The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: The Precognition And The Survival!

'I'm pretty sure of it... something is indeed weird...', the voice captain kept on saying that as the feeling of unease kept on growing strong.

Mia stayed with him since she thought that the Vice captain's instincts couldn't be wrong.

She just sat near him on a rock that was kept there.

He raised his guard even more and kept on looking here and there while others were relaxing and chit chatting slowly with each other.

Suddenly he felt something strange yet again and when he took a oook towards the members, there were only 11 left.

'Huh...? I... I am sure, they are vanishing...', he was about to shout and alert all of them about this when suddenly the man who wanted attentions from others, started shouting.


All of them turned towards the sound only to find that the man was missing.

'I knew it... something was wrong!'

"Guys!!!", he shouted and all of them reflexively lived back.

Mia was also shocked when she heard the suddenly scream.

"What happened?", they asked.

"That man... he is missing!", the Vice Captain said.

All of them took a notice that what he said was indeed right and the one who told them that the Vice leader had made a mistake was missing right now.

"Hurry!!! It isn't safe there!", he shouted immediately after which all of them started running towards where the Vice Captain was standing when suddenly they all paused.

"What happened!!? Why aren't you running?", he asked.

"We don't know... our legs...", they themselves weren't aware of the reason as why they paused.

"Vice leader!!!! Their legs have...", mia was shocked when she said this to the Vice leader while pointing out her finger and showing him their legs which had turned into stone.

"This...", he too was shocked and didn't know what to do.

If he were to go that way then without a doubt he would be in much more danger and without a doubt his legs would have also turned into stone.

That would essentially mean that he would be throwing his life as if it wasn't any worth.

He wasn't ready to do something like that since he too had a family and he could Lindt afford to leave his family alone.

However he was a kind hearted man and his kindness took over his brain.

It seemed as if he listened to his heart and ran towards them in order to help them.

Mia was in no state to decide the right move so she too followed him thinking that whatever he would do is right since her trust in him had been built from the moment he saved all of them.

He ran with all his might towards them when suddenly my his body moved on its own and forced him to jump.

Thanks to that he survived an attack which passed below him.

Some sparks were seen when the attack passed. It seemed like something was being rubbed in the floor.

He then momentarily turned back and shouted, "Wait there!!! Don't come here!!!"

The command was directed to Mia and the moment when she heard that, she paused running.

The Vice leader then immediately rushed near them in order to lift them up using his strength and he successfully lifted 3 of them at the same time.

He could see a like that had been formed after the spark and assumed that it safe on the otherside.

He had to somehow move them to the otherside that would allow them to be safe for the moment so he dashed towards that area while carrying 3 girls who were B rank hunters on his shoulders and back.

He had asked one of them to grab his back since he could carry only two.

'Please, I'm believing in you...', he was saying this to his instincts in his mind.

He rushed with all his light and even before he knew, he successfully reached the other area.

The moment he reached that place, he dropped them slowly and ran back to help them.

Mia pulled the 3 who were brought to this side and moved them to a better area.

U fortunately their legs were still pertirfied and because of that they weren't able to move on their own.

The man rushed and brought 3 more people out of which 2 were girls and one was a boy who was actually the camera man.

Now 4 more people remained on the other side out of the total 11 that were left.

The scream had subsided long ago and this the Vice leader didn't count the other man who wanted attraction since he had already given up on him.

He again dashed towards the area where all four of them were standing.

They were having a smile on their faces too because they thought that they could be saved.

The Vice leader again did the same and could carry a maximum of 3 people and only one boy was left behind.

"Wait... why am I the only one you are leaving here?", the boy screamed.

He thought that the Vice leader was doing discrimination because he was a boy and the remaining 3 whom he carried just now were girls.

But he wasn't doing anything of that sort, it was just a matter of distance. The ones that were closer to him got the opportunity to be picked up first and the ones that were behind had to wait.

The Vice leade didn't listen to him since he didn't have much time as each and every moment his life too was in danger.

"Huff huff, he was sweating and panting too becaus it wasn't just an easy job what he was doing.


'Just a few more steps...'

He jumped from a bit behind and landed on the other side successfully and put the theee of them down who were again pulled by Mia and placed at a safer and better place.

The Vice leader prepared himself to save the last man who was left but the man didn't cease his screaming.

"Come fast you bastard!!! Save me!!!", it seemed as if he was the one who was ordering the Vice leader.

But regardless of his taunts and screams, it was his responsibility to help them so he dashed towards the area.

"Eh...!?", suddenly the eyes of one of the girl who was rescued by the Vice leader started to shine with green light immediately after which she used her ability.

Weird and small plants started originating from the ground and wrapped the Vice leader completely while rendering him immobile.

"W-what the fuck is this!!!?", the Vice leader shouted.

He wasn't sure what those Vines were and from where they appeared but others had the idea of what was happening since they could clearly see that the girl was doing that.

The man on the other side who was shouting since earlier could also see it clearly and this he shouted, "The fuck are you doing?"

The Vice leader could figure out about the situation so he somehow turned his head Back in order to see what had happened when suddenly he felt some weird heat from behind him.

He heard a loud scream, "AHHHHHHHH"

The turned his head back towards the direction where the man was standing only to find a huge wall of fire.

It seemed as if the fire had spread through the other area which burned the man to death.

The scream didn't cease for a while and the fire kept burning.josei

She slowly released the Vice leader when the scream ceased but the tire was still burning.

"What just... happened?", the Vice leader was completely confused while looking at the situation.

It was the same for the others too who were too surprised to even know what happened.

The Vice leader slowly turned back and walked towards where all of them were resting only to find the girl who used the vines, lowering her head.

"You... why... and how...", he couldn't even ask a question properly since he himself was too shocked to know the incident since he just escaped death.

"I don't know... I just... saw a scene where the fire wall emerged out of nowhere and I instinctively used the vines...", she said in a low voice.

He slowly patted her head and asked, "Then why are you lowering your head? Didn't you just save me?"

She raised her head suddenly because the treatment which she received from him was quite different from what she was expecting.

She smiled a bit and said, "Ya."

All of them were a bit relaxed right now since they were out of danger for a moment.

They didn't even think about the death that had just happened since that was some unpleasant memory which they almost instantly forgot about.

"Hmm... now we need to be extra careful since anything could happen and I guess we need your help...", he asked the girl who had used the vines earlier.

"Me...?", she asked with surprise.

"Yes... I guess you have gained a skill and your precognition or further seeing ability will be helpful...", he said.

"Yes...", she took a deep breath and prepared herself to help them when suddenly they heard Mia shout.

"I don't know if it's me or if it's really happening but it seems like the fire is coming towards us!!!"

All of them almost instantly took a look at the fire wall but they couldn't fell any changes but when the Vice leader saw the ground, he could see that the fire had already occupied the area where the vines' marks were left.

"IT IS REALLY COMING OUR WAY!!!", he shouted in order to alert them.


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