The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 107

Chapter 107: The Sky Dungeon - Part 1

"What did you say? Can you repeat it?", Jay asked with a surprised tone.

He thought that he heard wrong and asked her to repeat herself again because what she told was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Eh...?", sera was confused by seeing Jay's reactions.

"Is something the matter Brother?", she asked.

Jay without listening to her, moved closer to her and grabbed her hands and asked, "Just tell me the thing that you said a moment ago!"

For some reason Jay was completely tensed andbstreswed out.

"I... I just asked...", Sera was even more shocked on seeing the sudden change in Jay's behaviour.

"Ya tell me! Repeat it again now!"

Sera couldn't see Jay in such a panicked state so she said, "I asked who this 'BLAKE MING' or 'ARKO ORD' was...."

"Huh...?", Jay was confused when he heard her the second time.

"B-Blake Ming?", Jay asked with a surprised tone.

"Ya... he kept calling us for some reason so many times and aaa telling that he knew you so I asked..."

"Oh...", Jay sighed.

"He was talking about something called Arko ord which I couldn't understand that's why I asked... is something wrong Brother?", she asked with innocent look because she indeed didn't know what they were actually.

"Oh no no... you didn't do anything wrong... it's just that...", he couldn't possibly tell that he misheard her.

"Food is ready! Come quick!", his mother shouted from the other room.

"Oh, the food is ready, let's go!", he evaded her questions and immediately rushed out of the room.

"What happened to brother? He is behaving in a weird manner... what is this arko ord?"

Jay rushed toward the dinning table that was placed where the food was ready.

He washed his hands and sat down in order to eat the delicious meal that was prepared.

Just as he put the first bite in his mouth, the flavour that flourished made him remember the old times when he used to eat daily from his mother's hands.

"Delicious as always...", he said.

Soon Serena too arrived and started eating too and so did their mom.

But Jay spaced out while he was eating.

'Did I really hear it wrongly?', he thought.

'Hmm, it might have been because I have been thinking about those things a lot', he thought.

"Sigh...", he finished his meal and immediately stood up and walked to wash his hands.

Then he returned to the bed room and lied down while waiting for Serena to come back.

"It has really been weird these days... especially those things that I have been seeing...", he was talking about the glimpse of the battle of dragons.

'I wonder what is going to happen...', he turned towards his left side and watched the window while saying this.

'I am meeting so many people who are extraordinarily strong... I am still too weak...' he thought.

He thought that those all were just some weird coincidences but little did he know that it was a phenomenon that was occurring.

A phenomenon where a strong was attracting the stronger ones and that was why they were netting so often.

Serena entered the room soon and walked towards Jay.

Jay glanced at her and smiled and both of them started talking which didn't cease until it was evening.

It was soon 7 PM when both of them finally fell asleep because they were exhausted after talking a lot.

Jay was not particularly exhausted but he wanted to sleep too since it has been quite some time since he had slept in his own home.

He slept peacefully while his mom came and looked at them and remembered some of the past.

"They both look good...", after saying this she just moved back to the kicten and then looked for ingredients in order to prepare dinner.

'We hav every less money right now... I don't know how we would be surviving...' she thought as most of the money was always used up in paying off the loan which she had taken earlier.

Also there were many more places form where she had borrowed money since earlier where she had to pay.

Even after working a lot by visiting many houses and working in shops overtime; the money was still insufficient.

"Sigh... I need to pay for Jay's school fees too started next month...", it was a relief for her that the school gave holidays because of the incident.

"Okay! Let's just work! No need to thinking about other stuff while working...", after saying this she started preparing dinner.


"Mom...", Jay had used Stealth mode and wanted to surprise her but after listening all that he himself was sad.

he had woke up earlier itself when she had visited him since his senses had become quite sharp because of which he could even sense anyone and anything while being asleep too!

He had also lost his sleep right now because of this.

He did have money in his bank account which had been mysteriously transferred from the reward but he couldn't take it and gf e it right now since his moth would he even more worried.

'Hmm, if somehow my rank is re-evaluated and shows that I am at least an A rank... then there won't be much a problem...', he thought.

Whatever he said was indeed true since no one would question a high ranking hunter so easily.

They would always have a sense of fear or a sens wot respect against an high rank hunter.

'The system does show that my rank A... so I shouldn't worry but I have to be tensed precisely because it is said by system...', he thought.

What he thought was indeed true because the system was working in a league of its own and its way of working wasn't being understood properly.

"Yes... tomorrow I will definitely go for re-evaluating my rank!"

"What Rank Brother...?",, Serena asked while rubbing her eyes as if she just woke up from sleep.

"Eh? Sera...?", Jay was surprised when he heard her voice.

"Yes brother... *yawns*", it seemed as if she was still half asleep.

Jay immediately changed the topic and asked, "Didn't you sleep just now? Why did you wake up so early?"

"Well brother... if I were to sleep for any longer then mom would wake me anyway for dinner... so it's better to finish the dinner right now and then go to sleep.", she said.

Jay nodded and said, "Alright, mom will prepare the dinner as soon as possible... just wait till then."

She nodded her head but immediately fell asleep again.

'Sigh... silly girl... I'll wake you up when dinner is ready.'

After saying that he too sat down in the bed and started to think about what and all he has to do the next day.


"NOOOO!!!! RUNNNN!!!!"

A loud scream was heard.


Slashing sounds and other sounds echoed.

"ESCAPE!!! WE NEED TO GET OUT RIGHT NOW!!!", said the man who shouted initially.

There were more than 20 hunters who were running away due to fear and around 3-4 more hunters who seemed to be higher ranking when compared to others were commanding and guiding.

"IMMEDIATELY! TOWARDS THE EXIT!", he shouted again while trying to fend off some beasts that were attacking but for some reason nothing seemed to be visible clearly since it was dark.

The exit was right in front of them. It was a huge door which was unlike the ideal doors.

It wa sbelueved that larger the door of dungeons, the more difficult will the raid be and it would eventually be more dangerous.


Suddenly a head which has blonde hairs got slashed and fell right in front of all the hunters that were running.

That head belonged to the leader of the raid team who was asking all of them to run initially.

"Damn fuck!!! Just dash towards the door with all your might!"

They didn't have the time to wait and open the door, all they could do is hit the door with all their force while expecting it to open.


All of them did as they were told and the door did open but unfortunately they didn't have a way to get out of it.

"V-vice leader... this..."

The one who was the second strongest of the groups from the starting was completely shocked when he saw the scenery of the outside.

"Im-impossible...", his eyes bulged opened and his mouth too.

He could hardly believe at what he was seeing.

"How the fuck did we enter this place...?"

Suddenly an attack cane from behind him which he barely avoided thanks to his reflexes which was the sharpest in his group.

All of them were trembling in fear and didn't know what to do.

They couldn't possibly have gone outside because of something that was completely unexpected.

"Vice leader..."josei

All of them had tears in their eyes.

Among them, there was a girl who was quite familiar. She was Mia who had initially accompanied Jay to the dungeon where he reviewed the powers.

She was the one who had come to help Jay and see him during his time in hospital.

She was barely just C rank back then but by repeated training and help from her brother, she somehow became a top B rank hunter.

'Why...? Why did I come here...? I should have listened to Brother...'

All she could do was stare at the vice leader who himself was scared.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE WE IN THE SKY DUNGEON!!!?", the vice leader shouted.


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