The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: Exit The Ruins

Jay wore the locket around his neck and then waited for Rick.

He initially searched Jeff's pockets but found nothing useful as it seemed like Jeff was too arrogant.

Though Jay didn't care much about it and just turned a blind eye.

He wanted to burn his body at the least but then again he thought that he had no reason for paying such a respect to someone who tried to actually kill or oppress someone as young as Rick.

He was wondering other things and then took the chance to take a look at the system norificwtions that he had ingnored earlier.


[ Congratulation]

[ You have completed the mission - Save the Dark blacksmith's apprentice ]

[ Rewards:

1] 100 stat points.

2] HP Recovery potion x3

3] MP Recovery potion x3


Jay didn't express any feeling in particular. Though he was a bit disappointed, he thought that gaining something was at least better than losing everything.

Also, the potions were quite valuable as they would help in mana situations.

'But I still don't understand...'

He still had one big doubt in his mind.

'How was I able to inflict such an immense amount of damage on them?'

Without a doubt he had felt earlier that their auras were similar to that of Makruin to defeat whom he has almost perished.

It should have been the same right now too. More than that, he could end up dying as there were two of them in front of him.

But he ended up defeating them even though their powers were quite higher than him.josei

It was around 10-20 times more than him. Though he didn't check their chats or probably forgot to check, he knew it for sure that they were too powerful for him to gave them which he had realised outside itself.

'How...?', no matter how much he thought, he never got an answer to his question.

"Sir Jay...", Rick called out to Jay.

Jay immeditely turned back when he heard him and then took a look at the bag which Rick was holding onto.

"What's in that?", Jay asked as he was intrigued.

"Ah, it has some other pairs of clothes...", Rick answered.

Jay understood what he said and then immediately looked towards the sky only to find that it was around 6-7 Am right now.

"We need to leave right away.", Jay said.

Rick nodded his head and agreed to his saying.

"But, how will we go?", Rick asked.

"And where will we go?"

He wasn't much sure about it because he has no idea about the outside world.

The one or two times that he has gone out was to get some clothes. Other than that, every necessity of his was provided by the Dark Blacksmith.

"Well, we will be going to the country of Lousil.", Jay said.

"Lousil?", Rick asked.

Jay nodded his head. He basically told the country in which he was living right now whose name had been updated just 1-2 years ago.

"Alright! Let's go!", Rick seemed excited and enthusiastic to explore the outside place.

'Hmm, looks like he has cried enough... it's better that he smiles this way.'

Jay then looked towards him and then smiled. He then thought about a way to go.

'Should I use the wings of the Wyvern to fly?', he was in a bit of confusion right now as he didn't know if that would have been the best thing to do right now.

'What do I do...?'

Though there wasn't much problem with using the wings of Wyvern, he was worried about the MP being running out.

Since the weight which the wings would carry would be twice that of previous time due to which the mana would definitely get consumed double the amount as earlier.

Moreover, Jay hadn't got enough time or hadn't rested enough to have recovered or restored all of his MP.

'Hmm... let's see...', he then wanted to take a look at the skills that he could use when he recalled that he had received the MP recovery potions!

"Ah! With the help of them, I guess I can!", he smiled.

Rick was confused as he stood and watched Jay speak to himself.

Though he didn't know what he wanted to do, he assumed that he was planning the route that would take the shortest time to reach.

"Okay, I've decided! Rick! Let's..."

Jay happily turned over in order to tell Rick about the way when he found rick trying to do something ridiculous.

"What are you doing Rick?", Jay asked.

"Ah, sir Jay, I wanted to take the last thing that master used...", Rick said this while trying to lift the hammer which the skeleton had used a while ago.

Though all his attempts resulted in failure, he didn't give up and kept on doing the same thing for around 5 minutes.

Jay couldn't afford to waste any more of the time.

He said, "Let me pick it for you."

Rick turned towards Jay and just nodded his head.

Jay walked towards it slowly and after arriving, trapped the handle of the hammer.

