The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: The Title's Advantage And The Wolf

He had just started to think about it when suddenly all of them shouted, "ALL HAIL THE BLACK KING!!!"

The sound echoed throughout the dungeon while the walls also cracked with the amount of noise they made.

"All hail the... black king?", Jay stood clueless while being surrounded by them.

"W-what's wrong with them? What's with the sudden change of attitude?", he was surprised when he saw all of them bowing in front of him.

Even the arrogant Overlord who was trying to kill Jay a while ago was now bowing in front of him.

It was really strange for a monster to suddenly respect a human being.

"You all, why are you...", he couldn't ask it. It seemed that his throat was dry because of fear as well as the tension which he had till now.

He somehow managed to ask them after gaining some energy, "Tell me, why are you bowing in front of me?"

None of them even dared to say anything. On seeing this, Jay wanted to ask again with a more soothing voice since his voice had completely changed.

For reason unknown, his voice would deepen when he uses the Dragon's consciousness or any of the dragon's direct powers and probably that was what making the vampires fear.

"Well...", just as he was about to ask, he saw the Vampire Overlord to slowly mumble something.

"Huh? What did you say? Can you tell it loudly and clearly?"

Without realising it, he was instilling fear in them but it was not in his hands to change his voice again until the skill was deactivated.

"You are our esteemed Master, so it is our duty to boy before you."

"Haaa!!!? Master? And esteemed? What are you talking about?"

Jay was being puzzled even more. He tried to understand the exact meaning behind his words but was failing again and again to comprehend it.

He then finally decided to ask the system since that was the only way for him to know.

"System, why are they bowing to me? Am I their master?"



[ANSWER] - 1

- They are bowing in front of you since you are their master.

[ANSWER] - 2



"Ya I get that but how and when did I become their master?"

The vampires kept on lowering their head and waited for Jay's orders. They did hear him saying something but thought that he might be making some plan.




- The host has received the title of [THE BLACK KING].

- All the monsters/beasts that are borne from dark will be the Black King's Slave.



Jay stared at the answer which he got from the system for a few minutes while the vampires started to murmur some things among themselves.

"Now I get it...!!!!", he finally screamed at the top of his voice.


Suddenly the ground started to shake and so did the walls of the dungeon.

"Eh...? What's happening now...?"

The small tremor vanished instantly the way it came. Jay stared here and there and moved his gazes back towards the vampires only to find tears flowing down their eyes and their bodies shivering out of fear.

"We are sorry Master! We won't talk among ourselves again without your permission!", said a few of them.

"Huh...? Wha—", before Jay could ask what they meant to say, the Overlord of the vampires, Sebas, said, " Please be merciful my liege. I will take care of them... please forgive them this once."

Jay didn't get any opportunity to ask about the tremor which was actually caused by his shout, nor was he able to ask them the reason of their loyalty that shifted so early.

All he could do was reply Sebas, "Fine..."

"Thank you my liege."

Jay didn't pry anymore since he was already aware of the title which was told by the system. On top of that, it was advantageous to him since he wouldn't have to fight the blood thirsty vampires. Also, he could now probably rescue his sister.

He started walking closer to Sebas when suddenly both the skills got deactivated and entered their respective cool down timer.

"Hmm, tell me Sebas, why did you bring all those girls here?"

Sebas lowered his head and said, "My liege, we were ordered to do so."

"Huh? Ordered? Who ordered you?"

Sebas shook his head and said, "I am sorry my liege by I don't have any memory regarding that. The only thing I know was that I was ordered to get 39 female wolves and 39 female humans and have a bath with their blood."

"Hmm...", Jay didn't doubt him since he knew that Sebas wouldn't have any reason to lie to him.

He too started thinking of the possibility of someone asking him to do this.

"Well anyway, show me where the girls are present. You haven't done anything to them right?"

He shook his head and guided him to the cell where all the girls were placed unconscious.

Jay just looked at them to see their status and indeed he found his sister among them.

"Phew... she is safe..."

Sebas didn't understand the reason for Jay's saying so he asked, "Is something wrong my liege?"

Jay turned towards him and said, "Ya, you had kidnapped my sister..."

"N-no!!! How could I do that!!!?", Sebas gave out an instant reaction with his eyes bulged out and fear all over his face.

"I... I dared to touch my liege's sister!!!?", he wasn't able to bear the truth and immeditely brought out his claws.

"I will kill myself!!!", he aimed the claws at his neck to chop his head off when Jay suddenly vanished from his position and appeared just beside Sebas while grabbing his claw and stopping him from doing that.

"You are my property, don't you dare kill yourself without my permission!"

His eyes were shining with dark-blue light when he told this. It seemed as an order to Sebas so he immediately bowed and said, "Yes, I shall obey. Forgive me for my act that I just showed."

"Haha, it's fine.", Jay's fear has completely disappeared and now he was speaking comfortably. His cold black-blue eyes disappeared too the moment he laughed and now he was about to leave when he suddenly got an hunch.

"What did you do with the wolves?"

"I have killed them and bathed with their blood.", Sebas answered right away without hiding anything.

"Is that so? Then...", Jay turned towards another cell from which he was getting an ere feeling.

"What is inside this cell?"

There was something within the cell which had a lot of power within it. Even the system itself couldn't detect the thing that was inside.

"Oh, I guess there is a pup of the wolf."

"A pup!!?", he exclaimed.

"Yes, when we had bright 39 female wolves and were killing them, one of the wolf gave birth to a pup (baby wolf) which we didn't kill and threw it here..."

Jay understood what he said after keenly listening to his explanation. He then decided to open the cell and this asked Sebas to bring the key.

Sebas immeditely flashed the key to Jay after which he walked and opened the cell.

Jay walked slowly inside the cell to find where the pup was hiding. It was complete dark and even the free pass that bypasses dungeon's restriction code wasn't able to eradicate this darkness.

*whistle whistle*

Jay whistled while anticipating the pup to come out jut little did he know that the pup was just barely 5 days old and hadn't received any nutrition due to which it was lying unconscious.

"Tsk, why ain't I able to see here...? If only I had..."




- Use vampiric eyes /dragonic eyes to see through the darkness.

- click <<Yes>> to synchronise with the Vampiric eyes of the Vampire Overlord [SEBAS].



"Huh? Synchronisation?"

He thought for a moment and then immediately clicked on the '<<YES>>' option that was being displayed.




- You have successfully synchronised with the Vampire Overlord [SEBAS]

- You can see all his stats and use any/all skills of the Overlord.

- click on '<<YES>>' to use Vampiric Eyes.

<<YES>> / <<NO>>


"Of course YES!!!", immeditely after reading through the notification, he clicked '<<YES>>' yet again and immeditely after he did that, his eyes turned completely red.

"Cool!", that was the only thing he said when he looked through his surrounding which was much clearer thanks to the enhancement in sight.josei

But everything occurred a bit red that was a bit inconvenient.

He then turned his gazes towards the cell area and observed all the places he could when suddenly he found a small tail.

"Is that..."

He immediately moved closer to it and when looked carefully, found that it indeed was the pup that they had been talking about for so long.

"So you were hiding here...?", he immeditely extended his hand to grab him and slowly pulled it out from the small hole in which it was stuck.

"Wow... aren't you cute...?"

He pulled it out and looked at it for a while when suddeblubits status popped up without him asking.

"System... status isn't necessary right now... we can see that later! For now...", despite saying that he saw the status.

"You are kidding me... you call this a WOLF!!?"




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