voice which was too deep as if he was worried.

"Ah! Nothing... I was just thinking something...@, immeditely after saying this he hung up without speaking anything else.

"He hung up? That's weird...", after saying this she became busy in chatting with her friends while texting.

"This is totally crazy... I'm sure that the Drunkard was having Sera's phone but right now Sera has it... what's going on!?", the confusion kept on increasing.

His heart beat was increasing too.

"Shit! I forgot to check that man's status!", he cussed himself because he kissed an opportunity to look into someone so strong.

He knew that he was already strong enough to degradation many beasts and monsters, even those that were S rank, but right now he wasn't able to touch a single Drunkard.

"He can't be some ordinary person...", he said this.

Then he looked at the surrounding and confirmed that there was no one around and immediately went back to his room.

He disabled the stealth mode which he had activated earlier in order to prevent the drunkard from noticing Wolfy.

Then he locked his door and sat on the bed slowly and started thinking.

'I am the weakest? I haven't been awakened yet?', he was thinking all these things.

It seemed as if the Drunkard has impacted his thinking for some reason.

Whatever he said was revolving in his mind.

"Who...? Who is this Black king?", he asked himself when suddenly he heard a voice.

"Hehe, black king? He is the ruler of Darkness, the conqueror of all the land, leader of the seas!"

Suddenly Jay started hearing the same female's voice which had disappeared since earlier.

"He is someone whose powers cannot be compared! Necromancer, Mage, warrior, Knights, assassins etc etc, no mater who it was, no one could defeat him."

The voice was deepening and it seemed as if it was quite proud and enthusiastic while saying this.

Jay was getting goosebumps while imagining and listening to everything that was being told.

"Everything was just like dusts in front of him which couldn't even be worthy of his feet!", suddenly the voice paused for a moment.

"Huh..? What hap-", just as he was about to ask he was able to hear the voice again.

"He is the unbeatable, immortal! Ruler or eternal darkness... THE DARK OVERLORD!"

Jay got chills the moment he heard that name. It felt somewhat familiar to him too and he could also remeber something.


It seemed as if there was some memory stored in his head which had been sealed for some reason.

But he was able to see a few glances of it.

Many monsters were being slain, many were surrendering themselves and bowing.

The entire place was on fire, and everything seemed to have been destroyed.

It was some weird place which was in ruins.

All the supreme beings which included Angels, Dragons, Fairies and even Gods and goddesses of various elements lowered their heads.

A single thrown was in front of them and someone was climbing the stairs that led towards the thrown.


"UHH!!!", Jay shouted.

"Arghhhh!!! My head!!! It's going to crack!!!!", he screamed again and again due to the immense pain which suddenly started for him.

"Stop thissss!!!!", the pain was unbearable and it kept on increasing minute by minute.

Due to this scream Wolfy was already awake and was looking at Jay.

"Master...?", it wasn't able to understand what to do.

For some reason in his eyes, Jay's body seemed warmer than usual. It was as if his internal heat had been increasing and sandy able to escape his body.

"Master!!!", the wolf pup screamed and immediately forged a Portal which appeared exactly on top of Jay's head from which extremely cold icy water came flowing.


Jay was entirely drenched.

"Wolfy!!!? What was that for!?", he immediately looked towards Wolfy and scolded him.

"I'm sorry Master, but you looked like you needed help so I... woof...", Wolfy's face got gloomy because this was the very first time when it was scolded in such a way.

"Huh...?", Jay realised that his pain had indeed vanished.

"What the...", he scratched his head and checked again onky tk fine that hisnpain has really vanished.

"How did this happen?", he asked himself.

He turned his faces towards Wolfy only to find it sad. He walked towards it and patted it.

"I'm sorry, I was just joking... you really did help me.", he smiled while looking at it.

"Really Master? Woof woof", the pup seemed to be a bit better right now.

"Yes...", after saying this he put the pup down.

The pup wasn't able to understand anything and immediately went close to Jay and slept near him.

"Good night Master...", after saying this he fell asleep.

'Eh? He wished me good night?', Jay was shocked cause Beast usually don't follow what humans do.

But it seemed as if the Wolfy could understand what to say and do after seeing Jay for quite some time.

'But right now that's not the problem...', Jay was indeed worried about something else.

It wa about the images that flashes in his eyes right now. He continuously asked himself about those but wasn't able to know what they were.

"Something to whom even the dragons were bowing...? And Akaluman?", he had indeed seen the black dragon akaluman in the pictures.

Even the great dragon akaluman had his head lowered.

"Who was he...?", all he could see was dark boots that seemed like that of a Knight!

He couldn't see anything else because his head started to hurt for reasons unknown.

"And where did the voice vanish now all of a sudden?", he asked himself while staring at blank space.

"Oh well, I'll think about those tomorrow... for now let's sleep...", he didn't worry about the surrounding which was so quiet.

He knew that they might have been either given holiday or might have been evacuated to other schools. Right now all worried was about 3 things - 'The Drunkard', 'The Voice' and finally 'The DARK OVERLORD!'


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