As soon as he did that, a system notification popped up.



[ You have equipped 'The Hammer Of Dark Gods' ]

[ All your stats are boosted by 1000% for a duration of 10 minutes ]

[ All your abilities have been set on active made ]

[ All the senses have been sharpened ]

[ The instincts have been modified ]



The moment Jay grabbed the hammer and read all these, he was completely shocked.

He couldn't even believe at what he was looking at.

'The Hammer Of... Dark Gods?'

Just by reading that it seemed as if his vision had been blurred.

He couldn't even fathom what was in his hands right now. Moreover he was surprised when he read the buffs and boosts that the hammer provided.

'What an item...!'

He was at a loss in words and had just paused himself in the same position.

'It's... it's too powerful... but what really is surprising that I was able to use it!'

Jay was indeed surprised by the fact that he even got to hold it in his hands.

'This is definitely crazy...', he thought.

But then he realised that it would be bad if he lost in thoughts right now so he decided to think about the reason for being able to wield it and other things later.

Now he decided to first keep the hammer in the inventory and then check on it later.

Immediately after he stored the hammer in the inventory, he turned towards Rick in order to tell him about the skill which he would be using to return, but he found that Rick was surprised completely and it seemed as if his jaws had dropped literally!

"Huh? What's wrong with you?", Jay asked.

"T-that Hammer... it vanished?", he was too shocked to even think straight.

"Ah! Don't worry! I've stored it in my sub-space and I can summon it whenever I want!", Jay justified.

"What!!? You can even used spatial magics other than teleportation?", Rick's eyes widened due to shock as if they would pop out at any moment.

"Haha... you could say that..."

Jay was not sure as to what to say but it was somewhat true. The inventory was without a doubt something related to spatial magic, otherwise there would be no place to store the things.

Though Rick was surprised and was shocked for a while, he recovered soon when Jay started to explain the process using which they would return.

"Hmm... Alright! I understood!", Rick said.

Jay nodded his head and then asked him to follow him out of the ruins.

Rick did as he was told and both of them came out of the tunnel.

"Now I'll be using the skill Accel with the help of which we would reach the coast as quickly as possible...", Jay said.

"Alright! I just need to hop on your right?", Rick asked.

"Ya, just hope on my back and hold me tightly!", Jay said immediately after which Rick jumped and the grabbed Jay properly as he was told.

Though the arms were new, they worked just like how normally the hands would do.

Regardless, Jay roo was feeling a bit weird because he failed to feel the pulse of the warmt from his arms.

"Alright, close your eyes and tell me when you are ready!", Jay said.

Rick almost instantly closed his eyes and then said, "Yes Sir! I'm ready!"

After hearing that Jay clenched his fist and bent himself a bit.

Then he said just one word - 'Accel'

Immediately as he said that, his dashed in the speed of lightning and covered a vast amount of distance in a matter of seconds.

Rick wanted to see this spectacle with his eyes but unfortunately he was told to close his eyes.

Also, he too could feel the wind blasting towards his face which could rip apart his neck at any moment if he raised it even by a bit.

That was why he duck his head instead and gripped Jay tightly.

Jay ran as fast as he could while taking a kite at his MP and stamina both of which had almost drained off.

Though it wasn't much of a tension, it could cause him to lose the time that was left to reach the hospital before his sister or mother could come and take a look at him.

"Almost!!!", he shouted while running and within a few minutes; he reached the cost.

"Huff huff!", he was panting hard because the accumulation of fatigue was too much and his stamina was almost zero.

'Just a bit more...'

While thinking that he took out the purple coloured potion and drank it.



[ You MP has been completely restored ]

[ Additional effect 1% less usage of MP has been added ]


"Wow... I didn't expect a buff from it...",Jay said after looking at the notification.

Regardless, he asked Rick to get down and then prepared himself to bring out his wings.

'Use... Wings of Wyvern!'



[ You have activated the skill 'Wings Of Wyvern' ]

[ Your... ]


To be continued...

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