The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: The Vampire Overlord

"Haha, and why is that? Why didn't you support your green dragon?"

She lowered her head and then said, "Well, that's because the red dragon has won many battles till now so it is believed that it is the strongest..."

The man nodded his head and said, "What if I tell you that the Black Dragon is the strongest...?"


Tina was shocked when she heard her brother say this. It was completely opposite of what she mentioned.

"But, doesn't the black dragon lose always? It's rank is last isn't it?"

What she said was indeed true since the black dragon was always placed at the last place and that was why it was considered as lost but the real fact was something else.

"Oh well, do you know the reason why the black dragon is in the last position?", the white haired boy asked immediately as if he was testing Tina.

"Just now I said right... it's because it lost all the battles till now! All of it's proxies were useless... maybe that's why...", Tina was a bit hesitant as she said this as she too was not completely sure.

"Haha, that isn't the correct answer Tina!", the young man laughed loudly after hearing her answer.

"Then? You know the right answer right? Spill it out! Hmph!!!"

The white haired boy nodded his head and said, "Well, the black dragon for reason unknown would never participate in the war of dragons..."

Tina didn't know about this and now that he was finally telling her, she was shocked on hearing it.

"It was believed that it is the strongest dragon from ages... but no one knows why it didn't participate in the wars nor made any proxies...", the boy smirked as he said this.

"Then Brother... why was he...", Tina was asking him about Jay because something about him was off.

"I don't know... but it indeed seems like the black dragon has decided to take part in the dragon wars..."

Both of them were also proxies to two great dragons - THE GREEN DRAGON and THE WHITE DRAGON.

Both the dragons had also survived the tough times till now and were one of the leading the dragons.

There were many more dragons but their place was unknown. However there were only 6 ranks out of which red dragon held the rank 1, the black dragon was placed as rank 6 while the white dragon was 4th and the green dragon was 5th.

There were still two more dragons who were placed at rank 2 and 3!


"Yes! I have successfully entered this dungeon but it's too dark here. I can't see properly...", Jay could hardly see in the darkness which covered the entire dungeon.

It was to be expected since most of the vampires hated sunlight and that was why there was no artificial sunlight either nor was there any gems or crystals placed that could lit the area.

"Tsk... let's use [BIRD'S VIEW]"

He instantly thought of using bird's view but that too failed since even from that view everything looked black since it was completely dark.

"Damn, even this doesn't work?", he sighed and got tensed. If he couldn't see anything then his reaction speed would be lessened.

"What do I do now?", he was thinking of a way when suddenly he heard some footsteps.

He thought of hiding but knew that it was futile since he himself didn't know where to go when he suddenly realised that he was using [STEALTH].

Thanks to that no one could see him nor touch him. They would directly pass through him and that was one advantage he had. The ones who were walking left without noticing anything.

Then suddenly everything around him was lit and the darkness disappeared.

"Huh? What the fuck?"

He was confused because the darkness faded on its own and it was as if the dungeon had completely changed.

"What's... going on?", he questioned himself for which he didn't know the answer but the system did know and hence it responded immediately.




- Due to the usage of Free Pass, the darkness faded which was a dungeon restriction code.


"Huh? That was a dungeon restriction code? If so then it should have faded the moment I entered...", he was staring at the system as if he was annoyed.

"Oh well, no need to pry right now since one of the problem is solved anyway! Let's move!!!"josei

He immediately dashed forward with full speed. He was taking a look at all the warriors that were placed at different areas. They all looked different and had different stats.

They excelled in either strength or speed or endurance or magic, but all of them had one thing in common and that was the fact that they were all vampires!!

"Is this their domain?", he thought this while he was moving in an astonishingly high speed.

"Uhhh...", he thought he had seen all the areas and finally headed further where he had to pause suddenly.

"What is this insane pressure...?", there was a large amount of pressure being created from the area that was ahead and for some reason it was so high that even Jay was being affected by it even after standing so far away.

"Weird... too weird...", for some reason the pressure was making him suffocated. He could barely walk any further.

"What could it be that is producing such large amount of pressure...?"

He unknowingly kept on walking ahead and finally reached the boss's area from where such pressure was being emitted.

He entered it to find out the cause and the moment he saw the one producing the pressure, he became speechless.

"A... a vampire and that too... a strong one!!?"

He was completely baffled when he looked at its level and that was the reason he couldn't utter any words. He looked through all the vampires so far but only this vampire was something that gave him chills down his spine.




RACE : Vampire

LEVEL : 99



HP : 6500/6500

MP : 560/1500

- Further information cannot be accessed due to host's low level.


Even if he wasn't given any more information, the provided details was more than enough to make Jay fear the vampire that was in front of him.

He was secretly spying at SEBAS, the Vampire Overlord, when suddenly the time of usage of the [STEALTH] ended which made him visible.

Tywbmoment rhat happened, his presence was clearly felt by everyone inside the dungeon since all of them were at least A or B rank vampires.

"Huh!!? Who is there? Come out right away!", he gave out a lot of killing intent which made Jay even more vulnerable.

But jay couldn't possibly stand there doing nothing even though he was engulfed by fear!

He decided to come forward and face the vampire since he believed that he could stand a chance due to the S and SS Rank Skills which he had gained earlier.

He came forward as if it was nothing and stood face to face with the Vampire Overlord.

"A human? How did a human get in here till this far without even being noticed by anyone!!!?"

All the vampires arrived and were completely taken over by the overlord's shout. They too couldn't understand how he was able to successfully hide his presence from them.

"Never mind... since you have come here... become my meal!", immediately after saying that SEBAS vanished from the position where he was standing and appeared right in front of Jay with his claws aimed at his head.

"Damn...", he noticed it very late and by the time he did the claws had almost reached his neck.

But thanks to his right judgement of using the skill [DASH] at the right time, he was barely able to dodge it.

"Wonderful... it seems that you do have some abilities...", the Overlord licked the blood that was on his fingers which had come from Jay's face that was scratched by the claw.

"Tsk, this is damn annoying...", Jay said it out loudly and immediately decided to end the Overlord since he had gained some confidence about his speed but little did he know that the Overlord was using just 50% of his powers.

"Hyaaaaa!!!", Jay pulled out the blood sword from the storage and aimed at the Overlord when he suddenly vanished and punched his stomach by appearing on his right side.


Jay was sent flying and hit the wall which cracked a bit.

"Uhhh... that hurt..."

A direct hit landed on him so obviously it would have hurt a lot since stomach was a weak spot too.

"Ha... that's it? He is just another pest like those annoying humans... kill him.", the Overlord immediately after saying that walked away towards the pool which was filled with thick blood.

It seemed as if he was going to take a bath in that in order to increase his strength and regain the MP which he had lost earlier due to reasons unknown.

All the vampires walked towards Jay in order to kill him as per the overlord's orders.

"Kekeke, prepare yourself for death... human!!!"



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